DramaShare Ministries
The Amazing Secret
The Amazing Secret
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telling the message
Sample of script:
Scene opens as lights come up on four children, who are crowded around in a circle at center stage. Mandy enters at stage right and begins speaking as soon as she sees the group.
Mandy, very excited: Everyone! Everyone! I have something amazing to tell you! This is simply going to blow you away! Fact is that when I first heard about it I was just like overwhelmed!
The crowd slowly parts and forms a semi-circle, facing the audience. Mandy moves in front of the crowd.
Tracy: What, Mandy? What are you talking about?
Mandy: Oh, I just can’t believe I get to tell you this exciting news! I just can’t believe it! I mean, here I am and I get the chance to talk to you about this very incredible news! Wow! Maybe you didn’t notice but I am truly excited here!
Don: Mandy! What are you talking about?
Mandy: Huge, I tell you! This is huge! As in . . . really big! Colossal! Massive! And . . . exciting as well!
Beth: Here’s a thought. Maybe share it with us, so we can be just as excited as you!
Mandy: Actually to be truthful, this is much more than huge – this is . . . it is . . . well, without stretching the truth, this is . . . . . . . gigantic!
Tim: Gigantic! Wow! I can’t wait to hear!
Mandy: Well, fact is, there is simply no way that you should dare wait much longer to hear it, either!
Beth: What do you mean? Are you saying this is something that we have to know right away? Like urgent?
Mandy: Yes, yes, urgent, that says it well! Very urgent, the sooner you know, the better it will be for everyone.
Don: Hold on a minute, are you saying that we could be in some sort of danger if we don’t know?
Tracy: Or that perhaps we could get hurt?
Mandy: Hmmmmm. Yes, yes, I suppose that is true, you could very well be in a lot of danger if you did not know. Never really thought about it that way but guess you are right.
Tim, frustrated: Well then, if it’s so urgent, so important, what are you waiting for? Tell us! We want to know, now!
The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.
Telling the message of God's love is so important, why are we holding back?
Cast: 5 m or f
- Tracy
- Mandy
- Don
- Beth
- Tim
Bible Reference: John 3:16
Set: bare
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
Lighting: standard
SFX: none
Props: none
Costumes: standard
Special Instructions: none
Time: 20
Sample of script:
four children are in a circle onstage. Mandy stage right, speaks
Mandy, very excited: Everyone! Everyone! I have something amazing to tell you! This is simply going to blow you away! Fact is that when I first heard about it I was just like overwhelmed!
Crowd forms a semi-circle, facing the audience. Mandy moves in front of crowd.
Tracy: What, Mandy? What are you talking about?
Mandy: Oh, I just can’t believe I get to tell you this exciting news! I just can’t believe it! I mean, here I am and I get the chance to talk to you about this very incredible news! Wow! Maybe you didn’t notice but I am truly excited here!
Don: Mandy! What are you talking about?
Mandy: Huge, I tell you! This is huge! As in . . . really big! Colossal! Massive! And . . . exciting as well!
Beth: Here’s a thought. Maybe share it with us, so we can be just as excited as you!
Mandy: Actually to be truthful, this is much more than huge – this is . . . it is . . . well, without stretching the truth, this is . . . . . . . gigantic!
Tim: Gigantic! Wow! I can’t wait to hear!
Mandy: Well, fact is, there is simply no way that you should dare wait much longer to hear it, either!
Beth: What do you mean? Are you saying this is something that we have to know right away? Like urgent?
Mandy: Yes, yes, urgent, that says it well! Very urgent, the sooner you know, the better it will be for everyone.
Don: Hold on a minute, are you saying that we could be in some sort of danger if we don’t know?
Tracy: Or that perhaps we could get hurt?
Mandy: Hmmmmm. Yes, yes, I suppose that is true, you could very well be in a lot of danger if you did not know. Never really thought about it that way but guess you are right.
Tim, frustrated: Well then, if it’s so urgent, so important, what are you waiting for? Tell us! We want to know, now!
Mandy: Well, see, that’s just it. Fact is, it’s really not all that simple.
Beth: What do you mean, not that simple? Can’t you just say it? I mean, I don’t understand what’s holding you back, unless it isn’t all that important after all.
Mandy: Oh, it’s important all right! Remember what we have been saying, colossal, massive, gigantic, exciting . . . oh, it’s important all right!
Tim: I’m glad we have agreed on the importance of this . . .whatever it is. Now will you spill, tell us what this is all about!
Mandy: No, well, it’s just, you see, I was just thinking, maybe something this . . . this . . . well, huge, should really be saved for a special occasion.
Tracy: A special occasion? But if you said that we could be in danger without knowing this, then why don’t you tell us now? Why would you risk putting us in danger?
Mandy, thinking: I guess you just may have point there.
Don: Well?
Mandy: Well what?
Don, angry: Are you going to tell us or not?
Mandy: Tell you . . . tell you what, exactly?
Don: Tell us what you have been telling us about . . .
Mandy: About what? Could you be a little more clear? I’m not real sure what you are talking about.