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Severe Makeover2

Severe Makeover2

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Second in a series of 5 episodes based on a TV newscast from the time of Jesus’ ministry. This sketch has reference to Jesus calming the water, the Rich man and Lazarus, the Good Samaritan and the wise and foolish builder.
Bart the Builder and Bev the Builder have renovation projects linked to parables and Bible happenings. And Nathan and Naomi are TV news reporters who interact with Bart and Bev.
Useful for children’s VBS programs.

Sketch 1: Severe Makeover Sinking House (Matt 7:21-27, Lk 16:19-31)
This sketch 2: Severe Makeover Boat
Sketch 3: Severe Makeover Fences (Lk 15:1-7, 11-24)
Sketch 4: Severe Makeover Palace (Lk 14:16-24, John 11:1-46)
Sketch 5: Severe Makeover Return (John 14:1-6)

Bible Reference: Mark 4:35-41, Luke 10:30-37

Cast: 4 (male or female)
Builder Bart
Builder Bev
Nathan, TV reporter
Naomi, TV reporter

Set: Can be as minimal or elaborate as you wish
Set or backdrops can show the project, (houses, boat, fence), being renovated

Costumes: may be either traditional or contemporary

Props: mics and props found in a TV studio
hammers, saws, carpentry tools

Sample of script:

Naomi and Nathan are seated in TV studio

Nathan: Good evening viewers, this is . . . Newsy Nathan from Channel 12 . . with all the news that is news where you want the news and when the news is still news before it becomes old news!
For sure the last 24 hours has been some exciting around these parts. . .
Here is my partner in news, Naomi, with a recap of some of the happenings we will be reporting on tonight!

Naomi: An exciting time indeed Nathan! . .
A follow-up on news from yesterday’s newscast, billionaire Neues died last night at his home.

Nathan: My guess is he died from complications of his years in curdled milk and olive oil.

Naomi, stares at Nathan:
In a related story, the old beggar Lazarus also died last night.

Nathan: Wow, now that is something! . . Old Lazarus who spent his last years begging for table scraps at Neues’ door, he dies on the same day as Neues. Guess it means that everyone is equal at the time of death huh?

Naomi: Not so much it would seem Nathan. People who were there when the two men died say that Neues died a very troubled man, but Lazarus, on the other hand died with a sweet smile on his face.

Nathan: My guess is there is more to that story than meets the eye.

Naomi: I do believe you are right on that Nathan.

Naomi holds fingers to ear, listens

Naomi: This just in . . . There is a report of another traveller assaulted on the Jericho Road outside Jerusalem.

Nathan: That is one rough area for travelling alone!

Naomi: And no one is likely to stop and help out. . . More on that on the 10:30 late news . .

Nathan: Now what news stories are us Channel 12 guys chasing tonight Naomi?

Naomi: Well, before we move on to new news, best we revisit our Severe Makeover Project. . . As I recall you and Bart the Builder were constructing a house, as were Bev the Builder and myself. . .

Nathan, trying to avoid: I really don’t see where our viewers would want to see that, why don’t we . .

Bev comes on stage

Naomi: Well, isn’t that a coincidence, here comes Bev the Builder now!

Bev: Hey Naomi . . Nathan . . . I just came from our house Naomi, that old storm last night for sure pounded on our renewed house but . . . not a spick of damage!

Naomi, to Nathan: Did you hear that Nathan? . . Not a spick of damage to the house that Bev and I planned and made over . .

Nathan: Well, for sure we are all pleased to hear that great news gals! . . Now moving on to other news . .

Naomi: Why don’t we move over to the house, show the viewers at home the sturdy home?

Nathan: Would be nice but . . (looks at watch) . . . strangely we are all outta time! . . So now . .

Naomi: Not so Newsy Nathan, we have lots of time. . .
(moves to side of stage where a sturdy house is shown)
Cameraman, can we get a close-up of the house which . . perhaps I mentioned . . Bev and I built?

Bev: In spite of the massive storm last night, you will notice that not one single shingle or board is out of place. . .

Nathan: So glad that worked for you girls now, on to other news . . .

Bev: Nathan, seems I heard that Bart the Builder and you had some . . . shall we say . . experiences . . with your house . . some storm damage I hear?

Nathan, worried: Nothing to speak of . . now in international news . . .

Naomi: Let’s go on over, take a look at your house . . .

Nathan tries to block the camera, all move to the disaster house where Bart is trying to straighten it up

Bev: Oh my Bart . . whatever do we have here?

Bart: Stupid wind, stupid rain, like to blew our house plumb over!

