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DramaShare Ministries

Resisting Temptation

Resisting Temptation

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This modernized monologue reimagines Jesus' temptation in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11) as a workplace scenario. The narrator tells the audience about their boss, a steadfast and honorable leader, who faces relentless persuasion from a shady rival, "Sneaky Snake." The rival tries to tempt the boss with wealth, power, and security, but the boss remains unwavering, citing company values and refusing to compromise his integrity. Ultimately, the boss stands firm, dismissing Sneaky Snake and proving his loyalty to the company president. The narrator, inspired by the boss’ strength, encourages the audience to join the "winning side" and resist temptation in their own lives.

Cast: 1 (monolog)

Matthew 4:1-11 (NIV) – Jesus resists Satan’s temptations in the wilderness, responding with Scripture and remaining faithful to God’s will.

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 4

Resisting Temptation

(Actor enters the stage, looking behind as though speaking to unseen persons)

So anyhow, this guy says, “I am really tempted to take you up on that . . .”

(Hesitates, looks out into the audience, smiles, and waves)

Oh, hi! Didn’t see you guys come in—good to see you. Me and my friends here, we were just talking about my boss; one straight-up guy, I want to tell you.

Hey, speaking of my boss, gotta tell you. At work, just back a few days ago, this guy—works for the other side—we call him Sneaky Snake. Comes slithering into our office, nosing around, looking to find out some company secrets when the boss isn’t looking.

Want to tell you—gotta get up mighty early in the morning to pull one over on the boss.

Boss has really been hitting the deck, early and late, for over a month now, getting ready for this big initiative he’s planning. Gotta tell you, all us guys at the office, we were worried about him. Like I say, he wasn’t getting much sleep, eating next to nothing—worn out, that’s what.

But you wanna talk about focused, ready for battle—that’s my boss. No matter when, no matter what.

Ol’ Sneaky Snake, like I said, he’s nosing around, making himself a real pest, trying to get the boss to accept a buy-out, come over to Sneaky Snake’s group.

Yeah, right! Like that’s gonna happen!

But you gotta give it to ol’ Sneaky Snake—he’s nothing if not persistent. Tells the boss:

SNEAKY SNAKE (mocking):
"Hey, you seem to think you’re the golden-haired boy, number one son to your company president, right? Well, I got a proposition for you—a deal you simply cannot refuse!"

My boss? He looks Sneaky Snake square in the eye and says:

BOSS (firmly):
"Look, you got something to say? Say it. But be quick—I got bigger and better things to deal with."

That’s all the opening ol’ Sneaky Snake needs. He curls up his lip, real snarly-like, and says:

"If you are all you say you are, then start showing some personal results. You drive that old beater, live in a rented walk-up apartment, and we just won’t bother talking about the clothes you wear. If you’re so tight with the company president, tell you what—say the word, do a special delivery into your own bank account, right now."

(Sneaky Snake starts to laugh—a sickening cackle that makes my blood run cold every time I hear it.)

But the boss? He stares him down, snaps back:

BOSS (determined):
"There’s a lot more to life than flashy cars, fancy houses, and on-display clothing! What my company president says and thinks? That’s what’s important to me. So go peddle your ideas somewhere else, understood?"

(ACTOR shakes head)

Not hard to tell, ol’ Sneaky Snake was some put out over the boss snapping back at him like that. But Snake? He keeps this greasy smile on his face, phony sincere tone in his voice, and says:

SNEAKY SNAKE (mocking):
"What are you so worried about, playing it safe all the time? Surely, if you’re hoity-toity with your company prez, he’s gonna pick you up, not let you fall, not let you get hurt—no matter what you do. Besides, just think how impressed all your staff will be when they see you pulling off something like this. . . . Or maybe—just maybe—your company president didn’t actually give you all this power you’ve been talking about!"

(Sneaky Snake laughs again—mocking the boss.)

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