DramaShare Ministries

Stewardship Explained?

Stewardship Explained?

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Theme:       4 part skit with humor on stewardship and what it means. Stewardship means much more than just our finances, extending to time spent activities of business, personal and church.


Bible Reference:      1 Peter 4:/p>


Cast:         3, m or f, any age


Set, Sound, Costumes:       standard


Props:        binoculars


Time:        4 skits each approx. 4 minutes


Sample of script:


Skit 1:


Chuckie comes onstage excitedly looking through binoculars


Chuckie:      Now where is it?


Chuckie looks more frantically

Kelly & Regan come onstage, watch in shock


Chuckie:      Pastor said it was coming, so must be here somewhere!


Chuckie looks more thoroughly


Chuckie:      This is purely silly! . . . Must not be here yet, . . . why did Pastor did tell us it’s coming, told us to look for it.


Kelly:        Uh . . . excuse me Chuckie . . . mind telling us what you are doing?


Chuckie doesn’t hear, continues searching, Regan approaches Chuckie, touches shoulder


Regan:       Can we maybe help you Chuckie?


Chuckie, jumps:
Whaaaa? . . . Regan you like to scared me outta 6 years growth!


Regan:       Sorry, didn’t mean to frighten you Chuckie, just kinda wondered, what are you kinda like . . . up to?


Kelly:        Yes, and kinda what you are doing here, looking around and all, binoculars, the whole enchilada.


Chuckie:      Likely same as you are doing Kelly is my guess. . . . Searching . . . .


Regan, confused:
Searching . . . .  for . . . . what . . . exactly?


Chuckie, shakes head:
I do not get it! . . .  Regan, you were here in church last Sunday! . . .  So were you Kelly! . . And both of you heard the pastor tell us to watch for it!


Kelly:        OK this might help . . . . Tell me . . . what is . . . it?


Chuckie, frustrated:
Seems some people aren’t listening to Pastor when he speaks!
The . . it . . . to which I am referring . . . is . . . the . . . boat!
Pastor specifically told us the boat was coming!
Now do either of you want to use my binoculars to check it out?


Kelly, shock:  A boat . . . coming here to (name of town)? . . .


Regan:       You understand Chuckie . . . (name of town) . . . isn’t a port city like New York or San Francisco or . . . .


Kelly:        Last time we had us a big boat here in (name of town) was like . . . never, actually.


Chuckie:      No! . . .  No! . . . Pastor didn’t say it was like a Disney cruise ship or something like that. . . .  Might even be like a cabin cruiser for all I know.
If you two had’a been listening you would have heard what Pastor said!


Regan:       Chuckie, maybe you best tell us what Pastor actually said . . .


Kelly:        Pastor’s exact words might be best, no editing or editorializing.


Chuckie, thinks:
Let’s see . . . It was part of the announcements as I recall . . .
Pastor said:
“Watch for the upcoming . . . Ship . . . series!”
I expect that means it’s called the . . . “Series Cruise Line.”
Now where’s my binoculars?


Regan:       That would likely be the binoculars around your neck Chuckie.
But I never once heard Pastor mention the “Series Cruise Line” . . . or any other cruise line for that matter.


Kelly:        Me neither Regan . . .  I . . .
(thinks, idea)
Hey wait . . .
Pastor did tell us to expect a . . . Stewardship Series . . . coming up!


Chuckie, excited:
That’s it! . . . That’s it!
(to Regan)
See, Regan . . . Kelly was listening in church, where was your mind?
Wonder what clothes are appropriate to wear on a . . . Steward . . . Ship . . . Cruise?


Regan:       No, Chuckie, see a stewardship series is where we look at what each of us should be doing to support the spreading of the word of God, here locally and also around the world.


Kelly:        Over the next few weeks Pastor will lead us in looking at Biblical direction about what each of us need to do with our time, talents and resources, to honor God.


Chuckie:      OK now I get it . . .
So on the cruise we will do lottsa Bible studies, right?


Regan:       Just be sure to listen carefully to what Pastor has to say about stewardship, OK Chuckie?


Chuckie:      Clear as a ship’s bell!
Ahoy there mateys!







Regan & Kelly come on stage, talking excitedly


Regan:       Wow Kelly, Pastor really did get our whole congregation excited about stewardship in our church!


Chuckie comes on stage, looking, acting grumpy


Kelly:        Hey Chuckie, how are things in your life?


