DramaShare Ministries

Problems With Prodigals

Problems With Prodigals

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The story of the prodigal son isn’t restricted to the Bible times, nor to sons.
When a wayward daughter returns home she finds acceptance from a parent but fierce rejection from a sibling. And all lose as a result of self-righteouness.

Bible Reference:     Luke 15:1-32


Cast:         3


Set, Lighting, Sound, Costumes:    standard


Props:       necklace and ring


Time:       5


Sample of script:      


Mom and Dianne come on stage


Mom:        Oh Dianne, it’s so good to have you home!


Dianne:       I was real worried about coming to the house, I mean, I didn’t know if I should or if I maybe should just send a letter or . . .


Mom:        Nonsense child! . . . It wasn’t your letter I was waiting for . . . I wanted to see you. Oh it’s so great to have you home my darling!


Dianne:       Mom, you need to know . . . I have been in some bad places . .  doing bad things and .


Mom:        I know all about it Dianne. . . And I have been praying that you would turn your back on that and come home, where you belong.


Dianne:       Mom! . .  You don’t understand! . . . All the times I have borrowed money from you  . . even stolen money. . .


Mom:        Dianne! . . . I know what you’ve done, I am not blind! . . . And there has been no shortage of people around here who have been all too available to bring me news of all you were involved in. . . But listen to me child . . . You have come home, that’s all that matters!


Dianne:       How can you say that what I have done doesn’t matter? . . . You and Dad didn’t raise me that way . .  I let everyone down.


Mom:        Dianne, before your Dad died he told me that even though you were lost you would be back, and what a celebration that would be!


Dianne, crying:       How could I have done that to Dad? . . That really hurt the most you know . .  knowing how Dad’s heart must have broken every time he thought of what I was doing.


Mom:        There were many tears sweetheart. . .  But he left a present for you . . .


Dianne:       A present?


Mom picks up a chain with a ring, fastens it around Dianne’s neck


Dianne, shock: Mom! . . . That is . .  Dad’s ring! . .  How could he . . How could I . .
I don’t deserve it!
I couldn’t!


Mom:        Gifts are not for deserving. . .
Gifts are for giving!
And gifts are for receiving. . ..
In love.
This isn’t my gift to you . . It is your Dad’s gift . . He wanted that you have it.


Dianne, crying:       Oh Mom! . . . Oh Mom! . .


Marilyn comes on stage, sees Dianne, instant anger


Marilyn:      Oh my, my! . . . What do we have here? . .  Truly the prodigal has returned!


Mom:        Oh Marilyn, isn’t it wonderful? . .  Your sister is back . . Just as Dad said she would be!


Marilyn:      So I see. . . Did you bring some of your sleazy friends with you . . or are they waiting across town for you to bring back the money you plan to con out of my mother?


The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

The story of the prodigal son isn’t restricted to the Bible times, nor to sons.
When a wayward daughter returns home she finds acceptance from a parent but fierce rejection from a sibling. And all lose as a result of self-righteouness.

Bible Reference:     Luke 15:1-32


Cast:         3


Set, Lighting, Sound, Costumes:    standard


Props:       necklace and ring


Time:       5


Sample of script:      


Mom and Dianne come on stage


Mom:        Oh Dianne, it’s so good to have you home!


Dianne:       I was real worried about coming to the house, I mean, I didn’t know if I should or if I maybe should just send a letter or . . .


Mom:        Nonsense child! . . . It wasn’t your letter I was waiting for . . . I wanted to see you. Oh it’s so great to have you home my darling!


Dianne:       Mom, you need to know . . . I have been in some bad places . .  doing bad things and .


Mom:        I know all about it Dianne. . . And I have been praying that you would turn your back on that and come home, where you belong.


Dianne:       Mom! . .  You don’t understand! . . . All the times I have borrowed money from you  . . even stolen money. . .


Mom:        Dianne! . . . I know what you’ve done, I am not blind! . . . And there has been no shortage of people around here who have been all too available to bring me news of all you were involved in. . . But listen to me child . . . You have come home, that’s all that matters!


Dianne:       How can you say that what I have done doesn’t matter? . . . You and Dad didn’t raise me that way . .  I let everyone down.


Mom:        Dianne, before your Dad died he told me that even though you were lost you would be back, and what a celebration that would be!


Dianne, crying:       How could I have done that to Dad? . . That really hurt the most you know . .  knowing how Dad’s heart must have broken every time he thought of what I was doing.


Mom:        There were many tears sweetheart. . .  But he left a present for you . . .


Dianne:       A present?


Mom picks up a chain with a ring, fastens it around Dianne’s neck


Dianne, shock: Mom! . . . That is . .  Dad’s ring! . .  How could he . . How could I . .
I don’t deserve it!
I couldn’t!


Mom:        Gifts are not for deserving. . .
Gifts are for giving!
And gifts are for receiving. . ..
In love.
This isn’t my gift to you . . It is your Dad’s gift . . He wanted that you have it.


Dianne, crying:       Oh Mom! . . . Oh Mom! . .


Marilyn comes on stage, sees Dianne, instant anger


Marilyn:      Oh my, my! . . . What do we have here? . .  Truly the prodigal has returned!


Mom:        Oh Marilyn, isn’t it wonderful? . .  Your sister is back . . Just as Dad said she would be!


Marilyn:      So I see. . . Did you bring some of your sleazy friends with you . . or are they waiting across town for you to bring back the money you plan to con out of my mother?


The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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