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DramaShare Ministries

Sin of the Follower

Sin of the Follower

Regular price $10.00 USD
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This dramatic presentation follows Judas Iscariot in the moments after he realizes the gravity of his betrayal of Jesus. Desperate to undo his actions, he rushes to the Sanhedrin, pleading for Jesus' life, only to be dismissed with scorn. The play explores themes of guilt, remorse, and the consequences of choices, highlighting the tragic fate of one who followed but failed to truly understand. The tension builds as Judas realizes it is too late, culminating in a powerful, emotional conclusion.

Run-Time: 7 minutes


  • Judas
  • Guard
  • Off-Stage Voices:
    • Annas (older voice)
    • Caiaphas
    • Several others (older voices)

Biblical Reference:

  • Matthew 27:3-5 – "When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders. 'I have sinned,' he said, 'for I have betrayed innocent blood.' 'What is that to us?' they replied. 'That’s your responsibility.' So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself."

(Scene opens with Judas running into the sanctuary, screaming in desperation.)

Judas: Please! Listen to me! I must talk to you. There has been a terrible mistake!

(Judas arrives at a doorway as a Guard steps out.)

Guard: You! Stop that noise! The Sanhedrin is meeting, you will be...

Judas: The chief priests, the elders! I must see them!

Guard: No one is allowed in there!

Judas: I must see them, and now, before it is too late! I have betrayed innocent blood! An innocent man is about to die! I must stop them!

(Caiaphas speaks from offstage.)

Caiaphas: Guards, the racket, what is happening out there? Did I not tell you we were not to be disturbed? Now tell the person to...

Guard: Sorry Caiaphas, sir, this man demands to see you and the rest, he...

(Judas shoves past the Guard and enters t

Sample of script

(Scene opens with Judas running into the sanctuary, screaming in desperation.)

Judas: Please! Listen to me! I must talk to you. There has been a terrible mistake!

(Judas arrives at a doorway as a Guard steps out.)

Guard: You! Stop that noise! The Sanhedrin is meeting, you will be...

Judas: The chief priests, the elders! I must see them!

Guard: No one is allowed in there!

Judas: I must see them, and now, before it is too late! I have betrayed innocent blood! An innocent man is about to die! I must stop them!

(Caiaphas speaks from offstage.)

Caiaphas: Guards, the racket, what is happening out there? Did I not tell you we were not to be disturbed? Now tell the person to...

Guard: Sorry Caiaphas, sir, this man demands to see you and the rest, he...

(Judas shoves past the Guard and enters the chamber. The conversation with the Sanhedrin continues with off-stage voices. The emotional struggle intensifies as Judas desperately pleads for Jesus' life.)

Judas: I must see you Caiaphas! I must explain to you and the elders! A terrible wrong is about to be . .

Caiaphas: Oh, it’s you, what’s your name, . . ah, yes, Judas, Judas Iscariot! And just what brings you here again, Judas Iscariot? I thought our business had been concluded. You have received what you bargained for, the thirty pieces of silver. And as for us, why we too are well satisfied with the transaction which we made, right, friends?

There is a stir of voices in the background, murmuring approval, agreement, some laughter.

Judas: But you don’t understand! I was wrong! He is innocent!

Caiaphas: You, wrong? Him, innocent? (laughs) Well, well! Quite a change in thinking from just two days ago! Remember, Judas Iscariot, remember how anxious you were then for His riddance! What, then, man? You, Judas Iscariot, you have your wish, and, we, . . . we have our wish as well, do we not, good friends of the Sanhedrin!

(Again sounds of agreement, laughter).

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