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DramaShare Ministries

Special Friend

Special Friend

Regular price $11.00 USD
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This lighthearted drama explores the depth of friendship and the emotions tied to separation. Using an analogy about missing an old car while enjoying a new one, the play illustrates how love and memories of past friendships remain even as new ones are formed. The humorous yet touching dialogue between Terry and Tony highlights the bond between close friends, reinforcing the biblical idea that all love comes from God and transcends distance.

Run-Time: 10-15 minutes


  • Terry – Any age, male or female
  • Tony – Any age, male or female

Biblical Reference:

  • 1 John 4:7-8 – "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God."

(Scene opens at a used car lot. Spot on Tony, who notices Terry looking at an older car.)

Tony: Hello Terry, fancy meeting you here at a used car lot today. Didn’t know you were looking for a second car, you just bought a new car ‘bout a month ago, wasn’t it?

Terry: Oh, hi Tony. No, not looking for another car, just killin’ time actually.

Tony: Hey, this car you’re lookin’ at, isn’t it an ’89 Honda Civic, same as your old car?

Terry: Yes, same exactly. Miss that old car, really do love that old car.

Tony: You love the old car? How can you love it, it’s not around anymore!

Terry: Well, it’s just that when I drive down the street in my new car, well, it’s nice and everything but… I still think of all the good times I had driving the old car.

Tony: Oh, so you don’t like the new car?

Terry: Yes, I do like the new car very much, it’s gorgeous.

Tony: Oh, I see, you want to have the old car back, huh?

Terry: No, I like the new car. Did I tell you about some of the options it has?

Tony: Yeh, wow! But I’m still confused, sounds like you still wish you had the old car. I get it, you want to get it back and have two cars.

Terry: Two cars? Me? What would I do with two cars? Hello!!! I am one person. I can only drive one car at a time. Besides, I only have room to park one car.

Tony: Then why are you longing for your old car?

Terry: Longing? Not longing really. Remembering. It’s kind of like, well, if you, my next-door neighbor, were to move away.

Tony: OK.

Terry: Well, you miss them, and you remember all the good times you had together. But then a new person moves into the house next door. And you become the closest of friends.

Tony: Yeh, and you forget the people who used to live there, right?

Terry: No, that’s exactly the thing. You become the very closest friends with your new neighbors, but, still, the bond with those who used to live there lives on, maybe even grows.

Tony: How can that be? They are gone, maybe separated by thousands of miles.

Terry: Well, it all has to do with love. And, like the Bible shows, all love comes from God.

Tony: Oh, I see, this is gonna be another God, Bible, religious thing, is it?

Terry: No, not a God, Bible, religious thing. Fact, actually. But, all I’m saying, just as God’s love reaches out to us wherever we are, so our true feelings of brotherly love extend to those we love, even when we are separated.

Tony: So, you mean, like, even if I move to… say… Constantinople, you will still love me, and think of me constantly?

Terry: Well… maybe not entirely constantly… but I sure will think of you, Tony!

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