DramaShare Ministries

Plea Bargain

Plea Bargain

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A trial in a “higher” court shows just how much guilt we are facing.

Bible Reference: Exodus 20:1-17; Deuteronomy 5:1-21

Cast: 2
Michael (or Michelle) Prosecuting attorney
Gabrielle (or Gabriel) Defense attorney

Set: Suggests a district attorney’s office.

Costume: Two characters are in modern business attire.

Props: Table with office-type telephone, laptop, two chairs
charge sheet for Pat Wilson, and scroll of the law.
briefcase full of papers.
Bible on table

Sample of script:

GABRIELLE enters, MICHAEL stands to greet

MICHAEL: Gaby! Good to see you. How long has it been?

GABRIELLE: Hi, Michael. I think it was the Celestial Bar Association banquet.

MICHAEL: That long! (They sit)

GABRIELLE: How have you been?

MICHAEL: Busy. Too many cases, not enough time. The bad guys keep us hopping, and the Boss, well…you know.

GABRIELLE: I do know. Sometimes I think the Boss pushes too hard. That’s why I’m here.

MICHAEL: Well, you called the meeting. I’m guessing you are looking for a plea bargain.

GABRIELLE You bet I am! It’s the murder charge against Pat Wilson. It’s unjustified. It’s excessive!

MICHAEL: Pat Wilson? I’m afraid we have a solid case against Pat, Gabrielle.

GABRIELLE: I’m disappointed in you, Michael. I know you are a tough prosecutor, but I didn’t think you were cruel.

MICHAEL: What do you mean?

GABRIELLE: Look at these charges: (reading) “Count 1. On April 15, 1996, defendant Patrick Marion Wilson did fervently wish and entreat that a meteor would strike IRS headquarters destroying all who were there present.”

MICHAEL: Are you saying that Pat didn’t do that?

GABRIELLE: No, but Pat didn’t really mean that he wanted–

MICHAEL: I have evidence that Pat really meant what he said. But that’s not the most serious charge. Look at count 2.

GABRIELLE: Okay, Pat did say some nasty things. Pat’s boss is not a nice person, but he doesn’t really rent out his kids as slave labor.

MICHAEL: Pat knew that wasn’t true and he said that to people anyway.

GABRIELLE: Yes, but–

MICHAEL: And look at count three. What kind of person even thinks such awful thought about a spouse?

GABRIELLE: Look, I know Pat isn’t perfect. Pat has a bad temper and sometimes says hurtful things. But Pat is not a murderer!

MICHAEL: Really?

GABRIELLE: Of course not! Look at the Law! (Pulls scroll from briefcase) Right there! “Thou shalt not murder.” Pat never killed anybody. Not by accident, not in self-defense and certainly not by murder!

MICHAEL: You’ve been out of touch for a couple of millennia, Gaby. There’s a new covenant.

GABRIELLE: What? The old law doesn’t apply?

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

A trial in a “higher” court shows just how much guilt we are facing.

Bible Reference: Exodus 20:1-17; Deuteronomy 5:1-21

Cast: 2
Michael (or Michelle) Prosecuting attorney
Gabrielle (or Gabriel) Defense attorney

Set: Suggests a district attorney’s office.

Costume: Two characters are in modern business attire.

Props: Table with office-type telephone, laptop, two chairs
charge sheet for Pat Wilson, and scroll of the law.
briefcase full of papers.
Bible on table

Sample of script:

GABRIELLE enters, MICHAEL stands to greet

MICHAEL: Gaby! Good to see you. How long has it been?

GABRIELLE: Hi, Michael. I think it was the Celestial Bar Association banquet.

MICHAEL: That long! (They sit)

GABRIELLE: How have you been?

MICHAEL: Busy. Too many cases, not enough time. The bad guys keep us hopping, and the Boss, well…you know.

GABRIELLE: I do know. Sometimes I think the Boss pushes too hard. That’s why I’m here.

MICHAEL: Well, you called the meeting. I’m guessing you are looking for a plea bargain.

GABRIELLE You bet I am! It’s the murder charge against Pat Wilson. It’s unjustified. It’s excessive!

MICHAEL: Pat Wilson? I’m afraid we have a solid case against Pat, Gabrielle.

GABRIELLE: I’m disappointed in you, Michael. I know you are a tough prosecutor, but I didn’t think you were cruel.

MICHAEL: What do you mean?

GABRIELLE: Look at these charges: (reading) “Count 1. On April 15, 1996, defendant Patrick Marion Wilson did fervently wish and entreat that a meteor would strike IRS headquarters destroying all who were there present.”

MICHAEL: Are you saying that Pat didn’t do that?

GABRIELLE: No, but Pat didn’t really mean that he wanted--

MICHAEL: I have evidence that Pat really meant what he said. But that’s not the most serious charge. Look at count 2.

GABRIELLE: Okay, Pat did say some nasty things. Pat’s boss is not a nice person, but he doesn’t really rent out his kids as slave labor.

MICHAEL: Pat knew that wasn’t true and he said that to people anyway.

GABRIELLE: Yes, but--

MICHAEL: And look at count three. What kind of person even thinks such awful thought about a spouse?

GABRIELLE: Look, I know Pat isn’t perfect. Pat has a bad temper and sometimes says hurtful things. But Pat is not a murderer!

MICHAEL: Really?

GABRIELLE: Of course not! Look at the Law! (Pulls scroll from briefcase) Right there! “Thou shalt not murder.” Pat never killed anybody. Not by accident, not in self-defense and certainly not by murder!

MICHAEL: You’ve been out of touch for a couple of millennia, Gaby. There’s a new covenant.

GABRIELLE: What? The old law doesn’t apply?

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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