DramaShare Ministries

Thanks Dad

Thanks Dad

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Father’s Day Skit:   A daughter writes a letter to her father to thank him for things he has done/said, and the blessing she has received, and Dad answers back.
Uses a split stage concept

Sample of script:

(the daughter is sitting at a table on one side of the stage, with card & pen, getting ready to sign a father’s day card. The father is sitting in a rocker/recliner/chair on the other side, as if reading the card while the daughter is writing)

Daughter: OK, here we go again…father’s day…the perfect card…and this year, it only took an hour to pick it out!…not bad.

(dad sits down with a pile of mail, and opens the card)(writing on card, speaking aloud while writing)

Daughter: (writing) Dear Dad… Words cannot begin to express what I feel. From the time I was a small child, I’ve always felt secure in your love. The comfort that came from climbing into your big lap, and feeling your strong arms and rough hands hold me tight. The gentle kisses on my scraped knees. Seeing you kneel beside my bed to pray, then pulling my covers up tight around my neck.

You made me laugh, the way you were able to chase off monsters and twirl me around. You made time just to play. I now know how tired you were after working all day, but you would always pick up a crayon, and come into my world.

Dad: Unfortunately, I think it was mom who liked to color

Daughter: (writing) I know when I was older I wasn’t the ideal teenager. I got into a little trouble…I blew it a few times. (stops writing, thinking aloud) OK, well more than a few.

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

It's Father's Day. A daughter writes a letter/card to her father to thank him for things he has done/said, and the blessing she has received, and Dad answers back.  Uses a split stage concept.
Beautifully written by DramaShare friend Robyn Berdino for Father's Day.

Cast:  2

  • Daughter mid 20's to mid 30's
  • Dad mid 40's to mid 50's

Bible Reference:  Acts 20:35


  • a "split stage" where lighting and separation leave the impression that the two actors are in different locations

Lighting: 2 spots

  Sound: wireless mics if available

Song:  none

SFX: none

Costumes:  standard

Props: none

Special Instructions:

  • The daughter is sitting at a table on one side of the stage, with card & pen, getting ready to sign a father’s day card.
  • The father is sitting in a rocker/recliner/chair on the other side, as if reading the card while the daughter is writing.

  Time:     5

Sample of script:

Daughter: OK, here we go again…Father’s Day…the perfect card…and this year, it only took an hour to pick it out!…not bad.

(dad sits down with a pile of mail, and opens the card)(writing on card, speaking aloud while writing)

Daughter: (writing) Dear Dad… Words cannot begin to express what I feel. From the time I was a small child, I’ve always felt secure in your love. The comfort that came from climbing into your big lap, and feeling your strong arms and rough hands hold me tight. The gentle kisses on my scraped knees. Seeing you kneel beside my bed to pray, then pulling my covers up tight around my neck.

You made me laugh, the way you were able to chase off monsters and twirl me around. You made time just to play. I now know how tired you were after working all day, but you would always pick up a crayon, and come into my world.

Dad: Unfortunately, I think it was mom who liked to color

Daughter: (writing) I know when I was older I wasn’t the ideal teenager. I got into a little trouble…I blew it a few times. (stops writing, thinking aloud)  OK, well more than a few.

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