DramaShare Ministries

Reliable Focus

Reliable Focus

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Focusing on the cross, zeroing in on and following the example of Jesus.

Cast: 8 plus narrator any age, male of female NOTE: roles can be reduced if necessary

Set: none

Lighting, sound, costumes: standard

Props: none

Sample of script:

1 and 2 are at downstage somewhat to left when 3 comes on, 3 stands at stage location near the outside edge of the stage, centerstage right.
Ensure that all the audience will have an unobstructed view of 3’s actions and reactions.
1 and 2 are squinting, gazing off and pointing to various Locations just above the audience, making comments. 3 looks on, confused, trying to understand what the others are doing

1: See, right over there! (points to Location A) That is like for sure the brightest and best!

2: Not even a chance! I mean how can you say that (points to Location A where 1 was pointing) that can even like hold a candle to, (points to Location B in a different direction), that? I mean, just compare if you will!

1: No way, see the difference . . .

2: The difference indeed! Compare color. Compare intensity.

1 looks from Location A to Location B, back to Location A again, frowns a little

1: Well, now that you mention it I can see that . . . (points at Location B) may be slightly more . . .

2, incredulous: May? Slightly? You can stand there and compare, (point at Location B)

(laughs mockingly, points at Location A), that, and say that, (still pointing at Location A), that is even in the same time zone?

1: Yeh, yeh, I can see where you are going, there is a difference all right. (looking at Location A, smiling approvingly) I do have to say that surely is about the very best I ever did see! Especially around the . . . (pauses, frowns, squints, looks to new Location C, smiles, pleasant surprise) Hey would you just have a look at that!

2, looking to Location C: What? Where? What are you looking atttttttt . . . . wowwwwwww! Will you just see that! I have never at any time in my whole life seen anything that outstanding!

1: Isn’t it, didn’t I tell you?

2: You were so thoroughly right on 1! (grand flourish with right hand to indicate the whole area) There is nothing in the whole universe can compare with (points to Location C) that beauty!

1: Can I pick ‘em or what huh?

2: Well, I do have to hand it to you, you did pick a winner this time! I am impressed! Will you just look at the coloration of the . . . (look of shock, points to Location D) . . . woooo hoooo, what do we have here?1, looking off to Location D: Wow! Can you believe your eyes?

4 and 5 come on stage, watch 1 and 2, 2 waves them to come over

2: Guys, over here! Grab a look at this! (points at Location D)

4, looks toward Location D: Oh wow! Now that is something way beyond amazing!

5: People, people! Why settle for mediocre?

1, mocking: Yeh 5, and I suppose you can show us something better, huh?

2: Yeh, 5, as if you will have anything that can top (points at Location D) . . that!

4: I do truly have to hand it to you 2, you sure do have a knack for picking the superior . . . .

2: Well, I have been around the block a few times and . .

5, triumphant: Perhaps you folks may wish to feast your eyes on . . . (points to Location E which is at extreme downstage right) . . . that beauty!

1, 2 and 4 look toward Location E, great shock on faces, go rushing off toward extreme downstage right location

1: Oh man! I must admit I have never . . .

5: What did I tell you?

admiring looks from 1, 2, 4 and 5 as they admire Location E

6 comes on stage, watching 1, 2, 4 and 5, confused look on face, stands beside 3

6: Care to clue me in on what is going on?

3: Guys are trying to decide their most favourite star to follow.

6: Really? How come you aren’t with them?

3: Hardly my style, running from fad to fad.

7 and 8 come on stage, beckon to the others

7: Guys, have we got something for you to feast your eyes on!

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Focusing on the cross, zeroing in on and following the example of Jesus.

Cast: 8 plus narrator any age, male of female NOTE: roles can be reduced if necessary

Set: none

Lighting, sound, costumes: standard

Props: none

Sample of script:

1 and 2 are at downstage somewhat to left when 3 comes on, 3 stands at stage location near the outside edge of the stage, centerstage right.
Ensure that all the audience will have an unobstructed view of 3’s actions and reactions.
1 and 2 are squinting, gazing off and pointing to various Locations just above the audience, making comments. 3 looks on, confused, trying to understand what the others are doing

1: See, right over there! (points to Location A) That is like for sure the brightest and best!

2: Not even a chance! I mean how can you say that (points to Location A where 1 was pointing) that can even like hold a candle to, (points to Location B in a different direction), that? I mean, just compare if you will!

1: No way, see the difference . . .

2: The difference indeed! Compare color. Compare intensity.

1 looks from Location A to Location B, back to Location A again, frowns a little

1: Well, now that you mention it I can see that . . . (points at Location B) may be slightly more . . .

2, incredulous: May? Slightly? You can stand there and compare, (point at Location B)

(laughs mockingly, points at Location A), that, and say that, (still pointing at Location A), that is even in the same time zone?

1: Yeh, yeh, I can see where you are going, there is a difference all right. (looking at Location A, smiling approvingly) I do have to say that surely is about the very best I ever did see! Especially around the . . . (pauses, frowns, squints, looks to new Location C, smiles, pleasant surprise) Hey would you just have a look at that!

2, looking to Location C: What? Where? What are you looking atttttttt . . . . wowwwwwww! Will you just see that! I have never at any time in my whole life seen anything that outstanding!

1: Isn’t it, didn’t I tell you?

2: You were so thoroughly right on 1! (grand flourish with right hand to indicate the whole area) There is nothing in the whole universe can compare with (points to Location C) that beauty!

1: Can I pick ‘em or what huh?

2: Well, I do have to hand it to you, you did pick a winner this time! I am impressed! Will you just look at the coloration of the . . . (look of shock, points to Location D) . . . woooo hoooo, what do we have here?1, looking off to Location D: Wow! Can you believe your eyes?

4 and 5 come on stage, watch 1 and 2, 2 waves them to come over

2: Guys, over here! Grab a look at this! (points at Location D)

4, looks toward Location D: Oh wow! Now that is something way beyond amazing!

5: People, people! Why settle for mediocre?

1, mocking: Yeh 5, and I suppose you can show us something better, huh?

2: Yeh, 5, as if you will have anything that can top (points at Location D) . . that!

4: I do truly have to hand it to you 2, you sure do have a knack for picking the superior . . . .

2: Well, I have been around the block a few times and . .

5, triumphant: Perhaps you folks may wish to feast your eyes on . . . (points to Location E which is at extreme downstage right) . . . that beauty!

1, 2 and 4 look toward Location E, great shock on faces, go rushing off toward extreme downstage right location

1: Oh man! I must admit I have never . . .

5: What did I tell you?

admiring looks from 1, 2, 4 and 5 as they admire Location E

6 comes on stage, watching 1, 2, 4 and 5, confused look on face, stands beside 3

6: Care to clue me in on what is going on?

3: Guys are trying to decide their most favourite star to follow.

6: Really? How come you aren’t with them?

3: Hardly my style, running from fad to fad.

7 and 8 come on stage, beckon to the others

7: Guys, have we got something for you to feast your eyes on!

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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