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DramaShare Ministries

Pretty Paper

Pretty Paper

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Cast Number

Mom struggles with Christmas emotions and motivation.
There has to be more than wrapping the presents for Christmas. In all the busyness do we think of Jesus at all?

A very well written monologue from DramaShare friend Brenda Tymecki. Many moms will identify with the comments of how so very much of holiday preparation falls on the moms.

Cast: 1 monolog

Bible Reference: 

Set:   bare

Lighting:  standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none


Costumes: standard

Props:  none

Special Instructions: none

Time:  3

Sample of script:

Sample of Script:

Once again, time to do a holiday task and everyone disappears from the house.

The kids actually said they needed to do homework at a friend’s house. I was impressed they remembered to take their school books to make it look real. And Steve said a friend needed help putting snow tires on or some such thing dealing with cars that Steve knows nothing about.

But that is okay. I might be able to get all the gift wrapping done before they get back. And anyway, this is normally a "mom job" to do by herself. So—paper, tissue paper, boxes, bows, ribbons, name tags, pens, and tape—oh yeah, and the gifts. At least this year a few of the gifts don’t have to be wrapped.

I did what I suggested to Steve. His Aunt June is getting a casserole and stew divided up into individual servings, so we will just give June a card stating that her gift is in the freezer for her. Hopefully, she will appreciate that gift.

The kids—a few outfits, whether they like them or not, plus a few CDs they requested. But also, a gift of the whole family going to Lake George water park for the winter break of school.

Steve—clothes for work, a dinner certificate, and a few odds and ends. And yes, I bought some friends “stuff” but tried to be more personal with them. One friend became a widow last year, so this year I am giving her a pendant with a picture of her husband in it. She wears his wedding band around her neck—now a picture can go with it.

Okay, so let’s get wrapping. (pause)

Okay, motivation, come on and hit me. Let’s get this done.

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