DramaShare Ministries
Sacrifice of Two Men
Sacrifice of Two Men
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The life of Old Testament Joseph, with comparisons to the earthly life of Jesus in 10 acts. Can be used as Easter or Maundy Thursday presentation or at any time of year.
Set in the mid-1900s, Joseph (Joey) and his family are farmers. Joey’s brothers “arrange” his necessary departure and Joey goes to work for Matt Potts, ends up in jail, and then back in charge of setting aside the harvest from the seven years of abundance. And, as in the original Biblical accounts, Joey’s brothers show up to buy grain during the time of famine.
Between each scene there is a three-part narration, and the drama ends with a human video, (mime to music), of the Ray Boltz song, “I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb”. (Written script only, no video or music).
Cast: 31
- (could be expanded or doubled up)
- 13 brothers and father
- Matt & Sarah Potts
- Andrew & George
- Cookie & Terrence
- 2 guards
- Phillip & Elias
- 5 for human video (could be more)
- 3 narrators
Bible Reference:
- Genesis 35 - 37
- May be as elaborate or plain as desired/available.
- Act I is a meadow where a horse race has been ru , can be blank set or backdrop
- Act II is at the kitchen table at the Potts Ranch Act III takes place at the jail
- Act IV is at the kitchen table at the Potts Ranch Act V is at the kitchen table at Jake’s farm
- Act VI is at the kitchen table at the Potts Ranch. Act VII is at the kitchen table at Jake’s farm
- Act VIII is at the kitchen table at the Potts Ranch.
- Act IX – Finale is the Human Video, (mime to music), of “I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb” (blank set)
Lighting: spots to darken stage between acts
Sound: wireless mics if available
- “I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb” words and music by Ray Boltz© 1994 Shepherd Boy Music/ASCAP & Word Music/ASCAP
- clips of car approaching and brakes, horses running, people cheering
- older work clothing circa 1950, torn dress for Sarah Act II, appropriate prisoner clothing Act III
- table and chairs, coffee cups, books, pens, jackets, paper, package with money for Act I, beard for Joey Act IV
Special Instructions:
- since all acts except Act I take place at a table, and since there is a short narration in between each act, it would be easy to use the same set and simply have a slightly different backdrop to distinguish between Potts Ranch and Jake’s farm.
Time: 90
Sample of script:
offstage voices in the darkness
SFX: animation of clouds moving
Narrator1: This is the story of two men.
Two men, flesh and blood, who walked this earth.
Two men to whom were assigned incredible responsibilities
Two men with seemingly humanly impossible tasks.
Two men to whom the love of God was applied equally, but displayed uniquely
(slight pause)
Two men . . . .
(slight pause)
Similar yet worlds apart:
(slight pause)
Both men were greatly loved by their fathers.
Narrator2: Joseph, beloved son of Jacob.
Narrator 3: Jesus, beloved son of God.
Narrator1: Two men who were both servant and savior
Narrator2: Joseph, a recruited servant who lived to be an unintentional savior.
Narrator3: Jesus, an eager servant who died to be a deliberate savior.
Narrator1: Two men of great faith.
Narrator2: Joseph, whose daily life required his faith in the God outside himself.
Narrator2: Jesus, whose death and resurrection validated our faith that he was God himself.
Narrator1: Two men whose circumstances colored the fabric of their faith.
Narrator2: Joseph, became daily more convinced of the breadth of God’s holiness.
Narrator2: Jesus, who came to earth to know first hand humanity’s need for redemption.
Narrator1: Two men in whose life we see a faith of many colors.
Two . . . men . . .
SFX: off
Act I – a meadow
SFX: horses running, people cheering
lights up on Rube, Simon, Lee, Jude, Ike, Zeke, Gabe, Ash, Dan, Nate, and Ben, watching a horse race
Rube, excited: Will ya just look at your little brother! Little Joey finished the race two full lengths ahead of Tommy Bruce’s gelding!
Ben, very excited:Wow, just think! Our brother Joey, winner of this 1948 Clarke County Fair Horse Race!
Ash: Yeh right Ben, we’ll never hear the end of this one, Joey braggin’ about how much better rider he is than the rest of us, how his horse is like the greatest ever!
Nate: Can you just imagine Joey telling us about his dreams now; even more of how we all bow down to him and serve him.
Ash: Joey the dreamer! And in his dreams he is always number one!
Simon: I can just hear Jake goin’ on about, (mimics) . . . “little Joey” . . and, (mimics) . . . “isn't that kid just about the greatest you ever did see?”
Rube: Simon, he is our father, you will show him some respect by calling him Father, and not Jake!
Gabe: Look Rube, if Jake showed some respect for the rest of us maybe he would deserve to be called Father! Let’s face it, all Jake cares about is Joey . .. (looks at Ben) . . and Ben of course!
