DramaShare Ministries

That's A Revelation

That's A Revelation

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Theme:       Revelation, the very last book in the Bible. For most it is the most difficult to read, and even more, the most difficult to comprehend. So what purpose then is there in the book of Revelation? Three characters seek answers.


Bible Reference:      Revelation 20:1-6


Cast:         3 (m or f, any age)


Set, Sound, Costumes:       standard


Props:        chairs, Bible, handful of papers


Time:        5


Sample of script:


Taylor sitting on stage, reading Bible, makes notes on several pages, drops pages on the floor, picks them up, goes back to reading. After a few moments Morgan & Kim come onstage, see Taylor, cross to Taylor


Morgan:      Looks like you are busy Taylor. . .


Kim:         Looks like you are up to your ankles in paper!
Mind telling us what you are doing?


Taylor:       Well Kim, over at Elm Street Community Church we are doing a Bible study.


Kim:         Makes sense.


Morgan:      A lot of churches actually do Bible studies you know Taylor.


Taylor:       Yes, they do Morgan but this Bible study subject is gonna be a bit more difficult. We figure we have to put a real solid program together.


Kim:         Sounds serious! . . . What is the Bible study subject?


Taylor:       Revelations.


Kim:         Oh my, now that is a hardly a coffee table classic.


Morgan:      All the seals, trumpets, crowns, scrolls and golden bowls.


Kim:         Dragons, beasts, lambs, creatures. . . And horses of every color.


Morgan:      Revelation is all about doom and gloom . . . .


Kim:         And how things will take place in sequence and order. . . . Not easy reading!


Taylor:       That’s what a lot of people think, but really that’s not true. . . . It is about our victory in Christ and how we need to be faithful, no matter what!


Morgan:      All about Satan versus God, back and forth.


Taylor:       No Morgan, not back and forth at all. Satan couldn’t stop Jesus coming to earth in human form, . . .  and paying the price for the sins of all mankind.
And since he wasn’t able to stop Jesus . . . Satan’s tactic ever since has been to manipulate and discourage those who follow Jesus.


Kim:         But Revelations goes on about “death will be no more,” and that hasn’t happened.


Taylor:       Death holds no power or authority over those whose faith is based in Christ. We who belong to Jesus don’t need to fear death, knowing life in Christ is eternal.


Kim:         Revelations says we can have peace and contentment when we are in Christ. But what do we have to do to get that peace and contentment?


The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Theme:       Revelation, the very last book in the Bible. For most it is the most difficult to read, and even more, the most difficult to comprehend. So what purpose then is there in the book of Revelation? Three characters seek answers.


Bible Reference:      Revelation 20:1-6


Cast:         3 (m or f, any age)


Set, Sound, Costumes:       standard


Props:        chairs, Bible, handful of papers


Time:        5


Sample of script:


Taylor sitting on stage, reading Bible, makes notes on several pages, drops pages on the floor, picks them up, goes back to reading. After a few moments Morgan & Kim come onstage, see Taylor, cross to Taylor


Morgan:      Looks like you are busy Taylor. . .


Kim:         Looks like you are up to your ankles in paper!
Mind telling us what you are doing?


Taylor:       Well Kim, over at Elm Street Community Church we are doing a Bible study.


Kim:         Makes sense.


Morgan:      A lot of churches actually do Bible studies you know Taylor.


Taylor:       Yes, they do Morgan but this Bible study subject is gonna be a bit more difficult. We figure we have to put a real solid program together.


Kim:         Sounds serious! . . . What is the Bible study subject?


Taylor:       Revelations.


Kim:         Oh my, now that is a hardly a coffee table classic.


Morgan:      All the seals, trumpets, crowns, scrolls and golden bowls.


Kim:         Dragons, beasts, lambs, creatures. . . And horses of every color.


Morgan:      Revelation is all about doom and gloom . . . .


Kim:         And how things will take place in sequence and order. . . . Not easy reading!


Taylor:       That’s what a lot of people think, but really that’s not true. . . . It is about our victory in Christ and how we need to be faithful, no matter what!


Morgan:      All about Satan versus God, back and forth.


Taylor:       No Morgan, not back and forth at all. Satan couldn’t stop Jesus coming to earth in human form, . . .  and paying the price for the sins of all mankind.
And since he wasn’t able to stop Jesus . . . Satan’s tactic ever since has been to manipulate and discourage those who follow Jesus.


Kim:         But Revelations goes on about “death will be no more,” and that hasn’t happened.


Taylor:       Death holds no power or authority over those whose faith is based in Christ. We who belong to Jesus don’t need to fear death, knowing life in Christ is eternal.


Kim:         Revelations says we can have peace and contentment when we are in Christ. But what do we have to do to get that peace and contentment?


The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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