DramaShare Ministries

Teach Your Children Well

Teach Your Children Well

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Theme:       The importance of God-based child rearing and early exposure to two way discussion of Biblical truth in order to cement the child’s growing relationship with, and knowledge of, God.
Written for use with lectionary guide for December 27, 2015

Bible Reference:     1 Samuel 2:20, 26, Psalm 148, Colossians 3:17, Luke 2:52


Cast:         3 (m or f, appear to be late teen to early 20’s)


Set, Lighting,  Sound, Costumes:    standard


Props:        magazine with “CAREER CHOICES”on the cover


Time:        8


Sample of script:      


Tony comes on stage reading magazine, after a few seconds Ryan enters


Ryan:        Hey Tony, what’s up with you?


Tony:        Not so much. You?


Ryan:        Same. Just hangin’. . . . Whatcha readin’?


Tony:        Oh nothing really . . a magazine I picked up.


Ryan, reads:   Career choices. . Wow, heavy! . .  Anythin’ in there about bein’ a rocket scientist?


Tony, smile:   Haven’t run across it yet but likely its in here somewhere.


Ryan:        Made any decisions on what job you’re gonna go get?


Tony:        Not yet, just checking into it, what’s best, training needed, the whole enchilada.


Jackie comes on stage


Jackie:       Hey Tony, Ryan. . . . How’s things?


Ryan:        Hey Jackie. Tony here is planning his future it seems.


Jackie:       A good thing to do, planning is real important at our age.


Ryan:        My Pop always says plannin’ is overrated, gotta go with the flow. . .  The right thing will come along when it’s s’posed to do.


Jackie:       I’m not so sure that’s a great plan in today’s job market Ryan.


Tony:        I’m with you on that Jackie, that’s why I picked up this magazine.


Jackie:       Anything caught your eye Tony?


Tony:        I’ve always had an interest in engineering.


Ryan:        Drivin’ a train would be way cool!


Tony:        I was more thinking of chemical or mechanical engineering.


Ryan:        Or that.


Jackie:       Have you gone out to any Job Fairs Ryan?


Ryan:        Actually I did Jackie. . . . Lots of good ideas, but hard to decide.


Jackie:       I went to a Job Fair, my head was spinning with all the information. But I sat down with my parents, we talked it over, I asked their advice, they asked questions, I asked their opinion, we prayed about it. . . . It was good.


Ryan:        You prayed about job choices?


Jackie:       Yes we did Ryan, after all this decision will affect my entire future.


Ryan:        My family only pray for the important stuff . . . like winnin’ the lottery and stuff.


Tony:        You are lucky your parents are there for you Jackie, to discuss things.


Jackie:       My parents have always been there for me, always seemed to make time to discuss things, every day, since I was a kid. . . . But your parents are very successful in their careers Tony, I am sure they have lots of advice for you.


Tony:        My parents are too busy at being successful to be available to discuss anything.


Ryan:        I don’t need any parent telling me what to do with my future, that's my business.


Jackie:       I disagree Ryan. I don’t think there is anything more important than parents being there for their children. . . My Mom calls it . . . “growing her children” . . . and I am proud Mom and Dad have raising children as a priority.


Tony:        Wow! . .  Think your parents could adopt me? . . . It would be so cool to be able to talk and ask questions.


Jackie:       Dad says it’s important that us kids ask questions, and my parents ask questions to make us kids think. He says every person is a teacher, every person is a learner. Everyone has something to share, and something to learn.


Ryan:        That kinda thing would for sure cut into important stuff, like watchin’ TV.


Jackie, giggle:  We still get time for some TV Ryan. . . But time for conversations and daily devotions as a family has always been a priority.


Tony:        Interesting.


Ryan:        My family aren’t much into religion. . . . I mean we have gone to church . .  I remember, maybe two years ago it was. . .  At Christmas I think.


Jackie:       My Dad believes that families need to be going to church regularly to cement a growing relationship with God.

