DramaShare Ministries

Reflecting Jesus

Reflecting Jesus

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Theme:       When people are around us, when they hear us, when they watch what we are doing . . . do they see Jesus? Are we a reflection of Jesus?
Includes a reading of “The Prayer of Saint Francis” and the music “Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace.”


Bible Reference:      2 Corinthians 3:/p>


Cast:         15 (male or female, can be more or less actors)


Set, Sound, Costumes:       standard


Music:       Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace
Sheet music https://hymnary.org/files/previews/214709/A722.pdf
Youtube at various places on the internet including Susan Boyle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOvQLMfppN8


Props:        a large mirror


Time:        13 minutes with music


Sample of script:


actor Bailey comes onstage, sees a mirror, looks at his/her reflection, combs hair, touches face

more actors come onstage, watch Bailey, smile


Jules:        Careful of the mirror Bailey, you just might break it!


Alex:        Poor mirror can only put up with so much suffering Bailey! . . . I mean, after all just so much glass can stand before it like, blows.


Bailey, look in mirror:
You guys are just jealous, you know you can never be as gorgeous as me. . . . See my beautiful hair, perfect skin, not one imperfection. And these eyes, knockout is what!


Micah:       Yeh that’s it for sure Bailey! Something tells me you maybe need an eye checkup, like real quick.


Kyle:        You are OK Bailey, but not sure you can claim to be gorgeous!


Harper:       Just like Jules and Alex said, best if you stay away from mirrors Bailey!


Charlie:       I like the mirrors at the Hall of Mirrors at the state fair, they make you look all goofy. . . Ever do that guys? . . . Thing I like about those big old mirrors is that they make you look . . .  skinny and . . . nice.


Taylor:       What are you complaining about Charlie, you are already all skinny and all.


Drew:        I could handle looking skinnier too, just sayin’. . . . But it is what it is.


Reagan:      Forget it you guys! . . . Like they say . . .  mirrors don’t lie! . . . The reflection in the mirror is the real you. . . . What you see is what you get.


Logan:       But . . . is the reflection the real you?


Kennedy:     Seems to me you guys are doing a lot of worrying about stuff that just isn’t all that important.


Hayden:      I agree Kennedy, stop fussin’ over the small stuff! . . . There’s a whole bunch in life much more important!


Logan:       No one seemed to listen to my question . . . is the reflection the real you?


Sawyer:      Give it up Logan! . . .  Believe me, the reflection in the mirror is as awesome as you will ever get.


Taylor:       Are any of us the real real or is it just who you want to be at the time? . . I mean, aren’t we all in construction, never the same as we were yesterday, not the same as we will be tomorrow?


Kennedy:     Not at all sure what you are saying there Kennedy. . . But it is best you just live with the reality Logan!


Logan:       Ya but like my Mom always says . . . . I am the identical reflection of my Dad. . . And my Dad is like, old! . . . And some gray . . . and getting bald . . . And . . . none of those things I am ever gonna be if I can help it!


Reagan:      Forget that! . . . Fact is getting older, and going through that kinda stuff . . . just happens.


Jaden:        You can run but you can’t hide Logan. . . . My Pop says, “old age is like taxes!” Gonna happen to everyone!


Hayden:      You guys are mixing things up! . . .  A mirror reflection is like something that looks identical. . . So it’s a visual thing. . . . But being a reflection of your dad is different. . . . Logan, you don’t look exactly the same but sometimes the way you act . .  and react . . . you for sure remind me of your dad.


Jayden:       Ya, for sure, like the dumb jokes you two tell.


Logan:       I reflect that comment Jayden!


Bailey:       I think the word is reject, not reflect, Logan.


Jules:        Best just ignore it Bailey. . . My guess is that was another dumb joke Logan and his dad sometimes tell. . . .
Like why did the chicken sit at the middle of the highway?


Drew:        That’s an old one Jules . . . The chicken sat at the middle of the highway ‘cause she wanted to lay it on the line.


Logan, laughing:
Those chicken and egg jokes just crack me up!


Micah:       Thing is Logan, they are only funny the first hundred times you tell them. . . And that was time gazillion, OK?


Harper:       OK, so back to what we were talking about before this train went so badly off the tracks . . .


Bailey:       So this reflection thing . . . what is the lesson here . . . assuming there is one hidden around, and in spite of, Logan’s questionable jokes . . .


Logan:       You for sure love my jokes Bailey, don’t try to fool me!


Bailey:       Grrrrrrr!


Alex:        So when people say you are a reflection of someone else, but you don’t physically look like that person . . . it mean’s that what you say and do that remind you of that person, right?


Micah:       I get it . . . Or how you act in some circumstances, reminds you of another person.


Kyle:        I remember before we moved here I went to a church where there was this really awesome Sunday School teacher, Mr. Wilson. I didn’t know anyone there but Mr. Wilson he just looked after me, made me feel part of the group. My Mom said Mr. Wilson was a reflection of Jesus. I didn’t really understand what she meant, but now I kinda do.


Harper:       Wow! . . .
“Being a reflection of Jesus!”
That’s amazing!


Charlie:       Sunday School teachers . . . and pastors and stuff like that for sure I guess can be a reflection of Jesus.


