DramaShare Ministries

Team Devotions Manual

Team Devotions Manual

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Team Devotions for Worship, Creative Arts and Drama Teams (62 pages)

In the busyness of preparing for Worship and Creative Arts, we must never forget the
importance of staying in tune with He who is the reason for the performances. Making
devotions a standard component in every rehearsal and meeting brings a visible reminder
of the fact that the Worship or Creative Arts ministry is just that, a ministry, and that
ministry is, and must be, grounded in worshiping God.

For some time we have felt the need for a comprehensive devotional program for use in
Worship and Creative Arts rehearsals, and we have had many requests from DramaShare
members and others for such a collection. We are pleased to offer this collection, and
we appreciate those who have contributed their devotions to this project.

Each devotion is set up with:

  • Opening Up – opening prayer
  • Powering Up – Scripture passage
  • Thinking Up – brief lesson
  • Lifting Up – closing prayer
  • Discussion Starter – questions to probe the devotion content

This program gives the leader great flexibility, as it can be used as a very brief 10 minute
devotion period
, or it can be extended as much as is deemed possible. The Discussion
Starters may be photocopied and handed out to each participant for individual or team
consideration, you may even want to hand these out at the end of the rehearsal, in
preparation for discussion at the next rehearsal. All scripture passages and Discussion
Starters have also been installed into a PowerPoint program so you may install this on
your computer for easier, more professional group leadership.

It is important that the time of devotion be looked on as one of the important activities
necessary for a smooth, productive worthwhile ministry experience. To ignore a time of
devotion is to leave participants without a clear understanding of their reason for
involvement in ministry.

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