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Theme:       The importance of God-based child rearing and early exposure to two way discussion of Biblical truth in order to cement the child’s growing relationship with, and knowledge of, God.
Written for use with lectionary guide for December 27, 2015

Bible Reference:     1 Samuel 2:20, 26, Psalm 148, Colossians 3:17, Luke 2:52


Cast:         3 (m or f, appear to be late teen to early 20’s)


Set, Lighting,  Sound, Costumes:    standard


Props:        magazine with “CAREER CHOICES”on the cover


Time:        8


Sample of script:      


Tony comes on stage reading magazine, after a few seconds Ryan enters


Ryan:        Hey Tony, what’s up with you?


Tony:        Not so much. You?


Ryan:        Same. Just hangin’. . . . Whatcha readin’?


Tony:        Oh nothing really . . a magazine I picked up.


Ryan, reads:   Career choices. . Wow, heavy! . .  Anythin’ in there about bein’ a rocket scientist?


Tony, smile:   Haven’t run across it yet but likely its in here somewhere.


Ryan:        Made any decisions on what job you’re gonna go get?


Tony:        Not yet, just checking into it, what’s best, training needed, the whole enchilada.


Jackie comes on stage


Jackie:       Hey Tony, Ryan. . . . How’s things?


Ryan:        Hey Jackie. Tony here is planning his future it seems.


Jackie:       A good thing to do, planning is real important at our age.


Ryan:        My Pop always says plannin’ is overrated, gotta go with the flow. . .  The right thing will come along when it’s s’posed to do.


Jackie:       I’m not so sure that’s a great plan in today’s job market Ryan.


Tony:        I’m with you on that Jackie, that’s why I picked up this magazine.


Jackie:       Anything caught your eye Tony?


Tony:        I’ve always had an interest in engineering.


Ryan:        Drivin’ a train would be way cool!


Tony:        I was more thinking of chemical or mechanical engineering.


Ryan:        Or that.


Jackie:       Have you gone out to any Job Fairs Ryan?


Ryan:        Actually I did Jackie. . . . Lots of good ideas, but hard to decide.


Jackie:       I went to a Job Fair, my head was spinning with all the information. But I sat down with my parents, we talked it over, I asked their advice, they asked questions, I asked their opinion, we prayed about it. . . . It was good.


Ryan:        You prayed about job choices?


Jackie:       Yes we did Ryan, after all this decision will affect my entire future.


Ryan:        My family only pray for the important stuff . . . like winnin’ the lottery and stuff.


Tony:        You are lucky your parents are there for you Jackie, to discuss things.


Jackie:       My parents have always been there for me, always seemed to make time to discuss things, every day, since I was a kid. . . . But your parents are very successful in their careers Tony, I am sure they have lots of advice for you.


Tony:        My parents are too busy at being successful to be available to discuss anything.


Ryan:        I don’t need any parent telling me what to do with my future, that's my business.


Jackie:       I disagree Ryan. I don’t think there is anything more important than parents being there for their children. . . My Mom calls it . . . “growing her children” . . . and I am proud Mom and Dad have raising children as a priority.


Tony:        Wow! . .  Think your parents could adopt me? . . . It would be so cool to be able to talk and ask questions.


Jackie:       Dad says it’s important that us kids ask questions, and my parents ask questions to make us kids think. He says every person is a teacher, every person is a learner. Everyone has something to share, and something to learn.


Ryan:        That kinda thing would for sure cut into important stuff, like watchin’ TV.


Jackie, giggle:  We still get time for some TV Ryan. . . But time for conversations and daily devotions as a family has always been a priority.


Tony:        Interesting.


Ryan:        My family aren’t much into religion. . . . I mean we have gone to church . .  I remember, maybe two years ago it was. . .  At Christmas I think.


Jackie:       My Dad believes that families need to be going to church regularly to cement a growing relationship with God.

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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