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DramaShare Ministries

Source of Power

Source of Power

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Cast Number

This monologue portrays a broken and blind Samson, imprisoned by the Philistines, as he reflects on his downfall. Initially, he suspects that jailers have entered his cell, but upon realizing they are visitors, he mockingly addresses them as spectators of a humiliating spectacle—himself, the once-mighty Israelite warrior, now a powerless captive.

Samson cries out to God, lamenting his wasted life and acknowledging that his strength was never his own, but a divine gift. He recounts the miraculous circumstances of his birth, the angelic prophecy, and the sacred vows meant to set him apart. Yet, despite these blessings, he admits to having squandered God’s purpose for him due to his arrogance and disobedience.

Cast: 1 m (monolog)

Bible Reference: Judges 13 - 16

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard


  • lightning noise

Props: none


  • hood which will as much as possible obscure his face

Special Instructions: none

Time: 8

Sample of Script


No, can’t be jailers . . .
Not enough boasting . . . not enough smell . . . for Philistine jailers.

Philistine jailers indeed!

Philistine cutthroats hired as jailers and given license to practice their sadistic inclinations by tormenting and abusing defenseless prisoners in this rat-infested hellhole!
Oh yes, I know Philistine jailers all too well!

No, it can’t be the jailers. The jailers delivered my daily ration of pig swill an hour ago.

(Looks around.)

Who are you?
Speak up!
Have the decency to announce yourself to a blind man!


Speak up!

(Pauses, looks around.)

Oh, I see!
Tourists! . . . Voyeurs!
Here to see the Philistine freak show!

(Takes on the voice and tone of a carnival announcer.)

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!
Step right up, see the star attraction . . .
See the Israelite strong man!

(Pauses, thinks.)

Make that . . . the Israelite ex-strong man!

(Loud again.)

Watch closely as the Philistines put the blind cripple on display, the latest example of Philistine chest-beating!

(Looks upward.)

Almighty Yahweh . . .
Save me!
Here I stand, a wasted man with no personal significance from my wasted life.

(Holds out his cupped hand.)

I had it all . . . right here . . . in the palm of my hand . . .
A very ordinary man . . . made supernatural by an extraordinary God.
All I had . . . all I ever had . . . I owed to a magnanimous God.
And all the amazing miracles which God provided in my life . . . I spoiled and squandered.

(Pauses, thinks.)

Miracles . . . beginning with the miracle of my birth.
My mother was barren, unable to conceive . . .
And then an angel of God appeared to my mother with amazing news.
The angel foretold my birth and explained the guidelines expected from me and my parents.
My mother was to consume no alcoholic beverage . . .
And my hair was never to be cut.
Instructions simple enough, and not difficult.
And my parents carried out their instructions completely . . . joyfully . . .
While I, on the other hand . . .

(Shakes head, thinks.)

My youthful stubbornness blinded me to the warnings in God’s message.
The warnings were plain . . . and demanded compliance.
But God’s message was more of what God would do through me . . .
The angel told that I was to begin the deliverance of Israel from the hands of the despised Philistines.
A noble purpose for my life . . .
A purpose for which God predestined me . . .
A purpose that I sensed from the time of my youth in my hometown of Mahaneh Dan . . . for I truly did feel the stirrings of the Spirit of God . . .
Yet a purpose to which I gave less than my best efforts.

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