DramaShare Ministries
Stages Of Messiah
Stages Of Messiah
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An 8-scene reader drama about different times in the life of Jesus and his ministry could be staged as a complete performance or, (recommended), could be used as a kind of “advent to Easter” where 2 or more scenes are used each week leading up to Easter.
The scenes, all of which are included in this script, (which can be ordered and staged as self-standing dramas, however, the cost for ordering as individual scripts is much higher), are: birth, dedication at the temple, 12 year old at the temple, temptation of Jesus, miracles of Jesus, Upper Room/Gethsemane, crucifixion and resurrection.
Cast: 3 + non-speaking
- NOTE in all scenes there will be a Narrator and 2 Readers plus a Tableau of unspeaking actors indicated below:
- Scene I Birth Manger scene with Mary, Joseph & a shepherd
- Scene II Jesus presented in the temple with Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus
- Scene III The boy Jesus at the temple with boy and 2 adults
- Scene IV Jesus Tempted with person standing, pointing at a person who has back to him
- Scene V Miracles of Jesus with person laying, another getting to feet, third standing outstretched in joy
- Scene VI Upper Room & Gethsemane (no miming actors)
- Scene VII. Crucifixion 2 -3 women on knees, looking up at the cross
- Scene VII Resurrection with man standing, 2 women kneeling
Bible Reference:
- Scene I Luke 2:6-30
- Scene II Luke 2:21-38
- Scene III Luke 2:41-52
- Scene IV Luke 4:1-13
- Scene V (throughout New Testament)
- Scene VI Luke 22:7-53
- Scene VII Luke 23:26-56
- Scene VIII Luke 24:1-53
Set: bare with 3 chairs
- Spotlights for narrator and readers and also for Tableau. Experiment with spot colours and locations to somewhat isolate the individual readers and the tableau but to leave the overall stage rather dark. Individual reading lights for readers.
Sound: wireless mics if available
- We recommend a portion of a relevant song to be sung by congregation at the end of each scene. Use the suggested song or select a personal favorite. Our aim in the selection was to use older songs and hymns as a means of re-introduction.
- Scene I Hark The Herald Angels Sing
- Scene II What Child Is This?
- Scene III Can A Little Child Like Me?
- Scene IV I Need Thee Every Hour
- Scene V He Touched Me
- Scene VI Let Us Break Bread Together
- Scene VII Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
- Scene VIII Our God Reigns
SFX: none
Costumes: standard
Props: none
Special Instructions:
- For each scene there is a suggested tableau where an image is created with silent and frozen actors at Upstage, highlighted by spotlight, or have the image on a wall in shadows or behind scrim. For more ideas contact DramaShare.
Time: 35 (each scene is 3 -5 minutes plus song)
Sample of script:
Scene I – Birth Luke 2:6-20
TABLEAU: Manger scene with Mary and Joseph and a shepherd
R1: Proclamation
R2: Celebration!
R1: Jubilation!
Narrator: It is the story of the journey of a life.
Not just any life.
But one life.
A life quite unique throughout history.
A death of unimaginable for it’s cruelty and vindictiveness.
Conceived and born in a manner quite unique and unusual.
A birth not in a medical care facility, not even in a house.
A birth in a drafty, dirty stable.
A birth not watched over by trained attendants, but by cattle, sheep and goats.
R1: Who was this child?
R2: What was there about this child that made it unique, unlike any of the billions of children born before or after?
R1: A birth predicted, prophesied, prayed for over thousands of years.
A child was to be be born in the insignificant town of Bethlehem, born to a virgin.
R2: A birth announced in the most angelic, dramatic and alarming manner to a young girl in the town of Nazareth.
Narrator: Greetings highly favored one. The Lord is with you. And you shall become pregnant with the son of God. Your son, the long awaited Messiah, shall save his people from their sins.
R1: The young girl, surely overcome with shock, wondered, “How can I become pregnant when I have not been with a man?”
Narrator: In God all things are possible. The Holy Spirit will come upon you and through the Holy Spirit you shall deliver a child who is the Son of God. He shall reign in power over the throne of his father David.
R2: To her great credit Mary did not question further, but said, “I am the servant of the Lord, let it be as you say!”
R1: And so it was that Mary and her betrothed, Joseph, went to Bethlehem as was required of them by the Roman census.
When there the time came for the birth to happen. . . . Since there was no lodging available the birth happened in that lowly stable.
Narrator: And so it was that the young girl Mary gave birth to her son, the son of God, wrapped him in traditional swaddling cloths and lay him in the manger.
R2: The birth of the child was well announced that night.
R1: There were nearby in the valley below Bethlehem, shepherds, looking after the temple sheep. Throngs of God’s angels came to announce the birth to the no-longer sleeping shepherds. The presence of the angels filled the night with glory and with song, terrifying the shepherds.
Narrator: Do not be afraid, we bring to you and all people good news of great joy! Tonight in Bethlehem your Saviour, Christ the Lord has been born. Go there now and worship him, you will find him resting in a manger.
And the great company of the heavenly host praised mightily:
“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and here on earth peace to men and women on whom God’s favor rests!”
R2: And the shepherds wasted no time in hurrying to the stable where they found the child in the manger, along with Mary and Joseph.
And the shepherds fell to their knees and worshipped the newborn King.
R1: After spending time in worship the shepherds rushed out into the streets, telling all who would listen of the coming of the long-promised Messiah.
R1: Proclamation!
R2: Celebration!
R1: Jubilation!
SONG: Hark The Herald Angels Sing
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