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Ten Oughta Dos Series

Ten Oughta Dos Series

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Cast Number

Ten Commandments God gave us as rules to live by, people turn them into ten suggestions.

Eleven individual segments on the Ten Commandments, plus Opening, each 4 to 6 minutes runtime can be run as a full-length drama or one or more segments run separately.

Cast: 2 m or f

  • May be the same 2 actors for all 10 segments or different actors for each segment
    • Terry
    • Reinbald

Bible Reference: Exodus 20:3-17

Set: bare

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 60

Sample of script:

Opening Segment:

Reginbald is on stage as Terry comes enters

Reginbald: Forsooth, who goes there? Who art thee?

Terry: Forsooth?

Reginbald: Who might thee be?

Terry: Thee?

Reginbald: Dost thou not answer in manner other than single word?

Terry: Dost?

Reginbald: Thou art becoming nigh to annoying.

Terry: Thou?

Reginbald: Forsooth, had I my trusty broadsword surely I wouldst run thee through.

Terry: Does anyone have any idea what you are talking about? Try speaking English pal!

Reginbald: I shouldst have thee know that myself speakest in the veritable King’s English.

Terry: Then best give it back to the King! Where did you learn to talk like that?

Reginbald: Forsooth myself was partner to Shakespearean dawdling this past fortnight.

Terry: Shakespearean dawdling huh? I hate to be the one to break this to you but Shakespeare died like . . way long time ago.

Reginbald, deeply offended: “Way long time ago”? Ewwwww, puhleaaasssee! Thy scurvy manhandling of the language truly doth attack mine sensitivities! Besides, for those of us emboldened to follow the bard, surely the good Sir William shall never die, but live on in our heart of hearts.

Terry: Would you mind telling me who you are . . . or what? And plain old English would work best, if you will.

Reginbald: Oh, fine, if I must! Peasants! I am Reginbald P. Porterhouse, a student of Shakespearean language arts.

Terry: I see, and as I understand it, that would mean you are enrolled in a bare bones, entrance level, forty hour class in ancient writing down at Green River Community College, right?

Reginbald, embarrassed: Well, perhaps, yes, but it is my plan to continue my studies onward and upward, mayhap to .. .

Terry: English, remember?

Reginbald: Oh, whatever! It is not easy being a student of languages.

Terry: All I can say is your language is breaking every rule known to man; likely even breaking most of the Ten Commandments.

Reginbald: Ten Commandments?

Terry: Yes, as in the commandments given to Moses by God.

Reginbald: God?

Terry: As in the Bible.

Reginbald: Bible?

Terry: As some fella said, “Dost thou not answer in manner other than single word?”

Reginbald: Droll, truly droll! Besides, my language doth . . .

Terry: . . .does . . .

Reginbald: Fine, my language does not allow mention of God or Bible or such offensive terms. Certainly not . . (offended) . . commandments!

Terry: You don’t like commandments?

Reginbald: Oh my, hardly a . . today thing! No, no, commandment is not a something which works in today’s world. (pauses, thinks, smiles) I know, let’s try . . “oughta do’s”, . . yes, I really think “oughta do’s” would be much more apropos!

Terry, overwhelmed: You mean like . . . changing the Ten Commandments to the Ten Oughta Do’s?

Reginbald: Precisely old friend! Yes, yes indeed! The Ten Oughta Do’s! Much more twenty-first century! Yes, I think that will do just fine! Now then, I must go, but fear not I shall return! Let us together, as time warrants, dissect and consider the Ten Oughta Do’s. Ta ta now.

Reginbald leaves stage, Terry is in shock, looks out into audience, laughs nervously

Terry: I can . . . . hardly wait!

Terry off stage, pastor tells how the upcoming series on the Ten Commandments will point out God’s will for our lives, but also God’s expectations of His people.

First Commandment

Reginbald: Halt, halt, doth thou not recall . .

Terry: Oh brother, not this again!

Reginbald: Forsooth, did we not speak to the necessity . . .

Terry: We “spoke” about you “speaking” so you could be understood!

Reginbald: Fine, fine, but this, the First Oughta Do . . .

Terry: Commandment. First Commandment. “You shall have no other gods before me.”

Reginbald, looks at Terry, shakes head in disbelief : Truly from a time warp! Anyhow, let’s think this through rationally. This, “You shall have no other Gods before me,” face it, it won’t sell! So let’s think of it in terms of the First Oughta Do . . Something like, “It would be preferable that, when investigating and researching other alternatives, that you give due consideration to traditional options as well.”

Terry: “Traditional options?”

Reginbald: Yes, you know, like the churchy type things.

Terry: You mean, . . God.

Reginbald: I think it best that we don’t use that word, especially not in church. See, fact is it may offend some folks, might keep them from coming to church.

Terry: Mentioning God will keep people from coming to church? But . . isn’t that why people come to church, to hear about God?

Reginbald, holding fingers to mouth: Shhhhhh, shhh! Really, you must not say that word, it truly might offend some who are unchurched.

Terry: Unchurched?

Reginbald: I like to refer to us as the silent majority. See, that’s where the churches have gone astray. Now if churches were to take the sensible, logical route, don’t use commandments, use Oughta Do’s, don’t box folks into a certain way of thinking.

Terry: Oughta Do’s instead of Commandments?

Reginbald: Just watch! Folks will flock back to church in droves if you offer “Oughta Do’s” rather than Commandments. Likely have to get Leavitt Construction to come and build an extension on the sanctuary is my guess.

Terry: I really don’t believe I am saying this, but you are saying that if we switched to “Oughta Do’s” you would start coming to church?

Reginbald: Well, likely, maybe, likely. Not in football season of course, or when ice hockey is being played. But hey, you church folks switch to “Oughta Do’s” and you’ve got me as a semi-regular when the players are on strike or locked out."

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