DramaShare Ministries

Restricting Restrictions

Restricting Restrictions

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A current day look at Jeremiah 31 where God’s dream for his people and his expectation of how they are to live meets with opposition with the people.

Cast: 8 (plus any number of extras, all except Jeremiah can be m or f)
Mayor Ezra Lekted

Set: blank

Lighting, Sound, Costumes: standard

Sample of script:

all actors except Mayor and Jeremiah are on stage, standing around, talking

Elsa: Look, it’s easy enough for Jeremiah to talk, it’s fine for Jeremiah to talk about we should do this and do that . . . , I mean, facts are facts

Terry: Ya, and we shouldn’t do this and shouldn’t do that . . .

Robin: I am with you Terry and Elsa . . statements like that are great but, where the rubber hits the road . . well it’s a different kettle of fish!

Donnie: Wow! . . There’s fish on the road! . . . Wow! . . I gotta go get me some of those fish . . . Me bein’ scared of water and all, makes it tough to go fishin’ for sure. . . Hope they haven’t all been run over by car tires before I get there!

all others look disbelieving at Donnie

Robin: Those are sayings Donnie.

Donnie: Sayings?

Robin: Ya, sayings. . . “Rubber hits the road” . . . . “Kettle of fish” . .

Donnie: You mean there’s no fish on the road?

Max: No fish on the road at all Donnie.

Donnie: Bummer! . . I thought this was gonna be my big break.

Cindy: Not happenin’ Donnie.

Donnie: Well, guess it’s back to the old drawing board then.

Terry, excited: Wow, Donnie, you mean you have a drawing board with fish on it?

Donnie, dejected: It’s another sayin’ Terry.

Terry: Lot of that going around lately, seems like.

Elsa: Will you guys give it a rest, you rattlin’ on about sayings, meanwhile Jeremiah will be back soon from his meeting with Gord, likely he will have more “Do this” . . “Don’t do that.” . . . instructions.

Mayor comes on stage, listens

Max: How come it’s always Jeremiah that gets to go talk to Gord, I mean I could likely go talk to Gord, I mean . .

Mayor: What you talkin’ about boy? . . What’s this about you go talk to Gord?

Max: Well, see . .Mayor Lekted. . I could likely . . if I wanted to . . not saying I want to . . I mean . . Gord’s got all these rules and regulations.

Mayor: I never heard of anything so downright silly! . . I . . Mayor Ezra Lekted . . I am in charge around here and . . you know very well the young Prophet boy . . what’s his name? . .

Elsa: Jeremiah.

Mayor: Right you are Elsa, young Jeremiah Prophet, he’s the one assigned to talking with Gord on behalf of all of us . . he is in charge of that just as I am in charge of . . well . . mayoring.

Robin: But Mr. Mayor, why is that, I mean . .

Mayor: See here young person, . . what’s your name again?

Robin: Robin.

Mayor: Ahh yes, Robin . . know your dad and mom real well, I do, they have voted for me for years . . But see, rules and structure are important, and Gord knows that. So he set things up that young Mr. Prophet would be in charge of communications between himself and the rest of us.

Robin, unconvinced: I . . guess . .

Terry: But why all the rules and regulations that Gord seems to force on us?

Mayor: Point is people, Gord has a dream for you.

Donnie: I had a dream last night . . was kinda spooky actually.

Mayor: My guess is Donnie, Gord’s dreams are way different from yours.

Max: That can only be a good thing.

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

A current day look at Jeremiah 31 with God’s dream for his people and his expectation of how they are to live.
This meets with opposition with the people.

Cast: 8 m or f

    • 8 (plus any number of extras, all except Jeremiah can be m or f)
  • Mayor Ezra Lekted
  • Jeremiah
  • Elsa
  • Terry
  • Robin
  • Donnie
  • Max
  • Cindy

Bible Reference: Jeremiah 31:31-34

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 10

Sample of script:

all actors except Mayor and Jeremiah are on stage, standing around, talking

Elsa: Look, it’s easy enough for Jeremiah to talk, it’s fine for Jeremiah to talk about we should do this and do that . . . , I mean, facts are facts

Terry: Ya, and we shouldn’t do this and shouldn’t do that . . .

Robin: I am with you Terry and Elsa . . statements like that are great but, where the rubber hits the road . . well it’s a different kettle of fish!

Donnie: Wow! . . There’s fish on the road! . . . Wow! . . I gotta go get me some of those fish . . . Me bein’ scared of water and all, makes it tough to go fishin’ for sure. . . Hope they haven’t all been run over by car tires before I get there!

all others look disbelieving at Donnie

Robin: Those are sayings Donnie.

Donnie: Sayings?

Robin: Ya, sayings. . . “Rubber hits the road” . . . . “Kettle of fish” . .

Donnie: You mean there’s no fish on the road?

Max: No fish on the road at all Donnie.

Donnie: Bummer! . . I thought this was gonna be my big break.

Cindy: Not happenin’ Donnie.

Donnie: Well, guess it’s back to the old drawing board then.

Terry, excited: Wow, Donnie, you mean you have a drawing board with fish on it?

Donnie, dejected: It’s another sayin’ Terry.

Terry: Lot of that going around lately, seems like.

Elsa: Will you guys give it a rest, you rattlin’ on about sayings, meanwhile Jeremiah will be back soon from his meeting with Gord, likely he will have more “Do this” . . “Don’t do that.” . . . instructions.

Mayor comes on stage, listens

Max: How come it’s always Jeremiah that gets to go talk to Gord, I mean I could likely go talk to Gord, I mean . .

Mayor: What you talkin’ about boy? . . What’s this about you go talk to Gord?

Max: Well, see . .Mayor Lekted. . I could likely . . if I wanted to . . not saying I want to . . I mean . . Gord’s got all these rules and regulations.

Mayor: I never heard of anything so downright silly! . . I . . Mayor Ezra Lekted . . I am in charge around here and . . you know very well the young Prophet boy . . what’s his name? . .

Elsa: Jeremiah.

Mayor: Right you are Elsa, young Jeremiah Prophet, he’s the one assigned to talking with Gord on behalf of all of us . . he is in charge of that just as I am in charge of . . well . . mayoring.

Robin: But Mr. Mayor, why is that, I mean . .

Mayor: See here young person, . . what’s your name again?

Robin: Robin.

Mayor: Ahh yes, Robin . . know your dad and mom real well, I do, they have voted for me for years . . But see, rules and structure are important, and Gord knows that. So he set things up that young Mr. Prophet would be in charge of communications between himself and the rest of us.

Robin, unconvinced: I . . guess . .

Terry: But why all the rules and regulations that Gord seems to force on us?

Mayor: Point is people, Gord has a dream for you.

Donnie: I had a dream last night . . was kinda spooky actually.

Mayor: My guess is Donnie, Gord’s dreams are way different from yours.

Max: That can only be a good thing.

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