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Pressures and Priorities
Pressures and Priorities
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A modern retelling of Daniel Chapter 3, this drama takes place in the newsroom of The Daily Herald, where three reporters (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) face pressure to compromise their journalistic integrity under the leadership of their boss, Editor Nebuchadnezzar.
The reporters refuse to alter their stories to fit the political and financial interests of the newspaper, despite threats from Nebuchadnezzar and opposition from coworkers Sam Slick and Orest Obnoxious. Their controversial articles on issues like abortion, censorship, and political corruption put them at risk of losing their jobs.
Nebuchadnezzar, furious at their defiance, issues an ultimatum: they must submit to the "god of Acceptable Editorial Content" or be blacklisted from journalism. The reporters stand firm, putting their faith in God over job security.
Cast: 7 m or f
- (any or all may be male or female).
- City Editor Nebuchadnezzar
- Reporter Shadrach
- Reporter Meshach
- Reporter Abednego
- Sam Slick
- Orest Obnoxious
- Angel
Bible Reference: Daniel 2
- daily newspaper editorial room "The Daily Herald"
- Back wall will have a large sign:
- A private office at upstage left with separate desk (table)
- above this office a slightly smaller sign:
- On each reporter's desk are individual small signs:
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
Lighting: standard
SFX: none
- three desks, (or tables), downstage with cmputers, coffee cups, phones and assorted clutter on top. Garbage cans full of crumpled paper with excess on the floor.
- Water cooler and coffee maker on a separate table
- Newspapers laying around
- Angel wears white shirt and jeans
- All others dressed modern office wear
Special Instructions: none
Time: 7
Sample of script:
Scene: The Newsroom
(Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are at their desks, typing and silently talking on the phone.)
Shadrach (on the phone): Sorry, I simply can't print that, sir. (Pause). It very well may be that a statement such as that could be politically positive for your party, but I have some concern as to its accuracy. (Pause). Yes, I realize that Editor Nebuchadnezzar is a member of your party. (Pause). Yes, I also realize that he has the power to remove me from the editorial staff. However, as long as I am on staff, I will be guided by good journalism and good conscience. (Pause). Hello. Hello. (Hangs up phone, turns to Meshach and Abednego). Well, now I have been hung up on by no one less than the leader of our boss' favorite political party!
Meshach: That could be a career-limiting move, very dangerous to your job security around here, Shadrach!
Abednego: Isn't that true, Meshach! The pressure is on us from Editor Nebuchadnezzar to ensure that all of our articles are (mimics), "politically and socially acceptable to the public."
Shadrach: You're one to talk, Abednego. That article you wrote about the new abortion clinic won't make you a close buddy of Editor Nebuchadnezzar. The owner of the clinic is a major financial backer of our Editor's political party, and you were hardly complimentary!
Meshach: I guess the three of us can expect a lecture on the content of our articles, can't we? Your article on the art display at the gallery won't go down well either, Shadrach! I loved your title for the article, "Pornography Masquerades as Art." Now that's subtle!
Shadrach: You too, Meshach! You were somewhat less than glowing in your editorial on the government's movie censorship?
Abednego: Oh yes! We can count on a stormy reception from Editor Nebuchadnezzar at our staff meeting this morning.
Meshach: Speaking of hot air, here comes our undistinguished Advertising Sales Manager, Sam Slick.
(Sam and Orest come on stage.)
Shadrach: And in tow, his buddy, Orest Obnoxious, the Printing Department Supervisor.
Sam: Well, if it isn't the three protectors of Gotham City morality, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego!
Orest: I like that, Sam! (Laughs and mimics). "Protectors of Gotham City morality." What I can't figure out is why the boss allows you guys to push your slanted religious views in your articles! After all, we already have made room for a half-page in the "Religions and Eastern Philosophies" section every Saturday. That's twice as much as any other paper allows!
Sam: Yeh, and who reads that junk anyways?
(Editor Nebuchadnezzar enters, speaking gruffly.)
Nebuchadnezzar: OK, y'all finally here. Let's git goin', I don't have much time! Got a meetin' with the Premier, the cabinet, and the Chamber 'a Commerce in exactly (looks at watch) thirty-eight minutes. Now then, Orest, did yuh git the agenda fer this meetin' printed up like I asked yuh?
Orest: Sorry, sir, I didn't get time. The three crusaders here (points to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) held up the presses until the very last minute. (Sarcastically). They were "double-checking their sources." All the other reporters had their copy in by six o'clock last night!
Nebuchadnezzar: Speakin' of which, I had a call from a lawyer about Robertson's article on used car warranties. Don't git me wrong, it ain't that I'm against gittin' sued. Sometimes the extra publicity is worth its weight. But Robertson's gotta realize that he's gotta have some truth in his stories, fer Pete's sake!
Sam: Don't be too hard on old Robertson. So maybe his articles aren't always real accurate or thorough, but I'm going to tell you that his articles are gobbled up by the suckers who buy this rag. Not like three other reporters I can think of! (Looks at Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego). Do you realize that we may have lost as many as three major advertisers in the last three months because of these (emphasizes) 'Bible Thumpers'?
Nebuchadnezzar: Speakin' 'a which, I had a call this mornin' from the leader 'a my party. The old goat isn't always too bright, but he's bang on with this one! Meshach, yer article on movie censorship was the dumbest I ever seen! (Throws newspaper down on table in front of Meshach). Not only did the article run down the party, but I'll have yuh know that my kid heads that government department!
Now, I've warned the three 'a yuh before about yer goofy religious views, and I'm warnin' yuh fer the last time! Use yer brains when yuh write this trash! I'm gonna be watchin' the three 'a yuh real close from now on!
Abednego: I'm sorry that you didn't approve of my article on censorship, Editor Nebuchadnezzar. But you know as well as I do that the movies which are being classified as general are in no way fit for mixed audiences.
Nebuchadnezzar (sarcastically): 'In no way fit fer mixed audiences.' Give me a break! There's nuthin' in them movies that's any worse than yuh see on television fer Pete's sake!
Look, you three, the bottom line is either yuh lighten up or your beat will be the unemployment line! (Emphatically). Do yuh git my drift?
Meshach: That may well be, Editor Nebuchadnezzar, but being Christians, we will not compromise our standards as to what is morally and ethically right.
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