DramaShare Ministries
Recycled People Parts
Recycled People Parts
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All people are created in God’s image and their differences are to be celebrated, not mocked or looked down on. Racism strikes at the very heart of God’s love, and is totally unacceptable.
Sample of script:
Bobbie, with small bags of papers and cans, comes on stage followed by Tony, who has a large bag in hands
Bobbie: Hey Tony, whatcha doing? What’s that you’re hauling to the big blue recycling bin?
Tony, puffing: Oh, hey, Bobbie, hauling out an arm, a couple of legs for recycling. What’s that you’ve got for recycling, Bobbie?
Bobbie: Papers, coke cans. (does a double-take) Say what? Arms and legs? For recycling?
Tony: Yeh, well, they aren’t exactly what I wanted so I thought, hey, might as well upgrade some of my people.
Carter comes on stage hauling Andrew.
Tony: Heavy load there Carter! Oh, I see it’s Andrew you are bringing to be recycled. Too bad, Andrew just didn’t work out huh?
Carter: Oh hi, Tony, well, it wasn’t so much that Andrew didn’t work out, more I just kinda got tired of the way Andrew was, you understand what I mean, I’m sure. So, sending Andrew back to the recycling plant, maybe will be made into a 6’9” basketball player, maybe.
Tony: Now that’s an excellent idea Carter! You know, I can see Andrew as a basketball player. Long legs, big muscles, athletic body. Maybe while Andrew is in for upgrade recycling you should think about blond hair. Blond hair is really the in thing with basketball players right now, seems like.
Carter: It was my lucky day, running into you here Tony! I never would have thought about the hair. You know, I am so impressed with the new (spell out the letters) I – M – G – O – D recycling program that they have opened here in town.
Bobbie: What are you talking about? I – M – G – O – D recycling program?
Tony: Surely you’ve heard about it, Bobbie, been in all the papers, TV. New company just moved into town, I – M – G – O – D, can’t remember what it means . . .
Carter: . . . . . I – M – G – O – D, means Implement More Geegaws On Demand.
Bobbie, incredulous: More “Geegaws”? You mean like ornaments . . .on demand?
The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.
What if there were recycling plants to re-engineer how we look?
All people are created in God's image and their differences are to be celebrated, not mocked or looked down on. Racism strikes at the very heart of God's love, and is totally unacceptable.
Keywords: racism, differences, color, respect, love
Cast: 5 m or f
- Bobbie
- Tony
- Carter
- Sammy
- Andrew, short and non-athletic
Bible Reference: Genesis 1:27
Set: standard
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
Lighting: standard
SFX: none
- bags of papers and cans, (Bobbie small bag, Tony large bag)
Costumes: standard
Special Instructions: none
Time: 20
Sample of script:
Bobbie, with small bags of papers and cans, comes on stage followed by Tony, who has a large bag in hands
Bobbie: Hey Tony, whatcha doing? What’s that you’re hauling to the big blue recycling bin?
Tony, puffing: Oh, hey, Bobbie, hauling out an arm, a couple of legs for recycling. What’s that you’ve got for recycling, Bobbie?
Bobbie: Papers, coke cans. (does a double-take) Say what? Arms and legs? For recycling?
Tony: Yeh, well, they aren’t exactly what I wanted so I thought, hey, might as well upgrade some of my people.
Carter comes on stage hauling Andrew.
Tony: Heavy load there Carter! Oh, I see it’s Andrew you are bringing to be recycled. Too bad, Andrew just didn’t work out huh?
Carter: Oh hi, Tony, well, it wasn’t so much that Andrew didn’t work out, more I just kinda got tired of the way Andrew was, you understand what I mean, I’m sure. So, sending Andrew back to the recycling plant, maybe will be made into a 6’9” basketball player, maybe.
Tony: Now that’s an excellent idea Carter! You know, I can see Andrew as a basketball player. Long legs, big muscles, athletic body. Maybe while Andrew is in for upgrade recycling you should think about blond hair. Blond hair is really the in thing with basketball players right now, seems like.
Carter: It was my lucky day, running into you here Tony! I never would have thought about the hair. You know, I am so impressed with the new (spell out the letters) I – M – G – O - D recycling program that they have opened here in town.
Bobbie: What are you talking about? I – M – G – O - D recycling program?
Tony: Surely you’ve heard about it, Bobbie, been in all the papers, TV. New company just moved into town, I – M – G – O – D, can’t remember what it means . . .
Carter: . . . . . I – M – G – O – D, means "Implement More Geegaws On Demand."
Bobbie, incredulous: More “Geegaws”? You mean like ornaments . . .on demand?