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Bart and Bev the Builders have renovation projects linked to parables and Bible happenings.
And Nathan and Naomi are TV news reporters who interact with Bart and Bev.
Second in a series of 5 episodes based on a TV newscast from the time of Jesus’ ministry. This sketch has reference to Jesus calming the water, the Rich man and Lazarus, the Good Samaritan and the wise and foolish builder.
For the complete series (at a lesser price) Click here
Useful for children’s VBS programs

Sketch 1: Severe Makeover Sinking House (Matt 7:21-27, Lk 16:19-31)
Sketch 2: This script Severe Makeover Boat (Matt 7:21-27, Lk 16:19-31)
Sketch 3: Severe Makeover Fences (Lk 15:1-7, 11-24)
Sketch 4: Severe Makeover Palace (Lk 14:16-24, John 11:1-46)
Sketch 5: Severe Makeover Return (John 14:1-6)

Cast: 4 m or f

  • Builder Bart
  • Builder Bev
  • Nathan, TV reporter
  • Naomi, TV reporter

Bible Reference: Mark 4:35-41, Luke 10:30-37


  • Can be as minimal or elaborate as you wish
  • Set or backdrops can show the project, (houses, boat, fence), being renovated

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none


  • mics and props found in a TV studio
  • hammers, saws, carpentry tools


  • may be either traditional or contemporary

Special Instructions: none

Time: 6

Sample of script:

Naomi and Nathan are seated in TV studio

Nathan: Good evening viewers, this is . . . Newsy Nathan from Channel 12 . . with all the news that is news where you want the news and when the news is still news before it becomes old news!
For sure the last 24 hours has been some exciting around these parts. . .
Here is my partner in news, Naomi, with a recap of some of the happenings we will be reporting on tonight!

Naomi: An exciting time indeed Nathan! . .
A follow-up on news from yesterday’s newscast, billionaire Neues died last night at his home.

Nathan: My guess is he died from complications of his years in curdled milk and olive oil.

Naomi, stares at Nathan:
In a related story, the old beggar Lazarus also died last night.

Nathan: Wow, now that is something! . . Old Lazarus who spent his last years begging for table scraps at Neues’ door, he dies on the same day as Neues. Guess it means that everyone is equal at the time of death huh?

Naomi: Not so much it would seem Nathan. People who were there when the two men died say that Neues died a very troubled man, but Lazarus, on the other hand died with a sweet smile on his face.

Nathan: My guess is there is more to that story than meets the eye.

Naomi: I do believe you are right on that Nathan.

Naomi holds fingers to ear, listens

Naomi: This just in . . . There is a report of another traveller assaulted on the Jericho Road outside Jerusalem.

Nathan: That is one rough area for travelling alone!

Naomi: And no one is likely to stop and help out. . . More on that on the 10:30 late news . .

Nathan: Now what news stories are us Channel 12 guys chasing tonight Naomi?

Naomi: Well, before we move on to new news, best we revisit our Severe Makeover Project. . As I recall you and Bart the Builder were constructing a house, as were Bev the Builder and myself. . .

Nathan, trying to avoid: I really don’t see where our viewers would want to see that, why don’t we . .

Bev comes on stage

Naomi: Well, isn’t that a coincidence, here comes Bev the Builder now!

Bev: Hey Naomi . . Nathan . . . I just came from our house Naomi, that old storm last night for sure pounded on our renewed house but . . . not a spick of damage!

Naomi, to Nathan: Did you hear that Nathan? . . Not a spick of damage to the house that Bev and I planned and made over . .

Nathan: Well, for sure we are all pleased to hear that great news gals! . . Now moving on to other news . .

Naomi: Why don’t we move over to the house, show the viewers at home the sturdy home?

Nathan: Would be nice but . . (looks at watch) . . . strangely we are all outta time! . . So now .

Naomi: Not so Newsy Nathan, we have lots of time. . .
(moves to side of stage where a sturdy house is shown)
Cameraman, can we get a close-up of the house which . . perhaps I mentioned . . Bev and I built?

Bev: In spite of the massive storm last night, you will notice that not one single shingle or board is out of place. . .

Nathan: So glad that worked for you girls now, on to other news . . .

Bev: Nathan, seems I heard that Bart the Builder and you had some . . . shall we say . . experiences . . with your house . . some storm damage I hear?

Nathan, worried: Nothing to speak of . . now in international news . . .

Naomi: Let’s go on over, take a look at your house . . .

Nathan tries to block the camera, all move to the disaster house where Bart is trying to straighten it up

Bev: Oh my Bart . . whatever do we have here?

Bart: Stupid wind, stupid rain, like to blew our house plumb over!

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