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Putting On The Armour

Putting On The Armour

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Salvation is a personal choice, and spiritual battles are real, but Christians have God’s armor for protection. Through faith in Christ, anyone can be set free from sin and darkness, stepping into a life filled with truth, purpose, and victory.


Approximately 12–15 minutes, depending on pacing and dramatic emphasis.


  • 7 actors
    • B – A skeptic who experiences a spiritual awakening.
    • C – A Christian who guides B toward faith.
    • 4 Christians in white – Represent spiritual warriors (2 holding swords and shields, 2 holding nothing).
    • 1 Demon in red – Represents Satan’s influence and opposition.

Biblical References:

  1. Ephesians 6:11-12 (NIV)
    “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
    • Theme Connection: C teaches B about spiritual warfare and the armor of God.
  2. John 8:36 (NIV)
    “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
    • Theme Connection: B experiences true freedom after surrendering to Christ.

Sample of script:

Scene 1

(B and C are sitting on a park bench, engaged in an argument.)

B: Christianity is so full of lies.

C: What makes you say that?

B: Just look at the Bible, it’s supposed to be God's word to humans. But, humans wrote it, and it has so many versions...NIV, KJV, Living, and others. You have to wonder how can the original meaning has survived, there are sure to be misinterpretations. And, the churches are supposed to be the body of Christ and to love each other. But, there’s all the different denominations, each with their own theories, customs, rules and regulations. For example, there’s the Methodist, Roman Catholic, Anglican, Seventh Day Adventist, and many more. Some churches even accuse each other of being a cult or Satan worshipers.

C: Well, you are partially right.

B: I am? Hey, what’s going on here? You are supposed to be the Christian here!

C: Well, we are all human. Churches are made up of people, and people are human, we all fall short of what we are supposed to do. Christians are not perfect.

B: No kidding! O.K., now, think about these Christians. . . . how many of them are real, seems most of them live their church life separate from their weekday life. Some of them even use church as a place to attain a good social standing. Churches are full of hypocrites! I think all the junk they say about Satan, and demons, and a spiritual life, is just a way that Christians escape from the reality of death, so they come up with all this mumbo jumbo. You see, Christians are weak people, thus the need for a religion.

C: Can you hold on for just a minute? Be right back.

(C kneels down and prays quietly.)

C: (quietly) Lord, open his eyes to see, his ears to hear and his heart to understand. Amen.

C: Do you really want the truth? The real truth...

B: Sure. If you can show me proof I will probably believe in God too.

C: O.K., now. Are you ready to go on a trip?

B: Sure where, to? McDonalds?

C: Nope!! Just close you eyes and hold my hand.

(Lights fade to transition to the next scene.)

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