DramaShare Ministries

Severe Makeover1

Severe Makeover1

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The first in a series of 5 episodes based on a TV newscast from the time of Jesus’ ministry.
Bart the Builder and Bev the Builder have renovation projects linked to parables and Bible happenings. And Nathan and Naomi are TV news reporters who interact with Bart and Bev. This sketch references the rich man and Lazarus, and the wise and foolish builder.
Useful for children’s VBS programs.

This sketch: Severe Makeover Sinking House
Sketch 2: Severe Makeover Boat (Mark 4:35-41, Lk 10:30-37)
Sketch 3: Severe Makeover Fences (Lk 15:1-7, 11-24)
Sketch 4: Severe Makeover Palace (Lk 14:16-24, John 11:1-46)
Sketch 5: Severe Makeover Return (John 14:1-6)

Bible Reference: Matthew 7:21-27, Luke 16:19-31

Cast: 4 (male or female)
Builder Bart
Builder Bev
Nathan, TV reporter
Naomi, TV reporter

Set: Can be as minimal or elaborate as you wish
Set or backdrops can show the project, (houses, boat, fence), being renovated

Costumes: may be either traditional or contemporary

Props: mics and props found in a TV studio
hammers, saws, carpentry tools

Sample of script:

Naomi and Nathan are sitting in TV studio

Nathan: A great big welcome to our Channel 12 viewers and do we have some kind of an on location newscast for you today.
I am . . . Newsy Nathan . . with all the news that is news where you want the news and when the news is still news before it becomes old news!
And here is my partner in newsation . . . Newsy Naomi.

Naomi, confused: Newsy Naomi? . . . My name is Naomi. . and . .

Nathan: “Naomi”??? . . What kinda name is that for a big time news reporter?

Naomi: Well, to start off . . it IS my name.

Nathan: Never, never, never. . . Not in one million years is a name like that gonna cut it in the big leagues!

Naomi: “The big leagues”??? . . .

Nathan: Might I remind you this is no average ordinary TV station . . This is Channel 12 baby!

Naomi: Yes it is . . . and we are the ONLY TV station within 100 miles.

Nathan: For a fact we are . . and that’s what makes us so special! . . . Now then, where was I . .
Oh yes, I am . . . Newsy Nathan . . with all the news that is news where you want the news and when the news is still news before it becomes old news!

And here is my partner in newsation . . .

Naomi: “Newsation”??? . . . And just what is “newsation”?

Nathan, proud: Dreamed that up myself! . . Doncha just love it?

Naomi: Love it???? . . . I don’t even understand what it means!

Nathan: Means the act of TV news reporting . . . . Newsation!

Naomi: “Newsation” huh? . . . Mind telling me where you got that word from?

Nathan, points to head: Got it right up here in my own brain!

Naomi, unimpressed: My guess is you likely have enough left up there in your brain to make one more word, likely a very short word.

Nathan: So on with the news then . .
What stories are we following tonight?

Naomi: Well, first off, the family of Neues confirms that the millionaire tycoon, and Lazarus, the beggar who sits outside Neues’ door, are both very ill.

Nathan: Isn’t Neues the rich old bachelor in the big brick house down on Jordan Road?

Naomi: The same, Nathan.

Nathan: How did Neues get to be that rich?

Naomi: Neues has been in curdled milk and olive oil for many years.

Nathan: No wonder he is very ill.

Naomi, double take: What???

Nathan: Well you would be very ill too if you spent many years in curdled milk and olive oil. . . I mean, how yucky is that?

Naomi, angry: NO! . . . Neues manufactured and sold curdled milk and olive oil!

Nathan: I knew that! . . I really did know that . . really . .

Naomi: Ummm, yes, well whatever! . .
And also tonight we are starting our new feature series on Channel 12 . . .
Nathan, why don’t you tell our viewers all about the new series?

Nathan: Wow, a new series right here on Channel 12 . . I am just so looking forward to this new series, it’s all about . . .
(pause, thinks, tries to remember)
What was the series all about Naomi?? . . . Exactly? . . .

Naomi: Well you were in the planning meeting Nathan!

Nathan: Oh for sure, I know I was . . but likely I just never got the last memo . . .

Naomi, withering look at Nathan: The new series is . . Severe Makeover Carpentry.
We have two carpenters who will be creating makeover projects right here on camera, and our audience at home will get to follow through on the construction.

Nathan: All I can say is sounds like a winner to me!

Naomi: Here are our construction experts now. . .

Bart and Bev come on stage

Naomi, to Bart: You are . .

Bart: I am Bart the Builder.

Nathan: Excellent name for, like, a . . builder.

Naomi, to Bev: And you?

Bev: I am Bev the Builder.

Nathan: Bart the Builder and Bev the Builder . . Works for me!

Naomi: Can you bring our viewers up to speed on what you plan to do in this series Bev?

Bev: What we hope to do is create a new construction project each show, showing step by step the stages of the project.

