DramaShare Ministries
Reason for the Season
Reason for the Season
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The real reason for Christmas in drama and verse as a man standing on a sidewalk has several people give their take on what Christmas is all about. Finally a little girl gives the real reason for the season.
This drama begins and ends with a reading. The main part of the drama is a series of meetings between the central character and a number of passers-by, all of whom are busy, doing important “Christmasy” things. All feel that what they are doing is “the reason for the season” of Christmas.
Sample of script
I Was the Star – Reading
Listen closely to me as I tell you my tale
Of God’s mission for me, I must not fail.
My reason for being is lighting the way,
So travellers tonight can see as in day.
Below me I see a small sleeping town.
This then is Bethlehem, I will shine down
On the small stable, where there in a stall,
Tonight God’s own Son will be born Lord of all.
(more of reading in the script)
Marvin, dressed in cowboy clothes, hat and boots comes on stage, leans against pole. Bud comes along, waves at Marvin.
Marvin: Hi there Bud, how’re ya doin’?
Bud: Oh, doin’ great! It is so excitin’, Christmas an’ all!
Marvin: Ya got that right, Bud! Yep, excitin’ is what it is! Truly, truly, is!
Bud: Yep, right on! Listen, Marvin, sorry but I gotta go now. Like I say, Christmas an’ all! I got a ton of presents ta git, you know the drill! Presents, the reason for the season, ya know!
Marvin: Know it, Bud? I should say so, yip. I purely do! Like I always say, presents, that’s the reason for the season!
Bud: The reason for the season! You got it! Gotta rush along now, see, ya!
Marvin: Presents, well I guess that likely is it, I mean, what else could be the reason for the season?
Ellen walks by, toque and coat on, music book in hand:
Ellen: Hi Marvin, how ya doin’ ole buddy, ole pal!
Marvin: Ellen! Why I’m jist super great, that’s what I am! And what might I ask, are you up to this fine, fine winter evening?
Ellen: Me? Why I’m going caroling at the senior citizen’s home.
Marvin: Now, ain’t that super nice? Super nice, I wuz gonna say! Carolin’ down to the senior citizen’s home! Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice!
Ellen: Well, seems to me that we oughta be doin’ right things for others at Christmas. After all, doin’ right things for others, that’s the reason for the season!
Marvin: Ya gotta know it! Jist like I wuz sayin’ to the Missis jist the other day, doin’ right things fer others, that’s the reason for the season!
Ellen: Right on Marvin! Look, I’d love to stay and chat, but, you know how it is! Doin’ right things for others! Just gotta keep at it!
Marvin: Doin’ the right thin’s fer others, well that sure does make sense all right! I guess that truly could be the reason for the season.
Helen walks by, bags of groceries in her arms, a box of cookies fall on the floor just as she gets to Marvin. Marvin picks up cookies, hands them to Helen.
Marvin: Oops, there we go. I don’t think your cookies are none the worse fer the wear, Helen! But where are you off ta, all them groceries an’ all? Why I dare say you have most enough ta feed an army, ya do!
Helen: Oh we are having about seventy-five people from our church over for a party at our house. I’ve been out buying just a few snacks.
Marvin: Well now, an’ ain’t that jist super! A party fer seventy-five of yer church friends. Gettin’ tagether with yer friends, ain’t that nice!
The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.
What is the real reason for Christmas?
In drama and verse as a man standing on a sidewalk has several people give their take on what Christmas is all about. Finally a little girl gives the real reason for the season.
This drama begins, "I Was The Star," and ends, "The Little Lamb Of God," with a reading, as the star and the lamb tell their stories. The main part of the drama is a series of meetings between the central character and a number of passers-by, all of whom are busy, doing important "Christmasy" things. All feel that what they are doing is "the reason for the season" of Christmas.
Cast: 10 m or f, any age
- Reader
Little Child (5 - 9)
Bible Reference: Luke 2
Set: standard, with street sign
Sound: wireless mics if possible
Song: none
Lighting: ability to darken the set between scenes would be useful
SFX: none
Props: sheet music, bag of groceries, cookies
Costumes: standard
Special Instructions: none
Time: 12
Sample of script
I Was the Star - Reading
Listen closely to me as I tell you my tale
Of God's mission for me, I must not fail.
My reason for being is lighting the way,
So travellers tonight can see as in day.
Below me I see a small sleeping town.
This then is Bethlehem, I will shine down
On the small stable, where there in a stall,
Tonight God's own Son will be born Lord of all.
Balance of the reading is in the script
Marvin, dressed in cowboy clothes, hat and boots comes on stage, leans against pole. Bud comes along, waves at Marvin.
Marvin: Hi there Bud, how're ya doin'?
Bud: Oh, doin' great! It is so excitin', Christmas an' all!
Marvin: Ya got that right, Bud! Yep, excitin' is what it is! Truly, truly, is!
Bud: Yep, right on! Listen, Marvin, sorry but I gotta go now. Like I say, Christmas an' all! I got a ton of presents ta git, you know the drill! Presents, the reason for the season, ya know!
Marvin: Know it, Bud? I should say so, yip. I purely do! Like I always say, presents, that's the reason for the season!
Bud: The reason for the season! You got it! Gotta rush along now, see, ya!
Marvin: Presents, well I guess that likely is it, I mean, what else could be the reason for the season?
Ellen walks by, toque and coat on, music book in hand:
Ellen: Hi Marvin, how ya doin' ole buddy, ole pal!
Marvin: Ellen! Why I'm jist super great, that's what I am! And what might I ask, are you up to this fine, fine winter evening?
Ellen: Me? Why I'm going caroling at the senior citizen's home.
Marvin: Now, ain't that super nice? Super nice, I wuz gonna say! Carolin' down to the senior citizen's home! Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice!
Ellen: Well, seems to me that we oughta be doin' right things for others at Christmas. After all, doin' right things for others, that's the reason for the season!
Marvin: Ya gotta know it! Jist like I wuz sayin' to the Missis jist the other day, doin' right things fer others, that's the reason for the season!
Ellen: Right on Marvin! Look, I'd love to stay and chat, but, you know how it is! Doin' right things for others! Just gotta keep at it!
Marvin: Doin' the right thin's fer others, well that sure does make sense all right! I guess that truly could be the reason for the season.
Helen walks by, bags of groceries in her arms, a box of cookies fall on the floor just as she gets to Marvin. Marvin picks up cookies, hands them to Helen.
Marvin: Oops, there we go. I don't think your cookies are none the worse fer the wear, Helen! But where are you off ta, all them groceries an' all? Why I dare say you have most enough ta feed an army, ya do!
Helen: Oh we are having about seventy-five people from our church over for a party at our house. I've been out buying just a few snacks.
Marvin: Well now, an' ain't that jist super! A party fer seventy-five of yer church friends. Gettin' tagether with yer friends, ain't that nice!