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DramaShare Ministries

See My Palm Branch

See My Palm Branch

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Cast Number

Palm Sunday. Someone important is coming into town and the interest in being there is growing stronger. Some people come through a sense of commitment and pure interest, others are caught up in the hysteria and drop out when doubts creep in.

Cast: 3 (m or f)

  • Mary
  • Jamie
  • Tommy

Bible Reference:    Matthew 21:1-9

Set:      bare

Lighting: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song:  none

SFX: none

Costumes: traditional or contemporary

Props: Palm branches

Special Instructions: none

Time:  5

Sample of script:

Scene – The Triumphal Entry

(Mary & Jaimie enter excitedly, picking up palm branches.)

MARY: Isn't this exciting?

JAIMIE: He should be here any minute.

(Tommy enters, curious, watching Mary & Jaimie.)

JAIMIE: The crowds are starting to fill in. We are fortunate we got here early, Mary.

MARY: Well, Jaimie, we were warned there would be a big turnout. It’s the talk of the town—the whole region, actually.

JAIMIE: Seems everywhere he goes, the crowds get larger and the excitement grows.

MARY: The people are excited, but the authorities? Not so much. More like angry and upset with what he talks about.

TOMMY: Excuse me... mind me asking what you guys are doing?

MARY: Waiting.

JAIMIE: He will be here soon.

TOMMY: Waiting for who exactly? And what’s with the tree branches?

JAIMIE: Everybody has heard of the marvelous things he has done.

TOMMY: Well, count me out of the loop. I have no idea what you are talking about!

MARY: Where have you been? Surely you heard about what happened at Bethsaida.

JAIMIE: The huge crowd... and everyone was fed.

MARY: And if that doesn’t convince you, then surely you heard what happened at Bethany.

TOMMY (laughs): Oh, I get it! A bunch of guys and I were joking about that last night.

MARY: Joking? Why would you joke about something like that? Thousands have seen what he can do.

TOMMY: Seriously? People have been there and saw it firsthand?

MARY: Thousands.

TOMMY: You mean... credible people?

MARY: Thousands of people could hardly be wrong.

TOMMY: Well... I guess... maybe...

(Jaimie looks downstage, excited.)

JAIMIE: See, the crowd is coming now!

MARY (shouts): You are the most blessed!

JAIMIE (loudly): And you bring blessing to our city and everyone within!

TOMMY: Wow, this is really something! Listen, do you have a spare tree branch for me?

(Jaimie hands a palm branch to Tommy, who waves it vigorously.)

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