DramaShare Ministries
Somebody Oughta
Somebody Oughta
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Something needs to be done in missions around the world.
Yup, somebody for sure needs to do something . . . Not me, but somebody for sure oughta!
Sorry, but that’s not my ministry, . . . I am much too busy, . . . that’s not my giftedness. . . . But for sure somebody oughta do that!
Who are the “somebodies” who oughta do something?
An easily staged monologue written for Alliance Women’s Ministry in 1999, updated 2023.
Reference to Cambodia can be changed to any other needy country.
Cast: 1 f (monolog) Middle age or younger
Bible Reference: Proverbs 16:23
- table, kitchen effects
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
Lighting: standard
SFX: none
- kitchen effects, scrap food, prayer page
- ¾ length winter coat and semi-dress clothing
Special Instructions: none
Time: 7
Sample of script:
A Time for Mercy – Cambodia
(Actor enters shivering, speaking to an imaginary person in the audience.)
Wow! It’s super cold out there! Would you believe my remote starter wouldn’t work, and I had to run out and start the car myself? Today of all days! I mean, it has to be like minus 30 out there… at least!
(Removes jacket.)
I should have worn my full-length parka, but no, I opted for the ¾ length instead. (Pauses, looks into the audience, smiles.) Well, it looked better with my outfit!
Oh, that husband of mine! Bill must have been making pizzas with the kids again—just look at this kitchen! Food scraps, dirty dishes, everywhere!
(Begins cleaning up leftovers.)
(Mimes hearing a question from the audience.)
Where was I, you ask? Oh, I was at the church for our monthly ladies’ missions meeting. What a great evening!
(Moves downstage, mimes inviting the audience closer, ready to gossip.)
Delores made these great little chocolate drops which, by the way, I do not believe were low-fat! And Ruby was wearing a new hat—not the style I would have chosen, but the color was definitely her!
And you remember Evelyn? Well, her daughter, Debbie, is expecting another baby. That will make five for her and Tom! Imagine!
(Mimes another question from the audience.)
What was the theme of the meeting? What do you mean by theme?
Oh, what was it about? Well… (pauses, thinks) … there were some announcements, a game, and a fellowship time. Oh yes, our president gave a little talk.
(Gets excited, ready to share more gossip.)
Wait until I tell you about what Jana was wearing!
(Pauses, annoyed with another question.)
The talk? Well, I couldn’t possibly remember it word for word. Wait a minute… (takes paper from pocket) …they gave us this prayer page to take home.
(Examines the paper.)
Oh, yes, here it is—“A Time for Mercy – Cambodia.”
(Puts paper back in pocket.)
Yes, we really do have to remember them in prayer, now don’t we? Somebody ought to do something about that!
(Ready to gossip again.)
But enough about those unpleasant things. Back to Jana’s outfit!
(Pauses, annoyed with another question.)
What about the women of Cambodia? Well… um… well… (pulls out paper again) …let’s see. There are a few facts on this page here.
(Begins to read.)
“Cambodia—full of idol worshipping, 10.8 million people all crowded into an area the size of Rhode Island.”
Oh my… well, somebody really ought to do something for them, shouldn’t they?
(Pauses, looks at the audience.)
What? You want to hear more? Well, okay… (reads the paper again).
“A land where even the small minority who have access to safe drinking water have a treacherous walk to get it, while carefully stepping around landmines awaiting their next victim. Many women and children are at risk of being maimed or killed by these mines because they are the ones walking through the fields. Children often must work to help support the meager income of their widowed mothers.”
(Pauses, thinking.)
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