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DramaShare Ministries

Society-Acceptable Denying

Society-Acceptable Denying

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Cast Number

Peter denied Jesus three times and the the rooster crowed.

That experience impacted Peter in a mighty way.

What about today? Do we deny Jesus in our everyday life, and do we see it as that big an issue? Suppose we were in a "real worldly situation" and an acquaintance from church dropped by?

Would our church friend see our words and actions as acceptable, or "Society Acceptable Denying?"

Listen, . . . do you hear a rooster crowing?

Cast: 1 (monolog)

Bible Reference:

  • Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, John 13 & 18

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: chair

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 5

Sample of script:

Double Life

(Actor walks on stage, “recognizes” people, and waves.)

Hey guys! Billy-boy, Tommy! How’s it tonight?

(Sees chair, sits so actor is facing downstage.)

Some busy day, huh? Hey, Tommy, that client of yours—Old Fred Long—somebody oughta tell him to get a life! The way it seems, he acts like if he don’t get the last cent outta his suppliers, the world’s gonna come to an end! Give me a break!

(Pauses... mimes listening to others.)

Ain’t that the truth, Bill! Likely our boss and old Fred are best buds, tryin’ to squeeze out the last penny outta every dollar.

(Looks up, smiles a leering smile.)

Hey there, sweetie! How’s my favorite waitress in the whole world?

(Pauses, puts on a phony hurt look.)

Whatcha mean, I likely say that to every cocktail waitress? I take exception to that!
Listen, bring me one’a my favorites, K? And not so much ice.

(Looks up and down as though inspecting someone, smiles.)

Oh my, you are looking good tonight, Missy!

(Pauses, looks back from side to side as though listening.)

No problem, I’ll put this round on my cheat sheet. Old Eddy in Accounting—he says no drinks on the expense account. I always tell him I play straight by the book—he never bothers me.

(Pauses, looks back and forth, listening.)

Yeh, well, yeh, Eddy—he’s into religion, goes to the church my family goes to.

(Actor stands, walks downstage, as though thinking to himself.)

I wonder what Ed Wagner would say if he saw me here. Not pleased, obviously.
Hey, but this is real life. I mean, every Sunday you will find me in church, with my family, worshipping. But Sunday is Sunday, and a fella still has to make a living, know what I mean?
I tithe, teach Sunday School—I’m a good person. I am OK.

(Walks back to chair, sits down, looks side to side, laughs.)

Ain’t that a fact! If we hadn’t massaged the specs on the H54JC, then for a fact we would have lost that contract.
Nobody’s any the wiser, client gets all they need—it was way under-spec’d anyhow.

(Looks up, leering smile.)

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