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DramaShare Ministries

The Student’s Prayer (A Comedic yet Thought-Provoking Monologue)

The Student’s Prayer (A Comedic yet Thought-Provoking Monologue)

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What do you do when you’re out of time, out of options, and out of excuses?

This relatable and humorous one-act play follows a frustrated student cramming for a critical physics exam. As panic and regret set in over poor study habits, the student has a spiritual wake-up call—turning to prayer as a last resort.

To their shock and disbelief, God answers. What follows is a witty and heartfelt dialogue where God doesn’t sugarcoat the truth but instead guides the student toward taking responsibility, managing time wisely, and re-establishing a lost relationship with Him.

This engaging solo performance is funny, powerful, and deeply relatable—reminding audiences that God is always present, even when we’ve ignored Him for years.

Biblical Reference – Philippians 4:6-7

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7, NIV)

This verse reflects the central theme of the play—when life feels overwhelming, prayer brings clarity, peace, and the realization that God has been there all along.


Approximately 10-12 minutes, depending on pacing and pauses for comedic timing.

  • The internal monologue segments build tension and humor.
  • The conversation with God slows things down slightly, offering reflection and wisdom.

Cast & Setting:

🔹 Student – The only visible character, experiencing stress and self-reflection.
🔹 Voice of GodOffstage voice, humorous yet wise.
🔹 Simple Set – A bed or chair to suggest a dorm room or home setting.
🔹 Minimal Props – Books, a clock, and maybe a desk lamp.

Sample of script:

(Student enters, exhausted and stressed, carrying books.)

Student: (Sighs, stretching) Man, am I beat! Fourteen hours straight, cramming for finals! If I had known med school was going to be this, I would’ve gone with my second choice—dishwasher at the Drop-In Diner! (Yawns, rubbing eyes)

Whew! Feels like I’ve been run over by a Mack truck! And I still haven’t studied physics. But, I simply can’t hack any more tonight. I guess we’ll just have to wing it on the “Let Physics Be Your Friend” exam!

(Lays down on the bed, sighs with relief.)

Whew! Thank goodness! I didn’t realize how good it feels to actually lay down!

(Turns to the side, then tosses and turns.)

Physics… Last physics exam, I got 38%. Didn’t study for that one either. Prof told me a good mark this time was crucial. But look, I can’t stay up all night, I need my rest!

(Pauses, tries to sleep, then tosses and turns again.)

If I blow this exam, my whole year is down the tubes! Man, I wish I’d studied during the semester. This last-minute cramming sucks!

(Pauses, then sighs deeply.)

You know, I’m starting to sound like my dad! But, too late to worry about that now! Next semester will be different! I’ll study from the git-go!

(Pauses, then groans.)

Yeah, that’s exactly what I said last semester, too, wasn’t it? But this time, I really mean it!

(Pauses, then sighs again.)

And, yeah… I said that last semester, too. What am I supposed to do?! I can’t pass without studying, and it’s too late to study now!

(Pauses, then frustrated.)

And I was actually supposed to go out with my friends tonight, too!

(Sits up slightly.)

Bet those guys are having a blast right now. All my friends, out on the town! Wish I was with them.

(Pauses, thinking.)

I suppose I wouldn’t be in this mess if I had studied instead of partying. But a guy’s gotta have some fun too, right?

(Pauses, then realization dawns.)

But, then again… I guess you can’t party all the time if you want decent grades either. Oh well, too late now. Might as well get some sleep.

(Lays down again, but starts tossing and turning once more.)

I’m really out of luck if I don’t pass this one. A whole year gone! I’d have to sit out before I could come back to university.

(Pauses, then mutters to self.)

Maybe… maybe it would be good. A year to grow up.

(Pauses again, then scoffs.)

Yeah, right! More like a wasted year—that’s what. And I’ll have to start paying back student loans! Big chance of that happening—paying loans off minimum wage as a dishwasher.

(Sighs heavily.)

Now I’m really in a jam! Cindy’s going to say “Told you so.” I can hear her now—"How can a person like you be so lucky, and yet so dumb?"

(Mimics sister’s voice.)

"You’re brilliant, you’re a brain, but you’re dumb! You simply won’t buckle down and study, will you?"

What does Cindy know? She has to work hard for every good mark she makes in school.

(Pauses, softens.)

You know… I envy her in a way. Maybe if I were like that, I’d actually apply myself more.

(Sits up slightly, realization hitting.)

"Apply myself!" Man, I really am starting to sound like Dad.

(Lays back down, staring at the ceiling.)

What am I going to do? No time to study… and without studying, I don’t have a prayer.

(Pauses, then a thought strikes.)

… Prayer.

(Sits up slowly, thinking deeply.)

Maybe… that’s my only hope. Prayer.

(Thinks for a moment, then hesitates.)

Nah! I haven’t been close to God in years.

(Lays back down.)

Lately? Make that YEARS! Ever since I left home. Haven’t been to church in… wow! I didn’t realize it had been that long.

(Pauses, then sits up.)

I used to pray about everything… I wonder if—

(Pauses, then hesitantly tries.)

I don’t even remember what to say… Something like… "Heavenly Father…"

Voice of God: Yes.

(Student JUMPS up in shock, looking around frantically.)

Student: Hey! Who said that?! Who’s there?!

Voice of God: It’s me, your Heavenly Father. You called to me. I answered. It’s a God thing that I do.

Student: Hey, wait a minute! Somebody’s pulling my leg here! Hey, Frank, is that you? Jeremy! How’d you guys do that?!

Voice of God: No, it definitely isn’t Frank, or Jeremy, either! Your so-called friends are out, painting the town green, I believe you call it.

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