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DramaShare Ministries

Tenthmaker Tithing

Tenthmaker Tithing

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Cast Number

The narrator wrestles with how much to give when the collection plate comes around. He considers two extremes—one friend, Starvin’ Marvin, who gives beyond his means, and another, Doubting Tom, who hesitates to give at all.

Seeking guidance, he turns to an older, wiser friend, Trent, who asks, “What does the manual say?” Realizing Trent is referring to the Bible, the narrator recalls Old Testament teachings about tithes and offerings. Trent explains that a tithe means ten percent, but he doesn't directly tell the narrator what to do—he simply points out what Scripture says.

This conversation shifts the narrator’s perspective. While he doesn’t align with either extreme, he finds wisdom in Trent’s balanced approach, earning Trent the nickname Trent the Tentmaker.

Cast: 1 (m or f) (monolog)

Bible Reference: Leviticus 27:30

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 3

(Actor comes onstage.)

Here it comes!
The offering plate.
Used to be, that plate would scare me bad!
I’d think . . . it’s too late to slip out the side door.
I’d figure . . . I am like . . . stuck, no way I can escape!

Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t that I didn’t want to give back to the Lord.
I mean, with what He has done for me . . .
I wanted to give, I longed to give . . .
But every time it came time for the plate to be passed by, I had these . . . feelings.

I had this friend, Tom, he was always questioning where the offering plate money went.
He doubted if wise decisions were being made about what the money was being spent on.

(Pauses, smiles.)
You know Tom . . . he reminds me of . . .
I mean my friend Tom is kinda . . . doubting Thomas.

Me, that’s not my problem. I have complete trust in where the money is being spent.
Folks in charge are fine, prudent Christian people, and they take care of that sort of thing.

Then there’s Marvin. . . .
Marvin, he just feels the need to give and give and give to the work of the Lord or anyone in need.
Every need that comes up, Marvin is right there with cash, checkbook, and credit card!
And that there is a really good thing because Marvin, he for sure loves to give!

Except a bit ago, Marvin, he got to the end of the month, time to pay his rent, and Marvin, he had no money left for rent . . . Got kicked outta his apartment.
Now folks around here call him Starvin’ Marvin.

See, and there’s the problem I got . . .
Way I see it, Starvin’ Marvin is off base. I don’t think for a minute God wants us to overspend in any area.

Fact is though, Doubting Tom isn’t on the right track either, holding back.

So what are we supposed to do . . .
And with the collection plate coming closer . . . I needed an answer!

But you know, I got another friend, name’a Trent. . .
Older guy . . . wise for sure.
I asked Trent what I oughta do.

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