The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

When people watch us do they see a caring, supporting, loving person, or do the see someone with whom most would not care to associate? When they hear us, when they watch what we are doing . . . do they see Jesus? Are we a reflection of Jesus?
Includes a reading of “The Prayer of Saint Francis” and the music “Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace.”

Cast:    15 (m or f)

  • roles can be expanded or reduces by adjusting lines:
    • Jules
    • Alex
    • Bailey
    • Micah
    • Kyle
    • Harper
    • Charlie
    • Taylor
    • Drew
    • Logan
    • Reagan
    • Sawyer
    • Kennedy
    • Jaden
    • Hayden

Bible Reference:    2Corinthians 3:18

Set:      bare

Lighting:        standard

  Sound:     wireless mics if available


SFX: none

Costumes:      standard

Props:      large mirror

Special Instructions:   none

  Time:     13 with music

Sample of script:

  • actor Bailey comes onstage, sees a mirror, looks at his/her reflection, combs hair, touches face
  • more actors come onstage, watch Bailey, smile

Jules:        Careful of the mirror Bailey, you just might break it!

Alex:        Poor mirror can only put up with so much suffering Bailey! . . . I mean, after all just so much glass can stand before it like, blows.

Bailey, loo in mirror:
You guys are just jealous, you know you can never be as gorgeous as me. . . . See my beautiful hair, perfect skin, not one imperfection. And these eyes, knockout is what!

Micah:       Yeh that’s it for sure Bailey! Something tells me you maybe need an eye checkup, like real quick.

Kyle:        You are OK Bailey, but not sure you can claim to be gorgeous!

Harper:       Just like Jules and Alex said, best if you stay away from mirrors Bailey!

Charlie:       I like the mirrors at the Hall of Mirrors at the state fair, they make you look all goofy. . . Ever do that guys? . . . Thing I like about those big old mirrors is that they make you look . . .  skinny and . . . nice.

Taylor:       What are you complaining about Charlie, you are already all skinny and all.

Drew:        I could handle looking skinnier too, just sayin’. . . . But it is what it is.

Reagan:      Forget it you guys! . . . Like they say . . .  mirrors don’t lie! . . . The reflection in the mirror is the real you. . . . What you see is what you get.

Logan:       But . . . is the reflection the real you?

Kennedy:     Seems to me you guys are doing a lot of worrying about stuff that just isn't all that important.

Hayden:      I agree Kennedy, stop fussin’ over the small stuff! . . . There’s a whole bunch in life much more important!

Logan:       No one seemed to listen to my question . . . is the reflection the real you?

Sawyer:      Give it up Logan! . . .  Believe me, the reflection in the mirror is as awesome as you will ever get.

Taylor:       Are any of us the real real or is it just who you want to be at the time? . . I mean, aren’t we all in construction, never the same as we were yesterday, not the same as we will be tomorrow?

Kennedy:     Not at all sure what you are saying there Kennedy. . . But it is best you just live with the reality Logan!

Logan:       Ya but like my Mom always says . . . . I am the identical reflection of my Dad. . . And my Dad is like, old! . . . And some gray . . . and getting bald . . . And . . . none of those things I am ever gonna be if I can help it!

Reagan:      Forget that! . . . Fact is getting older, and going through that kinda stuff . . . just happens.

Jaden:        You can run but you can’t hide Logan. . . . My Pop says, “old age is like taxes!” Gonna happen to everyone!

Hayden:      You guys are mixing things up! . . .  A mirror reflection is like something that looks identical. . . So it’s a visual thing. . . . But being a reflection of your dad is different. . . . Logan, you don’t look exactly the same but sometimes the way you act . .  and react . . . you for sure remind me of your dad.

Jayden:       Ya, for sure, like the dumb jokes you two tell.

Logan:       I reflect that comment Jayden!

Bailey:       I think the word is reject, not reflect, Logan.

Jules:        Best just ignore it Bailey. . . My guess is that was another dumb joke Logan and his dad sometimes tell. . . .
Like why did the chicken sit at the middle of the highway?

Drew:        That’s an old one Jules . . . The chicken sat at the middle of the highway ‘cause she wanted to lay it on the line.

Logan, laughing:
Those chicken and egg jokes just crack me up!

Micah:       Thing is Logan, they are only funny the first hundred times you tell them. . . And that was time gazillion, OK?

Harper:       OK, so back to what we were talking about before this train went so badly off the tracks . . .

Bailey:       So this reflection thing . . . what is the lesson here . . . assuming there is one hidden around, and in spite of, Logan’s questionable jokes . . .

Logan:       You for sure love my jokes Bailey, don’t try to fool me!

Bailey:       Grrrrrrr!

Alex:        So when people say you are a reflection of someone else, but you don’t physically look like that person . . . it mean’s that what you say and do that remind you of that person, right?

Micah:       I get it . . . Or how you act in some circumstances, reminds you of another person.

Kyle:        I remember before we moved here I went to a church where there was this really awesome Sunday School teacher, Mr. Wilson. I didn’t know anyone there but Mr. Wilson he just looked after me, made me feel part of the group. My Mom said Mr. Wilson was a reflection of Jesus. I didn’t really understand what she meant, but now I kinda do.

Harper:       Wow! . . .
“Being a reflection of Jesus!”
That’s amazing!

Charlie:       Sunday School teachers . . . and pastors and stuff like that for sure I guess can be a reflection of Jesus.

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