DramaShare Ministries

Support for a President

Support for a President

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With a new president, (or any world leader), there is a new opportunity for change, renewal and hope. Yet a leader is only a person, with human faults, frailties and weaknesses.
Whether the new president was, or was not, “our man” he still is “the man” and as such deserves and needs our support and prayers.

Sample of script:

Terry comes on stage, sits, reads a newspaper, shakes head, not impressed
after a few seconds Mickey comes on stage, dressed for the parade

Mickey: Hey Terry, what are you doin’ just sittin’ there?
Terry: Reading this garbage about the inauguration!
Mickey: How you mean, garbage?
Terry: Saying here how we all need to go out, be a part of the inauguration. . . Not too likely I am gonna!
Tracey comes on stage
Tracey: Hey guys, about ready to go to the inauguration parade?
Terry: Me? Hardly!
Tracey: Sorry to hear that Terry, should be a great event! . . What about you Mickey, you’re coming out I hope.
Mickey: Sure am, lookin’ forward to it actually.
Terry, shock: Nah, not you Mickey! I mean neither you or me voted for him.
Mickey: No I didn’t, but what’s that got to do with it?
Tracey: Was great to see you out at the Prayer for the President evening at the church last night Mickey.
Mickey: Well our president has a huge job, way I look at it he needs our prayers if he’s to be successful in the next four years.
Terry: What are you talking about Mickey, he’s not our President! Like I say, you and me never voted for him!
Mickey: Never voted for him but he’s still my president.
Terry: Never in my life did I think I’d hear you say something like that, I am for sure shocked!
Mickey: So you’re saying he’s not your president?
Terry: No way, no time, no how!
Mickey: OK then, who is your president then?
Terry: OK well, he is the president, but not my president.
Mickey, smile: My guess is you seceded from the union is that it?

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

With a new president, (or any world leader), there is a new opportunity for change, renewal and hope. Yet a leader is only a person, with human faults, frailties and weaknesses.
Whether the new president was, or was not, “our man” he still is “the man” and as such deserves and needs our support and prayers.

Sample of script:

Terry comes on stage, sits, reads a newspaper, shakes head, not impressed
after a few seconds Mickey comes on stage, dressed for the parade

Mickey: Hey Terry, what are you doin’ just sittin’ there?
Terry: Reading this garbage about the inauguration!
Mickey: How you mean, garbage?
Terry: Saying here how we all need to go out, be a part of the inauguration. . . Not too likely I am gonna!
Tracey comes on stage
Tracey: Hey guys, about ready to go to the inauguration parade?
Terry: Me? Hardly!
Tracey: Sorry to hear that Terry, should be a great event! . . What about you Mickey, you’re coming out I hope.
Mickey: Sure am, lookin’ forward to it actually.
Terry, shock: Nah, not you Mickey! I mean neither you or me voted for him.
Mickey: No I didn’t, but what’s that got to do with it?
Tracey: Was great to see you out at the Prayer for the President evening at the church last night Mickey.
Mickey: Well our president has a huge job, way I look at it he needs our prayers if he’s to be successful in the next four years.
Terry: What are you talking about Mickey, he’s not our President! Like I say, you and me never voted for him!
Mickey: Never voted for him but he’s still my president.
Terry: Never in my life did I think I’d hear you say something like that, I am for sure shocked!
Mickey: So you’re saying he’s not your president?
Terry: No way, no time, no how!
Mickey: OK then, who is your president then?
Terry: OK well, he is the president, but not my president.
Mickey, smile: My guess is you seceded from the union is that it?

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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