DramaShare Ministries
Sunday Best
Sunday Best
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The subject of this drama is a very difficult one, and we don’t want to be seen as legislating proper wearing apparel in church but . .
Shouldn’t there be somewhat of an unwritten code as to what should be accepted in church? The thought is that we come into church in a spirit of joy and celebration, and that’s good. . . But shouldn’t there be a feeling of awe and respect as well? . . Maybe we are losing some of this in our “come as you are” kind of attitude toward worship? . . . Is there a happy medium?
Cast: 6
(male or female, 4 are speaking parts)
Costumes: all except Brian are in good clothes, Brian wears old jeans and tee shirt
Sample of script:
Marian, Doris, Amanda, Trudy and Janey come on stage
Marian: Morning Doris, good to see you.
Doris: Marian, now don’t you look great this morning?
Marian: Thanks Doris, like my Mom used to say, this is my “Sunday go to meeting dress”.
Doris: Nice to see people dressed up in their Sunday best in church.
Trudy comes on stage
Amanda: Will you just look at Trudy over there, surely she would have something better to wear to church!
Doris: Well Amanda, I happen to know Trudy and her family are having are going through a rough spot right now. . . And fact is, her clothes are the best she can afford. . . It’s just wonderful to see her here in church, the way I see it.
Brian comes on stage wearing torn jeans and tee shirt
Amanda: I suppose you are going to tell me that is the best Brian can afford.
Janey: Mom, that happens to be True Religion.
Amanda: What do you mean, “true religion”? . . Dressing like that for church when you can afford better is a long way from what I would call true religion.
Janey: No, Mom, you don’t understand. . . “True Religion” is a brand name . . THE brand name in jeans! . . Mega expensive!
Amanda: Yeh right! . . I suppose you are going to tell me that the holes in the knees make them more expensive?
Janey: Yes, fact is they do.
Doris: Guess I am just getting old but like it says in Exodus, I think we all need to bring our best into the house of the Lord.
Janey: The Bible sets fashion standards?
Doris: Not just fashion, it talks of attitude and expectations.
The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.
The subject of this drama is a very difficult one, and we don’t want to be seen as legislating proper wearing apparel in church but . .
Shouldn’t there be somewhat of an unwritten code as to what should be accepted in church? The thought is that we come into church in a spirit of joy and celebration, and that’s good. . . But shouldn’t there be a feeling of awe and respect as well? . . Maybe we are losing some of this in our “come as you are” kind of attitude toward worship? . . . Is there a happy medium?
Cast: 6
(male or female, 4 are speaking parts)
Costumes: all except Brian are in good clothes, Brian wears old jeans and tee shirt
Sample of script:
Marian, Doris, Amanda, Trudy and Janey come on stage
Marian: Morning Doris, good to see you.
Doris: Marian, now don’t you look great this morning?
Marian: Thanks Doris, like my Mom used to say, this is my “Sunday go to meeting dress”.
Doris: Nice to see people dressed up in their Sunday best in church.
Trudy comes on stage
Amanda: Will you just look at Trudy over there, surely she would have something better to wear to church!
Doris: Well Amanda, I happen to know Trudy and her family are having are going through a rough spot right now. . . And fact is, her clothes are the best she can afford. . . It’s just wonderful to see her here in church, the way I see it.
Brian comes on stage wearing torn jeans and tee shirt
Amanda: I suppose you are going to tell me that is the best Brian can afford.
Janey: Mom, that happens to be True Religion.
Amanda: What do you mean, “true religion”? . . Dressing like that for church when you can afford better is a long way from what I would call true religion.
Janey: No, Mom, you don’t understand. . . “True Religion” is a brand name . . THE brand name in jeans! . . Mega expensive!
Amanda: Yeh right! . . I suppose you are going to tell me that the holes in the knees make them more expensive?
Janey: Yes, fact is they do.
Doris: Guess I am just getting old but like it says in Exodus, I think we all need to bring our best into the house of the Lord.
Janey: The Bible sets fashion standards?
Doris: Not just fashion, it talks of attitude and expectations.
The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.