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DramaShare Ministries

Shove Island - Sea Voyage Part II

Shove Island - Sea Voyage Part II

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Two adventurous friends, Barry and Gary, travel on their ship, The Big Ship Mannerific, searching for a place to live. After escaping Sneeze Island, they land on Shove Island, hoping for a better experience.

Upon arrival, they meet Ned, a resident of the island. They quickly realize that Shove Island is not as friendly as they had hoped—everyone shoves each other instead of using manners. Barry and Gary repeatedly get pushed to the ground as Ned insists that shoving is just “how things work” on the island.

Frustrated, Barry and Gary explain the concept of asking politely instead of shoving. Ned is shocked—he has never heard of saying "Excuse me" or "May I get by, please?" After some convincing, Ned agrees to try using manners instead of shoving.

By the end of the skit, Barry and Gary decide Shove Island isn’t for them and leave, hoping that Ned will spread kindness to his fellow islanders.

This skit is a fun and creative way to illustrate kindness, respect, and treating others with love, which aligns well with Ephesians 4:32:

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." (Ephesians 4:32, NIV)

The lesson in the skit is that shoving, or treating others disrespectfully, is not the right way to interact. Instead, asking politely and showing kindness leads to better relationships. This is an essential Christian value that can be applied to friendships, family, and community.

Run-Time: 6-8 minutes

Cast: 4


  • Narrator – The storyteller, setting the scene.
  • Barry – Adventurous and somewhat dramatic.
  • Gary – More relaxed, a bit clueless, but loyal.
  • Ned – A local islander who doesn’t understand manners.


Narrator: (enthusiastically) Once upon a time, not so very long ago, Barry and Gary set sail on an adventure aboard their mighty ship, The Big Ship Mannerific! They had just escaped Sneeze Island—a place they quickly realized was not a great place to live. But where will our friends land next?

(Barry and Gary enter, rocking back and forth as if on a ship.)

Barry: Gary?

Gary: Zzzzz... (snoring loudly, swaying slightly)

Barry: GARY!?

Gary: (waking up startled, flailing arms) What?! I'm awake! What?!

Barry: How can you sleep at a time like this?

Gary: A time like what?

Barry: Like this! Can't you see him?!

Gary: Him who? Calm down and tell me what's wrong!

Barry: Him! Look! The SHARK!

Gary: SHARK?! Where?! AHHHH! (screams and flails wildly)

Barry: What are we going to do?! (shaking with fear)

Gary: I don’t know… maybe he’ll just go away?

Barry: Yeah, after he’s had his lunch. US! (covers eyes) I can’t watch!

Gary: Wait! Look! There’s hope! We’re saved!

Barry: Who is Hope? The fear is making you crazy. There is no one named Hope here!

Gary: I know that! I meant—look… LAND!

Barry: Land? Really? Let’s go!

(Barry and Gary excitedly exit, then return with a sign for the new island.)

Gary: Looks like a nice place! What do you think this island is called?

Barry: I don’t know, but it has to be better than the last one!

Gary: I’m not so sure about that… Look at that sign.

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