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Resolutions Anyone?

Resolutions Anyone?

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Mom is packing away the Christmas ornaments, thinking of the Christmas which has passed by in a blur, the end of another year, and the uncertainties of a new year . . . and making those resolutions, (except the one on keeping Jesus at the center of our lives).

Sample of script:

(bring in boxes for repacking Christmas ornaments)

Well another holiday season almost over. Hard to believe it has been a week since Christmas. Where does the time go. Remember how our parents always told us how time speeds up as we get older and we laughed at them thinking what did they know Guess who is laughing now.I always start packing up my holiday decorations on New Year’s weekend. It signifies the end of a year and the holiday season. After this weekend we are back into the daily grind of life.

Today is New Year’s Eve. Now I find this holiday one I don’t get too excited about. Half the time because I cannot stay awake until midnight. But I have never really been a big fan of this holiday. Maybe because so may people start talking about their resolutions for next year. How next year is going to be better, things are going to change and then in a year from now that same conversation and resolutions are going to be talked about again. As if they were never discussed last year.

I find it interesting what the major resolutions are for most years.One – get fit and lose weight. Well considering every time I turn on the news I am hearing how we are becoming an obese nation I figure we aren’t doing too good on keeping this resolution.

Quit drinking or smoking. Okay holidays bring on stress, I don’t care what anyone says. Why do a lot of people drink and smoke – STRESS. So trying to stop something like that now, you are just aiming for defeat.Get out of debt – again, listen to the news about how much people have on their charge cards. We just went through holiday shopping and cha-chinging the plastic.

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New Years resolutions, one might be keeping Jesus first?

In this monologue, very well written by DramaShare member Brenda Tymecki, Mom is packing away the Christmas ornaments, thinking of the Christmas which has passed by in a blur, the end of another year, and the uncertainties of a new year . . . and the making of those annual resolutions which seem all too often to be forgotten while the new year is still young. Will we do the same when making a resolution to keeping Jesus at the center of our lives?

Cast: 1, monolog, likely woman 20's to mid-age

Bible Reference: Psalms 17:3

Set: blank with table

Lighting:  standard

  Sound: lapel mic if available

Costumes: standard

Props: nativity scene, empty boxes, Christmas decorations

  Time: 3 minutes

Sample of script:

actor comes on stage carrying boxes for repacking Christmas ornaments

Well another holiday season almost over. Hard to believe it has been a week since Christmas. Where does the time go? Remember how our parents always told us how time speeds up as we get older; we laughed at them, thinking, "What did they know?"  Guess who is laughing now. I always start packing up my holiday decorations on New Year’s weekend. It signifies the end of a year and of the holiday season. After this weekend we are back into the daily grind of life.

Today is New Year’s Eve.
Now I find this holiday one I don’t get too excited about. (giggles). Half the time because I cannot stay awake until midnight. But, I have never really been a big fan of this holiday. Maybe because so may people start talking about their resolutions for next year. How next year is going to be better, things are going to change . . .  then in a year from now that same conversation and resolutions are going to be talked about again. As if they were never discussed last year.

I find it interesting what the major resolutions are for most years. One - get fit and lose weight. Well considering every time I turn on the news I am hearing how we are becoming an obese nation I figure we aren’t doing too good on keeping this resolution.

Quit drinking or smoking. Okay holidays bring on stress, I don’t care what anyone says. Why do a lot of people drink and smoke - STRESS. So trying to stop something like that now, you are just aiming for defeat. Get out of debt - again, listen to the news about how much people have on their charge cards. We just went through holiday shopping and "cha-chinging" the plastic.

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