DramaShare Ministries

Sackcloth And Ashes

Sackcloth And Ashes

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Eliminating religiosity, being real

Sample of script:

Tony and Abner come on stage, Tony positions Abner at center stage, then starts pulling at his own coat, muttering, while Abner stands motionless.

Tony: OK Abner, you stand right there. Man, this stuff is tough! (strains, groans) How’s a guy supposed to do this?

Continues with the for a few seconds, then Elizabeth comes on stage

Elizabeth: Hey, Tony, hey Abner, how’s things?

Tony doesn’t notice, too involved in struggling with coat

Elizabeth: Tony? Are you in there? Hellllllooooooooooooooo!

Tony: Whaaaa . . .what? Who? Someone say something?

Elizabeth: In a word, yes I certainly did say something.

Tony, mimes counting on fingers: Technically I think that’s more than one word.

Elizabeth: You noticed.

Tony: Yep.

Elizabeth: Not much gets by you. Mind telling me what you are doing with your coat?

Tony: Rending.

Elizabeth: Rending?

Tony: Rending.

Elizabeth: And, . . . rending . . .would be . . . .?

Tony: To rend.

Elizabeth: Glad you cleared that one up.

Tony: It’s biblical.

Elizabeth: Rending is biblical.

Tony: Yep! Way biblical!

Elizabeth: That’s a load off. Now if we were to understand what biblical rending is my life would be complete, seems like.

Tony: You mean you don’t know?

Elizabeth: I have led a sheltered life. Enlighten me.

Tony: 2 Samuel chapter 3. 2 Chronicles chapter 34. Check it out for yourself.

Elizabeth: And I will find the answer to the mystery of biblical rending?

Tony: Surely will.

Elizabeth: And if I don’t have time at the moment . . .

Tony: If you are talking time, best you go to Ecclesiastes 3:7

Elizabeth: Ecclesiastes 3:7 is the source of time based rending?

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Eliminating religiosity, being real means, example, not rending (tearing) of clothes.
This comedy clearly brings out the need for sincere worship and the elimination of showing off in our worship and our lives.

Cast: 3

  • Tony
  • Abner- should be male
  • Elizabeth

Bible Reference: Joel 2:13

Set: blank

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 15

Sample of script:

Tony and Abner come on stage, Tony positions Abner at center stage, then starts pulling at his own coat, muttering, while Abner stands motionless.

Tony: OK Abner, you stand right there. Man, this stuff is tough! (strains, groans) How’s a guy supposed to do this?

Continues with the for a few seconds, then Elizabeth comes on stage

Elizabeth: Hey, Tony, hey Abner, how’s things?

Tony doesn’t notice, too involved in struggling with coat

Elizabeth: Tony? Are you in there? Hellllllooooooooooooooo!

Tony: Whaaaa . . .what? Who? Someone say something?

Elizabeth: In a word, yes I certainly did say something.

Tony, mimes counting on fingers: Technically I think that’s more than one word.

Elizabeth: You noticed.

Tony: Yep.

Elizabeth: Not much gets by you. Mind telling me what you are doing with your coat?

Tony: Rending.

Elizabeth: Rending?

Tony: Rending.

Elizabeth: And, . . . rending . . .would be . . . .?

Tony: To rend.

Elizabeth: Glad you cleared that one up.

Tony: It’s biblical.

Elizabeth: Rending is biblical?

Tony: Yep! Way biblical!

Elizabeth: That’s a load off. Now if we were to understand what biblical rending is my life would be complete, seems like.

Tony: You mean you don’t know?

Elizabeth: I have led a sheltered life. Enlighten me.

Tony: 2 Samuel chapter 3. 2 Chronicles chapter 34. Check it out for yourself.

Elizabeth: And I will find the answer to the mystery of biblical rending?

Tony: Surely will.

Elizabeth: And if I don’t have time at the moment . . .

Tony: If you are talking time, best you go to Ecclesiastes 3:7

Elizabeth: Ecclesiastes 3:7 is the source of time based rending?

Tony:              In a manner, yep, just listen up, says: “A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak.”  Now, does that convince you?

Elizabeth:        I am underwhelmed.  And utterly confused.  What does this have to do with yanking on your coat?

Tony:              I feel as though God is calling me to repent.

Elizabeth:        No argument here on that one, God is calling all of us to repent.  But there is a link between repenting and tearing up perfectly good jackets?  Whose idea was this one?

Tony:              No one less than King David.

Elizabeth:        As in, the bible King David?

Tony:              The one and only.

Elizabeth:        I am shocked that I am asking this but, just how did King David bring this up in the discussion?

Tony:              I was reading my bible.

Elizabeth:        And King David told you to tear your jacket?

Tony:              Clear as crystal.

Elizabeth:        This was in Ecclesiastes 3:7?

Tony:              No, actually 2 Samuel 3:31.

Elizabeth:        Where King David said . . . .

Tony:              Fine, I will read it for you!  I hope you realize how much good rending time this is using up!  (opens Bible, searches, reads)  OK, here we go.  “And David said to Joab, and to all the people that were with him, rend your clothes, and gird you with sackcloth, and mourn before Abner.”  Ok, now then, do you understand?

Elizabeth:        And Abner would be . . .Abner Johnson here?

Tony:              You know another guy named Abner here in (name of town)?

Abner:             My momma wanted me to have a unique name no one else would copy.

Elizabeth:        So you are rending . .  .?

Tony:              Yep, rending, means to tear.  Betcha you didn’t know that!

Elizabeth:        I am found out.  But I think you are missing the point.  God wants us to repent, that is true.  But not in going around tearing up our clothing.  God has provided much better ways for us to repent.

Tony:              Oh, sure!  But do you have any idea how tough it is to get sackcloth nowadays?

Abner:             And with gas furnaces where’s a guy to get ashes?

Elizabeth:        God doesn’t want us to do those outward things, he wants true repentance within us, in our hearts, not in public demonstrations.

Abner:             Won’t fly.

Elizabeth:        Because . . ?

Abner:             Who is to see you repenting if you don’t rend and tear and do stuff in public?

Elizabeth:        So it’s important that you be seen repenting?

Tony:              Duh!  What’s the use in repenting if folks don’t see you?

Elizabeth:        But God sees you, He knows, and He is the only one that matters.

Abner:             Not in our church, we keep track of the repenters on a flannel graph.

Tony:              Wrongo, Abner, you forgot, we have computerized, made a Repenters database.

Abner:             Wow, that will sure make it better!

Elizabeth:        I don’t believe this!  God doesn’t want us to repent for display like some Friday night Religiosity matinee!

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