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Simeon and Anna

Simeon and Anna

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Cast Number

The story of the presentation of the Christ child at the temple as told by Simeon and Anna. Joseph and Mary present their son Jesus, as told by Simeon and Anna.

Cast: 2

  • Simeon, old man
  • Anna, old woman

Bible Reference: Luke 2
Set: standard
Sound: wireless mics if possible
Song: none
Lighting: standard
SFX: none
Props: none
Costumes: traditional
Special Instructions: none
Time: 10

Sample of script:

Simeon comes on stage, talks:

I'd like to tell you my story. I am not a famous man, nor have I ever desired to be. I simply was allowed to play a small part in a happening a long, long time ago. In fact my story took place on this very night, 2000 years ago.

As I said, I am a very ordinary man. Even my name, Simeon, was the most common name given a boy child in my culture. Simeon. The word means "harkening". Harken. To listen carefully. Perhaps I was well named. For it was in harkening, in listening carefully, in watching attentively, that I was able to play my small part.

I was known as a just and righteous man, devout in that I was careful about my religious duties, and that I reverenced God. That my friends and neighbors knew me as a virtuous, upright man was unimportant to me, other than the fact, of course, that this meant that I was known as keeping the commands of God. To be thought of as righteous is unfair and untrue of any mortal man. Only one in my knowledge ever was truly righteous, and it was He who was the central figure of the story which I would relate to you. My prayer would be that as one known as righteous, that this might mean that I am approved of by, and acceptable to, God.

You see, throughout history all Israel waited and longed for the Messiah. Unfortunately the most intense longing seemed always to coincide with the times when we, the people of Israel, had sinned against God and had brought His wrath against us. And at that those times Israel wanted a Messiah who would come to solve their problems.

Such was the situation in the time when I lived. All Israel had deserted God and worshiped many other gods as well as the living God.

Throughout history it was this attempt to place God in the same category as the many other gods which most angered God. The covenant made between God and Israel was based first on the exclusivity of worship which God demanded. Anything less was totally unacceptable.

So all Israel was waiting, now even praying, for the Messiah. Waiting and praying for the comfort and solace which His coming would bring. I too waited and prayed. But where most in Israel waited in desperation, I waited in, expectation. Expectation for the fulfillment of God's promises made to me, my knowledge grounded on personal experience.

The Holy Spirit had revealed to me that sometime before I died I would see the Messiah, God's anointed son, the Lord's Christ. That being promised, I saw no reason to doubt it's validity. It was not unusual for the Holy Spirit to be with men and women of my generation, the pity was that the Holy Spirit seemed to be an infrequent visitor in their lives, not an ongoing inhabitant.

Anna comes on stage, bowing to her knees at center stage, she prays

So it was that one morning when I went to the temple I felt that same special feeling of anticipation. As I entered the temple I noticed my dear friend, Anna, the daughter of Phaneul, (pronounced fan-oo-ale'), of the tribe of Asher, the eighth son of Jacob. And as always, Anna was in prayer.

Now where I was ordinary and common, Anna was very special, a prophetess. It is to be remembered that Israel had been given no prophet for several hundred years, therefore the prophetess Anna was very significant.

Anna was very old in years and very respected for her devotion to God. She worshipped continuously in the temple. But as she worshipped she served all those who came to the temple. A prophetess, serving God as would a menial servant. Anna fasted, but not as many of the people did. Anna's fasting was not public but private fasting. Her prayers were those of childlike devotion, an open heart's conversation with God.

Anna was my friend, a friend who shared my expectation of the immediacy of the Messiah's coming.

Anna stands and actors come together, looking out into audience

Anna: Simeon, dear friend, will this be the day?

Simeon: The day? The day of his coming? Who, except God could know, dear lady?

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