DramaShare Ministries
Take A Life Break
Take A Life Break
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Theme: Breathe, relax, step back from the busyness of life and realize who not only made you, but made you to be successful and fulfilled.
Bible Reference: Job 33:4
Cast: 9, (m or f)
Set: blank with a desk and chairs
Sound: standard
Costumes: all standard except Chet who wears something gaudy to identify
Alex, Bobbi, Kelsey & Spencer have something green on them
Dallas, Hudson, Reed & Mackenzie have something red
Props: papers
Time: 12
Sample of script:
Bradley comes onstage, sits at desk at Upstage center, quietly reading through some papers
Alex, Bobbi, Kelsey & Spencer enter, come to downstage right, talking rapid fire
Spencer: Well, thing is Bradley said we have to slow down, think this thing through, look at all sides before jumping into this deal.
Kelsey: What are you saying Spencer, slow down is not an option in my life, I have a million things on the go and there’s like zero chance I can waste time chewing through this thing.
Alex: I’m with you Kelsey, time is money and time is something I simply don’t have!
Bobbi: Where is Bradley coming from on this? I mean what gives him the right to drag his heels on this?
Spencer: Well Bobbi, I guess the fact that he is the boss might give him some rights, but still I’m with you guys on this! . . . Us guys in Team Green need to push forward ‘cause we all know that Team Red won’t be sitting back! . . . And shhhh! Keep your voices down, here comes Team Red now!
Team Green freezes
Dallas, Hudson, Reed & Mackenzie enter, come to downstage left, talking rapid fire
Dallas: Way I look at it if we just push really hard on the new ideas and spend every minute on introducing those real quick.
Hudson: Well, Dallas, I am with you on the need to push hard, but we can’t just bail out on the old tried and true either. . . . Face it, that’s what brought us to where we are at. I think we need to amp up our efforts on the core components in our offering!
Reed: Hold on there Hudson, you too Dallas! . . . We are like going nowhere if we take our foot off the accelerator on either of those! . . . I say we push both to the Max!
Mackenzie: Reed, you are dreaming big time! . . . We have limited resources, limited talents, limited time! . . . Face it, we can’t be all things and we can’t overplay it or we lose it all!
Chet comes on stage
Hudson: Look guys, this is getting us nowhere fast! . . . What we need to do is . . .
Chet: Hidey ho pilgrims! How’s life in your guy’s world?
Spencer: Chet, can’t you see that we in Team Green are busy?
Reed: Yes Chet, and we in Team Red are not only busy but highly productive!
Alex: Highly productive you say Reed? . . . The closest to productive you guys in Team Red have ever come is reading about the advances us guys in Team Green have achieved!
Mackenzie: You Red people can for sure talk the talk, too bad you can’t walk the walk!
Chet: You guys in Team Red can’t walk? . . . Wow, that is for sure sad, maybe if you were to get little wheels on your shoes and just kinda like glide out, one foot after the other you would . . .
Dallas: No Chet! . . . Mackenzie was just hyperbolizing . . .
Chet: Sorry about that Mackenzie, that sounds real painful!
Bobbie: Chet! . . . Hyperbolizing means when you . . .
Chet, points offstage:
Oh look, a squirrel!
Kelsey: Chet do you know how . . how . . frustrating you are?
Chet, thinks: How, how, frustrating you are? . . . Let’s see . . country and western song right? . .
(clears throat, sings badly off key)
How, how frustrating you are.
When I saw you from afar
Up in the sky was a star
That was . . .
All: Chet! . . .
Chet: Love my singing doncha? . . Move over Johnny Cash!
The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.
Breathe, relax, step back from the busyness of life and realize who not only made you,
But made you to be successful and fulfilled.
Cast: 9 m or f
- Chet
- Alex
- Bobbi
- Spencer
- Kelsey
- Dallas
- Hudson
- Reed
- Mackenzie
Bible Reference: Jpb 33:4
- blank with desk and chairs
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
Lighting: standard
SFX: none
Props: papers
- standard except Chet who wears something gaudy to identify
- Alex, Bobbi, Kelsey & Spencer have something green on them
- Dallas, Hudson, Reed & Mackenzie have something red
Special Instructions: none
Time: 12
Sample of script:
Bradley comes onstage, sits at desk at Upstage center, quietly reading through some papers
Alex, Bobbi, Kelsey & Spencer enter, come to downstage right, talking rapid fire
Spencer: Well, thing is Bradley said we have to slow down, think this thing through, look at all sides before jumping into this deal.
Kelsey: What are you saying Spencer, slow down is not an option in my life, I have a million things on the go and there’s like zero chance I can waste time chewing through this thing.
Alex: I’m with you Kelsey, time is money and time is something I simply don’t have!
Bobbi: Where is Bradley coming from on this? I mean what gives him the right to drag his heels on this?
Spencer: Well Bobbi, I guess the fact that he is the boss might give him some rights, but still I’m with you guys on this! . . . Us guys in Team Green need to push forward ‘cause we all know that Team Red won’t be sitting back! . . . And shhhh! Keep your voices down, here comes Team Red now!
Team Green freezes
Dallas, Hudson, Reed & Mackenzie enter, come to downstage left, talking rapid fire
Dallas: Way I look at it if we just push really hard on the new ideas and spend every minute on introducing those real quick.
Hudson: Well, Dallas, I am with you on the need to push hard, but we can’t just bail out on the old tried and true either. . . . Face it, that’s what brought us to where we are at. I think we need to amp up our efforts on the core components in our offering!
Reed: Hold on there Hudson, you too Dallas! . . . We are like going nowhere if we take our foot off the accelerator on either of those! . . . I say we push both to the Max!
Mackenzie: Reed, you are dreaming big time! . . . We have limited resources, limited talents, limited time! . . . Face it, we can’t be all things and we can’t overplay it or we lose it all!
Chet comes on stage
Hudson: Look guys, this is getting us nowhere fast! . . . What we need to do is . . .
Chet: Hidey ho pilgrims! How’s life in your guy’s world?
Spencer: Chet, can’t you see that we in Team Green are busy?
Reed: Yes Chet, and we in Team Red are not only busy but highly productive!
Alex: Highly productive you say Reed? . . . The closest to productive you guys in Team Red have ever come is reading about the advances us guys in Team Green have achieved!
Mackenzie: You Red people can for sure talk the talk, too bad you can’t walk the walk!
Chet: You guys in Team Red can’t walk? . . . Wow, that is for sure sad, maybe if you were to get little wheels on your shoes and just kinda like glide out, one foot after the other you would . . .
Dallas: No Chet! . . . Mackenzie was just hyperbolizing . . .
Chet: Sorry about that Mackenzie, that sounds real painful!
Bobbie: Chet! . . . Hyperbolizing means when you . . .
Chet, points offstage:
Oh look, a squirrel!
Kelsey: Chet do you know how . . how . . frustrating you are?
Chet, thinks: How, how, frustrating you are? . . . Let’s see . . country and western song right? .
(clears throat, sings badly off key)
How, how frustrating you are.
When I saw you from afar
Up in the sky was a star
That was . . .
All: Chet! . . .
Chet: Love my singing doncha? . . Move over Johnny Cash!