DramaShare Ministries

Pride Before a Fall

Pride Before a Fall

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This comedy shows that there is a fine line between pride in a job well done and pride in our own abilities and accomplishments, who we are. When pride starts to rule our lives we may be in for a fall . . . emotionally, spiritually, and sometimes even physically.

Costumes: Tracy wears coveralls
Props: paint can and paint brush

Sample of script:

Tracy comes on stage, carrying a paint can and paint brush, mimes painting, pauses, smiling, proud of his work

Lynn comes on stage, sees, Tracy, speaks

Lynn: Hey Tracy, what you up to?

Tracy: About five – ten, (or Tracy’s actual height).

Lynn: No, not how tall you are, what you doin’?

Tracy: Oh me? Can’t you see, Lynn, painting this wall. (looks at the “work” and smiles proudly) Looks awesome good, if I do say so myself.

Lynn, looks, nods head in approval: Does for a fact, looks like you done good. Church is gonna look real good by the time you are finished, Tracy!

Tracy: Well, thank you Lynn, I think it’s important that we keep up appearances here at Churchill Meadows, (or name of church), I mean it is our place of worship, after all.

Lynn: For sure, and if we . . .

Richie comes on stage singing loud and off-key, doing a kind of dance

Richie: M I crooked letter, crooked letter I, crooked letter, crooked letter I . . .

Lynn: Whatever are you yowlin’ about Richie?

Richie, hurt: What do you mean yowlin’? I will have you know, Lynn, that there was the centerpiece of our church’s new ID package!

Tracy: ID package?

Richie: Identification package, what people know you by. All businesses have an ID package and I figure our church oughta have one too. Now where was I? Oh yah, M I crooked letter, crooked letter I, crooked . . . . .

Lynn: Will you cut that out Richie?

Tracy: I don’t exactly know what the M I . . . whatever . . . means, but anyhow . . .

Richie, beaming with pride: It’s like M I S S, you know, S, as in crooked letter . . .

Lynn: I hate to be the one to break this to you Richie, but that was like, kinda, already taken, by Mississippi actually.

Richie, angry: Mississippi stole my ID package?

Lynn: Appears so, . . . . about two hundred years ago actually.

Richie: I am real hurt. . . . Think maybe we could trade them a couple of Ice Dogs draft picks . . . or the whole Maple Leafs hockey team?

Tracy: My guess is that ice hockey isn’t a real big thing in Mississippi.

Richie: Seems like the Maple Leafs would fit right in then . . .

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

This comedy shows that there is a fine line between pride in a job well done and pride in our own abilities and accomplishments, who we are. When pride starts to rule our lives we may be in for a fall . . . emotionally, spiritually, and sometimes even physically.

Costumes: Tracy wears coveralls
Props: paint can and paint brush

Sample of script:

Tracy comes on stage, carrying a paint can and paint brush, mimes painting, pauses, smiling, proud of his work

Lynn comes on stage, sees, Tracy, speaks

Lynn: Hey Tracy, what you up to?

Tracy: About five – ten, (or Tracy’s actual height).

Lynn: No, not how tall you are, what you doin’?

Tracy: Oh me? Can’t you see, Lynn, painting this wall. (looks at the “work” and smiles proudly) Looks awesome good, if I do say so myself.

Lynn, looks, nods head in approval: Does for a fact, looks like you done good. Church is gonna look real good by the time you are finished, Tracy!

Tracy: Well, thank you Lynn, I think it’s important that we keep up appearances here at Churchill Meadows, (or name of church), I mean it is our place of worship, after all.

Lynn: For sure, and if we . . .

Richie comes on stage singing loud and off-key, doing a kind of dance

Richie: M I crooked letter, crooked letter I, crooked letter, crooked letter I . . .

Lynn: Whatever are you yowlin’ about Richie?

Richie, hurt: What do you mean yowlin’? I will have you know, Lynn, that there was the centerpiece of our church’s new ID package!

Tracy: ID package?

Richie: Identification package, what people know you by. All businesses have an ID package and I figure our church oughta have one too. Now where was I? Oh yah, M I crooked letter, crooked letter I, crooked . . . . .

Lynn: Will you cut that out Richie?

Tracy: I don’t exactly know what the M I . . . whatever . . . means, but anyhow . . .

Richie, beaming with pride: It’s like M I S S, you know, S, as in crooked letter . . .

Lynn: I hate to be the one to break this to you Richie, but that was like, kinda, already taken, by Mississippi actually.

Richie, angry: Mississippi stole my ID package?

Lynn: Appears so, . . . . about two hundred years ago actually.

Richie: I am real hurt. . . . Think maybe we could trade them a couple of Ice Dogs draft picks . . . or the whole Maple Leafs hockey team?

Tracy: My guess is that ice hockey isn’t a real big thing in Mississippi.

Richie: Seems like the Maple Leafs would fit right in then . . .

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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