The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Stewardship and what it means is made clear in this 4 part skit, educating and reminding what being a steward means.
Stewardship means much more than just our finances, extending to time spent activities of business, personal and church.
Every church should run this 4 part program in their service to teach and inform the congregation on the importance of planned stewardship.

Cast: 3 m or f

Bible Reference: 1 Peter 4:10

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: binoculars

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 4 each, total 16

Sample of script:

Skit 1:

Chuckie comes onstage excitedly looking through binoculars

Chuckie:      Now where is it?

Chuckie looks more frantically
Kelly & Regan come onstage, watch in shock

Chuckie:      Pastor said it was coming, so must be here somewhere!

Chuckie looks more thoroughly

Chuckie:      This is purely silly! . . . Must not be here yet, . . . why did Pastor did tell us it’s coming, told us to look for it.

Kelly:        Uh . . . excuse me Chuckie . . . mind telling us what you are doing?

Chuckie doesn’t hear, continues searching, Regan approaches Chuckie, touches shoulder

Regan:       Can we maybe help you Chuckie?

Chuckie, jumps:    Whaaaa? . . . Regan you like to scared me outta 6 years growth!

Regan:       Sorry, didn’t mean to frighten you Chuckie, just kinda wondered, what are you kinda like . . . up to?

Kelly:        Yes, and kinda what you are doing here, looking around and all, binoculars, the whole enchilada.

Chuckie:      Likely same as you are doing Kelly is my guess. . . . Searching . . . .

Regan, confused:   Searching . . . .  for . . . . what . . . exactly?

Chuckie, shakes head:   I do not get it! . . .  Regan, you were here in church last Sunday! . . .  So were you Kelly! . . And both of you heard the pastor tell us to watch for it!

Kelly:        OK this might help . . . . Tell me . . . what is . . . it?

Chuckie, frustrated:
Seems some people aren’t listening to Pastor when he speaks!
The . . it . . . to which I am referring . . . is . . . the . . . boat!
Pastor specifically told us the boat was coming!
Now do either of you want to use my binoculars to check it out?

Kelly, shock:  A boat . . . coming here to (name of town)? . . .

Regan:       You understand Chuckie . . . (name of town) . . . isn’t a port city like New York or San Francisco or . . . .

Kelly:        Last time we had us a big boat here in (name of town) was like . . . never, actually.

Chuckie:      No! . . .  No! . . . Pastor didn’t say it was like a Disney cruise ship or something like that. . . .  Might even be like a cabin cruiser for all I know.
If you two had’a been listening you would have heard what Pastor said!

Regan:       Chuckie, maybe you best tell us what Pastor actually said . . .

Kelly:        Pastor’s exact words might be best, no editing or editorializing.

Chuckie, thinks:
Let’s see . . . It was part of the announcements as I recall . . .
Pastor said:
“Watch for the upcoming . . . Ship . . . series!”
I expect that means it’s called the . . . “Series Cruise Line.”
Now where’s my binoculars?

Regan:       That would likely be the binoculars around your neck Chuckie.
But I never once heard Pastor mention the “Series Cruise Line” . . . or any other cruise line for that matter.

Kelly:        Me neither Regan . . .  I . . .
(thinks, idea)
Hey wait . . .
Pastor did tell us to expect a . . . Stewardship Series . . . coming up!

Chuckie, excited:
That’s it! . . . That’s it!
(to Regan)
See, Regan . . . Kelly was listening in church, where was your mind?
Wonder what clothes are appropriate to wear on a . . . Steward . . . Ship . . . Cruise?

Regan:       No, Chuckie, see a stewardship series is where we look at what each of us should be doing to support the spreading of the word of God, here locally and also around the world.

Kelly:        Over the next few weeks Pastor will lead us in looking at Biblical direction about what each of us need to do with our time, talents and resources, to honor God.

Chuckie:      OK now I get it . . .
So on the cruise we will do lottsa Bible studies, right?

Regan:       Just be sure to listen carefully to what Pastor has to say about stewardship, OK Chuckie?

Chuckie:      Clear as a ship’s bell!
Ahoy there mateys!



Regan & Kelly come on stage, talking excitedly

Regan:       Wow Kelly, Pastor really did get our whole congregation excited about stewardship in our church!

Chuckie comes on stage, looking, acting grumpy

Kelly:        Hey Chuckie, how are things in your life?

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