DramaShare Ministries

Strange and Exciting

Strange and Exciting

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Two act drama concerning the happening and the message of Pentecost.
The heart-broken disciples and followers wait . . . not sure what for . . . or why. And then, a strange and exciting happening . . .

Sample of script:

Act 1 – bare stage, no set needed

Group of people are sitting, lying, standing in area from stage left to center stage, (leave extreme stage right completely unoccupied). People are talking in small groups, displaying boredom.

Levi: I can’t take this inactivity any longer, it’s driving me crazy!

Mark: Over a month now.

Thaddeus: What a month! Scattered like chaff in a whirlwind! Hiding out in fear of Caiaphas and his gang. Coming back together here at Bethany.

Dan: I’m getting tired of being around all these people, continuously, never a break!

Thomas: “These people?” Dan, these are our people, His people. And, it’s not like we have been alone. He has been here with us.

Mark: “With us?” We are sitting alone and all of a sudden He is just . . . there. And, as quickly He is . . . gone! I’m not sure what is harder to deal with, the euphoria having Him with us, or the devastation of Him suddenly gone, to return who knows when, . . . . maybe never.

Dan: Sometimes I think it would just be easier to just get on with life, I mean, to do . .

Mark: . . . do what? I just don’t know what to do anymore.

Peter: You may all do as you wish, but, as for me, I’m going fishing.

Thomas: But, Peter, that is the past. Since we were chosen we have been fishers of men.

Peter: This fisher of men will once more be a fisher of fish.

Thomas: No, surely not you, Peter! Others perhaps, not you! He Himself said, “You are blessed, Simon son of Jonah, for your insight was not revealed to you by human means. Henceforth you are Peter, the rock upon which My body shall stand and grow, the rock which shall throughout the ages survive all forms of trial and testing.” (pause) Peter, Peter, be strong!

Thaddeus: Strong? You expect Peter to be strong? Look around you, man! See any strength here? See, over there, Andrew, do you remember, he was the first to recognize Jesus as the Messiah, the Anointed One. See it written all over Andrew’s face, in his mind Andrew still debates the question as to whom he is seeking. (pause) Yes, and Phillip there. Every time Phillip’s eyes meet Nathaniel I see an inner question: ‘did I do right to invite him along?’ Oh, and John! “The one He loved!” See any love in John’s eyes? Well, do you?

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Pentecost - the happening and the message of this important subject.
The heart-broken disciples and followers wait . . . not sure what for . . . or why. And then, a strange and exciting happening . . .

Cast: 11

  • Speaking roles:
  • Levi
  • Thomas
  • Thaddeus
  • Peter
  • Mark
  • Dan
  • Mary Magdalene
  • Off stage voice of Jesus
  • Non-speaking roles:
  • Matthias
  • This is crowd scene, use as many actors as possible, stage should be crowded.

Bible Reference: Acts 2:1

Set: blank

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: spotlights

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: likely traditional

Special Instructions:

  • For Act 2 have a curtain at Upstage Center

Time: 20

Samples of both acts of script:

Act 1 – bare stage, no set needed

Group are sitting, lying, standing in area from stage left to centerstage, (leave extreme stage right unoccupied). People talking in small groups, bored.

Levi: I can’t take this inactivity any longer, it’s driving me crazy!

Mark: Over a month now.

Thaddeus: What a month! Scattered like chaff in a whirlwind! Hiding out in fear of Caiaphas and his gang. Coming back together here at Bethany.

Dan: I’m getting tired of being around all these people, continuously, never a break!

Thomas: “These people?” Dan, these are our people, His people. And, it’s not like we have been alone. He has been here with us.

Mark: “With us?” We are sitting alone and all of a sudden He is just . . . there. And, as quickly He is . . . gone! I’m not sure what is harder to deal with, the euphoria having Him with us, or the devastation of Him suddenly gone, to return who knows when, . . . . maybe never.

Dan: Sometimes I think it would just be easier to just get on with life, I mean, to do . .

Mark: . . . do what? I just don’t know what to do anymore.

Peter: You may all do as you wish, but, as for me, I’m going fishing.

Thomas: But, Peter, that is the past. Since we were chosen we have been fishers of men.

Peter: This fisher of men will once more be a fisher of fish.

Thomas: No, surely not you, Peter! Others perhaps, not you! He Himself said, "You are blessed, Simon son of Jonah, for your insight was not revealed to you by human means. Henceforth you are Peter, the rock upon which My body shall stand and grow, the rock which shall throughout the ages survive all forms of trial and testing.” (pause) Peter, Peter, be strong!

Thaddeus: Strong? You expect Peter to be strong? Look around you, man! See any strength here? See, over there, Andrew, do you remember, he was the first to recognize Jesus as the Messiah, the Anointed One. See it written all over Andrew’s face, in his mind Andrew still debates the question as to whom he is seeking. (pause) Yes, and Phillip there. Every time Phillip’s eyes meet Nathaniel I see an inner question: ‘did I do right to invite him along?’ Oh, and John! “The one He loved!” See any love in John’s eyes? Well, do you?

Thomas: The love has given way to a deep hurt, it is natural, it is . . .

Thaddeus: What is with you, Thomas? Are you not the same one who had all the doubts, the fears, were you not the one who whose faith could not stand without first-hand proof.

Thomas, (laughs): Yes, Judas . . .

Thaddeus, to his feet, restrained by Levi & Mark: . . . Thaddeus! You will refer to me as Thaddeus! I will never again be known by the name of the coward!


Act II – The Upper Room – bare stage, curtain at upstage center

As lights come up, some actors are sitting, lying, standing; in prayer positions throughout stage. Peter & Matthias, walks onstage. All eyes on Peter.

Levi: What now, Peter?

Peter: What now? I have here with me brother Matthias, the one chosen by God to take his place as one of the twelve, in place of the betrayer.

Levi: No, I meant, how much longer must we wait?

Peter: Waiting is never easy - and yet wait we must, for that is what the Lord
told us to do. You all heard Him with your own ears. This was His final instruction for us in fact – that we wait here in Jerusalem.

Mark: But, as always, His instructions came in riddles. He told us to wait, how did He put it, for "the gift My Father promised", to be "baptized with the Holy Spirit". What can that mean? And, how will we know it has happened?

Mary Magdalene: For you men, the waiting and the wondering has always posed problems. You may recall that morning, when, after visiting the tomb, I burst in on you, talking, as you put it, “utter nonsense.”

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