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DramaShare Ministries

Squishy Ethics

Squishy Ethics

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Raising children is not easy. Sure, answering their endless questions can be a challenge, but what’s even harder is remembering to watch your own behavior when they’re around. Good thing they don’t watch you all the time— or do they?

I’ve been trying to figure something out in my mind, but I’m not getting very far. Hey, wait a minute—maybe you can help me! I won’t keep you long, I just have a few questions. I know, a kid like me shouldn’t bother adults with so many questions, but there are just a few things I need cleared up. Do you mind? Just a minute? … Great!

So, here’s my question: When am I supposed to be a Christian and talk about God and stuff, and when am I supposed to just be… well, you know… normal?

Okay, okay—big question to start with, I know. It’s just that I’m trying to figure things out for myself. I’m not a little kid anymore. I want to act more grown-up, but I can’t seem to figure out when I’m supposed to say what—and where!

Good thing kids don’t watch you all the time—or do they?

Cast: 1 child (monolog)

Bible Reference: Titus 2:7 - 8

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 4

Actor comes on stage, "sees" someone

Oh hi there, I thought I was all alone.
Just got this thing I am trying to figure out in my mind. Not getting very far, seems like.
Hey, wait a minute, maybe you can help me! I won't keep you long, I just have a few questions. I know, a kid like me shouldn't bother adults with so many questions, but there are just a few things I need cleared up. Do you mind, just a minute? . . . . Great!

See, my question is, when is it that I am supposed to be a Christian and talk about God and stuff, and when is it that I'm supposed to be, well, you know . . . normal?

Okay, sorry. That was a monster question to start out with, I know. It's just that I'm just trying to figure things out for myself. I'm not a little kid anymore, I want to act more grown up, but I can't seem to figure out when I'm supposed to say what, and where!

Okay, picture this. A few Sundays ago my family all went to church together. Dad said why not go, it was too windy for golf anyway. Mom said she had a new skirt she had been wanting to show off. Anyway, there we were in church, and Mrs. Potter started telling Mom all about her newest grandchild. Mom loves babies, so she was congratulating Mrs. Potter on her latest blessing. After Mrs. Potter left, I asked Mom what she meant by blessing. She told me that everything good that brings happiness in life is a blessing from God, including little babies.

Then I went and stood beside my Dad who was talking to Mr. Draver; Mr. Draver works for Dad’s competition. They were having a really serious conversation, something about Mr. Draver’s business not doing well. Dad said that he would pray for him. I didn’t really understand much of what they were talking about, so I went back to Mom.

After church we went to Mom’s favourite restaurant, she always calls that ‘the highlight of her Sunday’. One of Dad’s friends from the Lions Club was in the booth next to us. Dad and his friend were talking about someone having heart trouble. So I asked my Dad if he had asked Jesus into his heart. He got all embarrassed and told me, (emphasize), this was not the time or place for these discussions. I guess I messed up again!

After lunch, Dad brought the car around to the door while Mom paid the bill. When we got outside, she had this huge smile on her face, and I asked her what she was so happy about. She said that they made a mistake with her change and they gave her an extra $5 back. She seemed so happy; I asked her if this was one of those blessings she was talking about in church. She told me that that was one of the things we didn’t talk about.

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