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DramaShare Ministries

Strange Regrets

Strange Regrets

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Cast Number

Regret, a word we try to deny, ignore or explain away.

But God expects us to deal with the issue head on, not to try to rename it, avoid it, or pretend it's not there.

Running away from our regrets, saying we have no regrets, is neither healthy nor productive.

Cast: 5 m or f

  • Billy
  • Mandy
  • Edna
  • Sue
  • Darren

Bible Reference: 2 Timothy 1:12

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 20

Sample of script:

Billy: You know, I really do regret that.

Mandy: You regret it?

Billy: Uh huh.

Edna: Mind telling us mortals why you regret it?

Billy: It should be obvious I would think.

Edna: Obvious that you regret . . .what?

Sue: I’m having trouble with the concept of regret.

Darren, ignores Sue: Look, I have absolutely no idea how we are about to do it, but I think we can lick this thing together.

Mandy: You do?

Darren: Yes, I actually do.

Edna: Let me get this clear . . . you think we can lick this thing . . .

Darren: Yep.

Edna: Ahhhh . . . . lick . . what . . . thing?

Darren: Lick the regrets.

Billy: How can you possibly stand there and make such a statement?

Edna: Not to be picky, but actually he is sitting.

Mandy: Not much gets by you is there? Mind like a closed steel trap.

Darren: That wasn’t a compliment was it?

Mandy: Guess.

Sue: I’m having trouble with the concept of compliment.

Billy: Hate to bring this up people but, we are kinda straying from my basic problem here.

Darren: You have a problem?

Billy: Yes I do.

Darren: And that would be .. . . . . ?

Billy: Regret. I regret it very much.

Sue: I’m having trouble with the concept of your regret.

Mandy: Well, personally I feel as though it’s wrong to label regrets as regrets.

Darren: I believe that Mandy has a very good point there.

Edna: And that would be . . . ?

Darren: I have not the foggiest, but it’s my opinion and I’m gonna stick by it.

Billy: You are going to stick by that ridiculous opinion?

Darren: Did I say stick? Silly me, I meant switch. Stick, switch . . .stick. switch. No idea why I always get those two mixed up.

Mandy: I was just thinking . . . .suppose we were not to call it a regret, another name may defuse the situation so that we can all live happily ever after.

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