DramaShare Ministries

Standing on Pie Crust

Standing on Pie Crust

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Standing up for your faith can be a flippant thought, a “pie crust, easily made, easily broken” commitment, or it can be making a statement which will cost you all that you have and all that you are.
Speaks of fearless missionaries who will not be prevented from spreading the word of God.
The actor examines, and rationalizes, what it is to stand up and be counted.
Useful for women’s retreats or programs.

Sample of script:

actor comes on stage wearing jacket, removes coat and shoes, yawns, stretches

Man! A long meeting, I am bushed!A good meeting, very inspiring, made you think . . but really, I think the people who plan those things oughta kinda restrict the speeches, I mean, the old story, the mind can only absorb what the body, (pats her behind), can stand!

(frowns, looks out in audience as though listening to a comment)The meeting? About?It was like, sharing your faith, kinda like, you know, standing up for what you believe.(frowns, shakes her head, chuckles)

I gotta tell you, you know Elsie Dodds, . . . . you know, tall, skinny Elsie, . . . well Elsie, she was there at the meeting . . You will not believe this, Elsie, she had on, . . . listen to this, . . . . she was wearing a tight black, turtle neck sweater, and . . . wait, it gets better, . . . . as well as the sweater she had this atrocious full length grey polyester skirt! . . . Full length! . . . Tall as she is . . .

I tell you, I was sitting with Pam Rogers and Lisa Hamel and we, like, almost flipped, I mean, how are you to not stare at that I mean . . .(looks into audience, listening)

Oh, the meeting . . . well, you know, Tina McLeod, she is like the, I don’t know, the head I guess of Missions at the church and she was, like, I guess, in charge of the meeting.I mean, don’t get me wrong, I mean poor Tina, she does her best, but running a meeting, let’s be honest, that’s not, shall we say, not Tina’s gifting, being kind to the dear lady. But, you know, gotta give Tina credit, like I say, she does her best.

The committee, last fall, they asked if I would take over from Tina, well I couldn’t believe they would even ask me, I mean, with what I have on my plate, I mean, puhlleeesssee! Like, I realize, you want something done right, go to the busiest ones in town, I buy that, but I believe in carving out my niche, doing a first class job in my area of involvement, not allow myself to spread myself too thin, I always say.

(looks into audience, listening)What do I do at the church?Got a minute, I mean there’s the Sunday School, with my three kids in Sunday School it just like keeps me running flat out to make sure each of my kids are there and prepared and . . .

And that’s another thing . . . they asked me if I could help out, teaching Sunday School! Me, can you believe that? I mean, sure I went to Bible College, but it was like, only two years, and I didn’t get my degree, and anyhow, I didn’t major in Children’s ministry or anything. I like majored in like, Outreach Ministry.

(chuckles)You’ll love this, I gotta tell you, we always called Bible College “Bridal College” I mean, like, everyone looking for a good Christian life partner .. . . and matter of fact, that’s where Tony and I met.(looks into audience, listening, frowns)

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Standing up for your faith can be a flippant thought.
A "pie crust, easily made, easily broken" commitment, or it can be making a statement which will cost you all that you have and all that you are.
Speaks of fearless missionaries who will not be prevented from spreading the word of God.
The actor examines, and rationalizes, what it is to stand up and be counted.
Useful for women's retreats or programs.

Cast: 1 f (monolog)

Bible Reference: Isaiah 52:7

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 6

Sample of script:

actor comes on stage, removes coat and shoes, yawns, stretches

Man! A long meeting, I am bushed!A good meeting, very inspiring, made you think . . but really, I think the people who plan those things oughta kinda restrict the speeches, I mean, the old story, the mind can only absorb what the body, (pats her behind), can stand!

(frowns, looks out in audience as though listening to a comment)

The meeting? About?It was like, sharing your faith, kinda like, you know, standing up for what you believe.

(frowns, shakes her head, chuckles)

I gotta tell you, you know Elsie Dodds, . . . . you know, tall, skinny Elsie, . . . well Elsie, she was there at the meeting . . You will not believe this, Elsie, she had on, . . . listen to this, . . . . she was wearing a tight black, turtle neck sweater, and . . . wait, it gets better, . . . . as well as the sweater she had this atrocious full length grey polyester skirt! . . . Full length! . . . Tall as she is . . .

I tell you, I was sitting with Pam Rogers and Lisa Hamel and we, like, almost flipped, I mean, how are you to not stare at that I mean . . .

(looks into audience, listening)

Oh, the meeting . . . well, you know, Tina McLeod, she is like the, I don’t know, the head I guess of Missions at the church and she was, like, I guess, in charge of the meeting.I mean, don’t get me wrong, I mean poor Tina, she does her best, but running a meeting, let’s be honest, that’s not, shall we say, not Tina’s gifting, being kind to the dear lady. But, you know, gotta give Tina credit, like I say, she does her best.

The committee, last fall, they asked if I would take over from Tina, well I couldn’t believe they would even ask me, I mean, with what I have on my plate, I mean, puhlleeesssee! Like, I realize, you want something done right, go to the busiest ones in town, I buy that, but I believe in carving out my niche, doing a first class job in my area of involvement, not allow myself to spread myself too thin, I always say.

(looks into audience, listening)

What do I do at the church?Got a minute, I mean there's the Sunday School, with my three kids in Sunday School it just like keeps me running flat out to make sure each of my kids are there and prepared and . . .

And that’s another thing . . . they asked me if I could help out, teaching Sunday School! Me, can you believe that? I mean, sure I went to Bible College, but it was like, only two years, and I didn’t get my degree, and anyhow, I didn’t major in Children’s ministry or anything. I like majored in like, Outreach Ministry.


You’ll love this, I gotta tell you, we always called Bible College “Bridal College” I mean, like, everyone looking for a good Christian life partner .. . . and matter of fact, that’s where Tony and I met.

(looks into audience, listening, frowns)

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