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Bart and Bev the Builders have renovation projects linked to parables and Bible happenings.
And Nathan and Naomi are TV news reporters who interact with Bart and Bev.
This sketch references the rich man and Lazarus, and the wise and foolish builder.
This is the first in a series of 5 episodes based on a possible TV newscast from the time of Jesus’ ministry. For the complete series (at a lesser price) Click here
Useful for children’s VBS programs.

This sketch: Severe Makeover Sinking House
The other sketches in the series:
Sketch 2: Severe Makeover Boat (Mark 4:35-41, Lk 10:30-37)
Sketch 3: Severe Makeover Fences (Lk 15:1-7, 11-24)
Sketch 4: Severe Makeover Palace (Lk 14:16-24, John 11:1-46)
Sketch 5: Severe Makeover Return (John 14:1-6)

Cast: 4 m or f

  • Builder Bart
  • Builder Bev
  • Nathan, TV reporter
  • Naomi, TV reporter

Bible Reference: Matthew 7:21-27, Luke 16:19-31


  • Can be as minimal or elaborate as you wish
  • Set or backdrops can show the project, (houses, boat, fence), being renovated

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none


  • mics and props found in a TV studio
  • hammers, saws, carpentry tools


  • may be either traditional or contemporary

Special Instructions: none

Time: 7

Sample of script:

Naomi and Nathan are sitting in TV studio

Nathan: A great big welcome to our Channel 12 viewers and do we have some kind of an on location newscast for you today.
I am . . . Newsy Nathan . . with all the news that is news where you want the news and when the news is still news before it becomes old news!
And here is my partner in newsation . . . Newsy Naomi.

Naomi, confused: Newsy Naomi? . . . My name is Naomi. . and . .

Nathan: “Naomi”??? . . What kinda name is that for a big time news reporter?

Naomi: Well, to start off . . it IS my name.

Nathan: Never, never, never. . . Not in one million years is a name like that gonna cut it in the big leagues!

Naomi: “The big leagues”??? . . .

Nathan: Might I remind you this is no average ordinary TV station . . This is Channel 12 baby!

Naomi: Yes it is . . . and we are the ONLY TV station within 100 miles.

Nathan: For a fact we are . . and that’s what makes us so special! . . . Now then, where was I . .
Oh yes, I am . . . Newsy Nathan . . with all the news that is news where you want the news and when the news is still news before it becomes old news!

And here is my partner in newsation . . .

Naomi: “Newsation”??? . . . And just what is “newsation”?

Nathan, proud: Dreamed that up myself! . . Doncha just love it?

Naomi: Love it???? . . . I don’t even understand what it means!

Nathan: Means the act of TV news reporting . . . . Newsation!

Naomi: “Newsation” huh? . . . Mind telling me where you got that word from?

Nathan, points to head: Got it right up here in my own brain!

Naomi, unimpressed: My guess is you likely have enough left up there in your brain to make one more word, likely a very short word.

Nathan: So on with the news then . .
What stories are we following tonight?

Naomi: Well, first off, the family of Neues confirms that the millionaire tycoon, and Lazarus, the beggar who sits outside Neues’ door, are both very ill.

Nathan: Isn’t Neues the rich old bachelor in the big brick house down on Jordan Road?

Naomi: The same, Nathan.

Nathan: How did Neues get to be that rich?

Naomi: Neues has been in curdled milk and olive oil for many years.

Nathan: No wonder he is very ill.

Naomi, double take: What???

Nathan: Well you would be very ill too if you spent many years in curdled milk and olive oil. . . I mean, how yucky is that?

Naomi, angry: NO! . . . Neues manufactured and sold curdled milk and olive oil!

Nathan: I knew that! . . I really did know that . . really . .

Naomi: Ummm, yes, well whatever! . .
And also tonight we are starting our new feature series on Channel 12 . . .
Nathan, why don’t you tell our viewers all about the new series?

Nathan: Wow, a new series right here on Channel 12 . . I am just so looking forward to this new series, it’s all about . . .
(pause, thinks, tries to remember)
What was the series all about Naomi?? . . . Exactly? . . .

Naomi: Well you were in the planning meeting Nathan!

Nathan: Oh for sure, I know I was . . but likely I just never got the last memo . . .

Naomi, withering look at Nathan: The new series is . . Severe Makeover Carpentry.
We have two carpenters who will be creating makeover projects right here on camera, and our audience at home will get to follow through on the construction.

Nathan: All I can say is sounds like a winner to me!

Naomi: Here are our construction experts now. . .

Bart and Bev come on stage

Naomi, to Bart: You are . .

Bart: I am Bart the Builder.

Nathan: Excellent name for, like, a . . builder.

Naomi, to Bev: And you?

Bev: I am Bev the Builder.

Nathan: Bart the Builder and Bev the Builder . . Works for me!

Naomi: Can you bring our viewers up to speed on what you plan to do in this series Bev?

Bev: What we hope to do is create a new construction project each show, showing step by step the stages of the project.

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