Ben: Look you guys, he is father to all of us, and he has given us all stuff. (looks at Lee and Nate) What about you Lee, Nate, didn’t Father buy both of you the best horses for this race?
Nate: Well, yeh but . . . .
Lee: Nothing like the horse he got for Joey!
Jude: Did you see that saddle he got for Joey?
Ike: Yeh, and the coat he had made for Joey!
Zeke: You got that right, Ike, every color in the rainbow in that coat I tell ya! Never once would he give something like that to any of the rest of us! Makes a guy want to . . .
Dan: Hush that talk you guys, here comes Father now!
Jake walks on stage, proudly, greets the sons happily
Jake: Did you see little Joey? Isn't that kid just about the greatest you ever did see?
all except Rube and Ben roll their eyes
Rube: Yep, he sure did good Father.
Jake: Good??? Good you say??? Why that kid came across the finish line like a good hundred feet ahead of that Sam Bruce’s son!
Rube: Actually it was about two lengths, but, for sure, Joey done good.
Jake: And didn’t he look some picture wearin’ that coat and sittin’ up high on that saddle I got him?
Ash: Do ya think I could get me a new saddle Father?
Jake: What are you saying Ash, now didn’t I just get you a new saddle last year?
Ash: My saddle was one you bought at the auction four, five years back. And the cinch is all broke.
Jake: Hey well son, if you need a new saddle why that’s what we will get you next time we are in town. You boys all know that I like to look after each and every one of you. . . . Hey, now listen, I gotta go find Sam Bruce, (giggles), give him some roastin’ about how my Joey showed up his son in the race! See you boys back at the farm, remember, don’t be late, chores are needin’ done!
Jude: Well we will go gather up Joey and all head home.
Jake: No I told Joey that he could hang around here a bit, enjoy his big day, winning the horse race and all. Besides Joey was the one who looked after all the prize money for the race, he’s gotta hand out the prize money to the winners. Now you boys get home and get the chores done. Joey and me, we will be along later. Ben, maybe you should come with me to make it a special time for Joey.
Jake and Ben walk off stage, other actors (except Rube) show anger
Dan: Well that’s fair Jake!
Simon: Would do me a world of good if Joey got thrown off that horse and broke his neck!
Rube: Simon, don’t even joke about a thing like that!
Lee: Joke? Best thing could ever happen! Maybe then Jake has some time for the rest of us if high and mighty Joey’s not around!
Jude: Maybe put a burr under his saddle blanket, you know how nervous and easy spooked Joey’s horse is.
Rube: Guys . . . .!
Zeke: Guys nothing! Joey needs a comeuppance!
Ash, smiles: After all accidents do happen.
Rube: Come on guys, that’s enough dumb talk! Let’s get our stuff and go home.
actors pick up jackets off the floor, a package falls out, Nate picks it up
Nate: What’s this? (opens package, takes out a stack of money) What’s this, must be like two hundred bucks here!
Gabe: I never even seen that much money, where did it come from?
Nate: Package has Joey’s handwriting on it.
Lee: That must be the prize money that Joey was holding.
Simon, smiles: Well, Joey’s not gonna need this after his unfortunate accident.
Rube: You are all talking crazy, we gotta get this money to Joey, he will be outta his head worried about it!
Zeke: Our dear brother is a dead man already!
Rube: You guys aren’t serious?
Ash: Rube, we don’t care whether you are with us or not, but the fact is the rest of us have had enough.
Zeke: Like I said, Joey is a dead man.
Ike: Here comes Joey now, I’ll go doctor his saddle, you guys keep him busy!
Gabe, excited: Our dear brother is goin’ for a fall!
Rube: No! No, guys, don’t do that! It’s not right that the blood of our brother be on our hands, and our conscience. Listen! I have a better idea, give me that money, and just play along with me when Joey gets here.
Rube puts the package in his shirt, Joey comes on stage
Joey: Hey guys, did you guys see that race! Man that was the greatest feeling! I mean, it was like having wings!
Simon: OK guys, bow down to your brother!
all show mock reverence, bowing down
Joey, giggles: Tell you what guys, I will give you the honor of rubbing down my horse tonight. Now then, time to go hand out the prize money. (smirks) And of course I get to keep the big share of the money myself!
Joey searches among the pile of clothing
Joey, concerned: That is strange, I put the money right here. Did any of you guys see it?
Rube: Yeh, Joey, we saw bags and bags of money everywhere! (pulls his pockets inside out) See, all the hundred dollar bills falling out everywhere.
all others laugh, do the same
Joey, beginning to look scared: That’s enough you guys, stop clowning around! Now who took the money?
Rube: Joey, what money are you talkin’ about?
Joey, worried: The prize money for the race. I hid the package right here with a hundred and eighty-five bucks in it.
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