DramaShare Ministries
Reaching The Community
Reaching The Community
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Reaching out to the community, what a church should be, being there for those in need.
Promoting the many churches who definitely do provide fun activities, and showing other churches what can be done.
A three-segment drama for 3 actors, could be used in VBS or outreach
Cast: 3 m or f late teens
- can be male or female, likely late teen
- three parts could be broken down into 4, 5, 6 (or even more parts), by having part #2 alternating between two people, part # 3 alternating between two people, and (although not as easily done) part # 1 could alternate between two people. If this method is chosen have those doing part #1 parts be somewhat off the wall funny, part #2 parts being “swing characters”, (moving from somewhat silly to fairly serious as required), and part #3 parts would be more serious and intellectual
Bible Reference: Hebrews 13:2
Set: blank
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
Lighting: standard
SFX: none
- chairs as required
Costumes: standard
Special Instructions:
Time: 20
Sample of script:
cene Opens
(Lights up. 1 enters the stage, obviously bored. They stretch, kick an imaginary stone, and sigh heavily multiple times.)
1: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! (Big sigh, looks around.) I am so flat-out bored, nothing to do around here. No one around, nothin’ to do. The baseball stadium is empty, nothin’ goin’ on. A borin’, borin’ day is what!
(1 sits down, chin in hands. 2 enters the stage.)
2: Hey 1, how’s you? Sittin’ here with all your friends, I see.
(2 laughs. 1 looks around as though searching for "friends.")
1: Friends?
2: It was a joke, 1. A ha-ha, OK?
1: Well, hardee har har is all I can say!
2: You are gonna have to restrain yourself, 1. Next thing you know, you might actually smile a little.
1: And my reason to smile would be . . . .?
2: Wowwwwwww! You are some kinda out of it here!
1: Well, why wouldn’t I be? I mean, it is a way bad borin’ day! See all the guys over there, just standin’, doin’ nothin’.
2: Well, hey, wow, when I came here I was like way happy, but I can kinda see what you are sayin’—like maybe it is a bit of a somewhat borin’ day, kind of like . .
1: 2, give your head a shake! It is not a bit of a borin’ day. Fact is, it is a way bad borin’ day! Not one thing about today is worth even thinkin’ about . .
2: Wow! Like, you mean . . . not one thing is worth even a little bit thinkin’ about, 'cause it’s . . .
1: 2! Look deep into my eyes! It is a junker day! When the history of all time is written, today will be highlighted in red 'cause it is the day when yuck ruled!
2: Yuck? Ruling? Wow! . . Hey listen, 1, mind if I pull up a chair here and sit with you, just so’s we can talk more about what a yuck day it is?
1: Whatever! But don’t think you are gonna make me feel good, look on the bright side, whatever. Not gonna happen, understood?
2: Hey, I am cool with that. Fact is, I think this is such a bad day that it seems to me that . . .
1 (annoyed): Seems to you what?
2: Well, what I was gonna say was, this is such a bad day that I think what you said about it being a bad day makes you sound like an optimist.
(1 jumps up, knocks over their chair, very upset.)
1: Look here, bub! Ain’t nobody gonna go around callin’ 1 an optimist! Understand?
2: Hey, listen, I am cool with that. It’s just that . .
(3 enters the stage.)
3: Hey guys, isn’t this some kind of an awesome day today? Sun shining, birds singing. It is one all-out sweet day, I tell you!
1: A sweet day? What color is the sky in your world, 3?
3 (looks up, smiles): Blue! Sky blue! Not one cloud in sight!
2: Well, best you should maybe check again! Bad worst borin’ day in history is what!
3: Boring? How so?
2: Nothin’ to do is why! (Points off-stage.) Happen to see those guys standing over there? Bored right outta their skulls, nothin’ to do.
3: Those guys? Over there? Hey, those guys are just waiting to get back into their church.
1: Into church? Guess that proves how borin’ today is, if guys will even go to somethin’ at the church.
2: That is a for sure!
3: Hey, you guys got it all wrong! There is some way out fun stuff happening at the church.
(1 and 2 laugh uproariously.)
2: Yah right! Fun stuff in a church, now that’s a rich one!
1: Since when did fun stuff happen in a church?
3: You guys should maybe have another look inside the church. Could be you just might be a bit shocked at some of the things going on.
2: Let me guess . . . Singing silly songs with your pinky held high.
1: Yeh, and Bible verses that tumble off your tongue.
3: Well, there is lots of great singing, all kinds of songs. And we sure do have Bible study. But you might be surprised how much the modern church is getting involved in community and social issues!
2: Community and social issues? Really? I didn’t know churches were into that sort of thing.
1: So who is there in the church who can handle these kinda issues? Some old fuddy-duddy, I suppose. Way outta touch is what!
3: Well, we have all ages in leadership. Some, like our pre-school director, Miz Betty, are older . . .
1 (shows time-out sign): Hey, whoa there, I did not, will not, say Miz Betty is a fuddy-duddy! I mean, everyone knows that is some awesome lady, sharp as a tack is what.
2: Everyone knows Miz Betty’s reputation. I mean, she is some classy lady! Fact is, if I thought I could be like Miz Betty, I would even agree to getting old.
1: Check it out, but I think getting old kinda just happens, 2. But OK, so Miz Betty is there, and that is a good thing. But the pastors, preachers, ministers, whatever they are called—I mean, they are likely all old and musty.
3: Pastor Todd isn’t all that old, and any must that might settle would be blown off when he sets out on his motorcycle!
1: A pastor . . . on a . . . . motorcycle?!
2: Likely a putt-putt trike is my guess.
3: Try a Honda Goldwing 82 1100cc.
1: Nooooooooooooo! Those are like . . .
2: Wowwwwwwwwww!
1: You know, just like I was sayin’ to 2 here a bit ago before you came along, we guys should really check out what is goin’ on in the new old church! My take is—it is a whole new ballgame!
3: You just talked me into it, 1!
(1 and 3 exit the stage.)
2 (shrugs): I don’t understand it, but hey, it wouldn’t be the first time I didn’t understand sumpin’!
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