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Salvation Through Submission

Salvation Through Submission

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Captain Ordinary, the guy who is not a super hero who is, “just a standard hero,” and his friend “Batboy” (not to be be confused with Batman or Robin), prove that real strength is not about doing everything yourself. Real strength is seen in submission to God.

This script, Salvation Through Submission, is Part 3 of a three-part series, "Captain Ordinary", also see Part 2, “Truth is Strength” and Part 3, “Salvation Through Submission


  • 4 m or f, can be played by any age but meant to be teens
  • CO (Captain Ordinary)
  • Batboy, CO's accomplice
  • Tanya damsel in distress
  • Mel, Tanya's friend

Bible Reference: 

  • Genesis 16:1-16

Set:      bare

Lighting:    standard

Sound:     wireless mics if available

Song:     none

SFX:       none

Costumes:      standard

Props:      none

Special Instructions:   none

Time:    7

Sample of script:

Scene Opens

(Mel is rushing around on stage, looking for things, very upset. Tanya is trying to slow Mel down.)

Tanya: I tell you, Mel, this simply isn’t working! Here you are, rushing around, trying to get everything done for the concert at the church tonight, and really getting nothing done except wasting time.

Mel: Tanya, I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t get in my way. Don’t you see how much there is to do? And I am the one who has to do it!

Tanya: When CO asked you to coordinate this concert, he didn’t mean for you to do all the work yourself. He expected that you would get lots of people together and that you would oversee the work.

Mel: CO expects this concert to be done well—like he said—so that God would be honored. I can’t afford to take any chances letting others do the work. I mean, what happens if something gets messed up? CO would never ask me again, that’s what! After all, I mean, he is Captain Ordinary, and he wants things done right.

(Batboy enters.)

Batboy: Hey, Tanya. Hey, Mel.

Tanya: Hey, Batboy! How’s things?

Batboy: Well, actually...

Mel: Sorry, Batboy, I am super busy here. No time to chit-chat, you understand.

Batboy: Hey, slow down there, Mel. I need to talk to you. CO is a little concerned—the project is a bit behind, and...

Mel: Hey, not a problem-o! The bands are booked, the advertising is out, I am on top of things! All is under control.

Batboy: Yeah, but thing is... CO and me, we don’t see anyone but you working. And you’re working way too long hours. Now, where is your team?

Mel: Oh, you know, it’s like they say—you can’t get good help nowadays.

Batboy: You mean, you’re doing it all by yourself? No one is working with you?

Mel: It’s all OK, trust me. I’m putting a big push on these next few days. All is well under control... Trust me.

Batboy: It’s not a matter of trust, Mel. It's simply a fact that this is a huge undertaking. And one person, working alone, can never complete this project alone.

I mean, that’s not even fair—to you, to CO, or for that matter, to God. I mean, that’s what this concert is for, right? So that new people will come and hear God’s salvation message loud and clear.

(CO enters.)

CO: Hey guys, where is the rest of our team?

Tanya: Fact is... Mel is the team.

CO: I don’t understand... I asked you to be in charge of the concert, but that means getting the right people and making sure they had the skills and information to do their individual jobs.

Mel: Well, I’d rather do it myself so I can be sure it’s all done right. Don’t worry—if I just spend a few more hours...

CO: No, Mel. That’s not the strength we are looking for in you. I want you to look after your part and leave others to do their jobs.

Mel: And if they mess up...?

CO: If they mess up, then your job is to see that they correct the situation.

But if you pick the right people, train them properly, and give them the right guidance and assistance, I’m sure we will all be pleased with the results of the concert. The project will be finished on time... and God will be glorified.

(Scene Ends.)

gs! All is under control.

Batboy: Yeah, but thing is... CO and me, we don’t see anyone but you working. And you’re working way too long hours. Now, where is your team?

Mel: Oh, you know, it’s like they say—you can’t get good help nowadays.

Batboy: You mean, you’re doing it all by yourself? No one is working with you?

Mel: It’s all OK, trust me. I’m putting a big push on these next few days. All is well under control... Trust me.

Batboy: It’s not a matter of trust, Mel. It's simply a fact that this is a huge undertaking. And one person, working alone, can never complete this project alone.

I mean, that’s not even fair—to you, to CO, or for that matter, to God. I mean, that’s what this concert is for, right? So that new people will come and hear God’s salvation message loud and clear.

(CO enters.)

CO: Hey guys, where is the rest of our team?

Tanya: Fact is... Mel is the team.

CO: I don’t understand... I asked you to be in charge of the concert, but that means getting the right people and making sure they had the skills and information to do their individual jobs.

Mel: Well, I’d rather do it myself so I can be sure it’s all done right. Don’t worry—if I just spend a few more hours...

CO: No, Mel. That’s not the strength we are looking for in you. I want you to look after your part and leave others to do their jobs.

Mel: And if they mess up...?

CO: If they mess up, then your job is to see that they correct the situation.

But if you pick the right people, train them properly, and give them the right guidance and assistance, I’m sure we will all be pleased with the results of the concert. The project will be finished on time... and God will be glorified.

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