DramaShare Ministries



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Discovering and using gifts.
Planting a garden can mean going out and putting your hands in . . . yeeuuucch . . . the dirt. So it should be logical to just bring the dirt inside and have your garden on the living room carpet . . .?
Now then, what about planting a ministry?
Excellent for women’s retreat or program.

Sample of Script:

Tina: Hey, Melissa, how are you? What’s up?

Melissa: Nothin yet.

Tina: What do you mean, “nothin’ yet”?

Melissa: Like I said, nothin’s up yet. Soon will be though.

Tina: What are you saying? Getting me all confused!

Melissa: Sorry, Tina, don’t mean to confuse you, fact is I am planting my garden and I expect soon, with some water and warm sunshine, soon its gonna be up.

Tina: Oh, I get you, up as in (holds fingers upward and wiggles them), the plants are gonna like come up through the ground.

Melissa: You planning a garden this year, Tina?

Tina: Not too likely, last I heard to plant a garden you need dirt and my hands don’t do dirt.

Melissa: Don’t do dirt, you mean you don’t like the feel of cool, moist dirt on your hands, sliding through your fingers, getting up close and personal with Mother Earth, maybe walking barefoot in the . . . .

Tina: . . . . puhleeaasssseeeee! Like I just told you, I don’t do dirt! If I want to get close to Mother Earth I turn on National Geographic on Public Television, get all the dirt I’m ever gonna need!

Melissa: Oh, Tina, but it’s not the same! You mean to tell me that you have never planted a garden, not even a flower bed?

Tina: Yeh, once and only once.

Melissa: Sounds like it wasn’t a real positive experience.

Tina: D’ya think?

Melissa: Mind sharing what happened?

Tina: Nothing, that’s the point.

Melissa: Nothing?

Tina: Zeeeero.

Melissa: Nothing grew?

Tina: Just a few sickly little green thingies came through the dirt, they soon turned obnoxious yellow and shrivelled up.

Melissa: Maybe you didn’t fertilize enough, how much fertilizer did you use?

Tina: Fertilizer?

Melissa: Yeh, like 34-0-0.

Tina: Is that like the time they get outta bed in the military?

Melissa: My guess is you didn’t use any fertilizer did you?

Tina: You found me out.

Melissa: OK, what about water, how often did you water the soil?

Tina: Water?

Melissa: Let me break it down for you. H2O.

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Discovering and using gifts.
Planting a garden can mean going out and putting your hands in . . . yeeuuucch . . . the dirt. So it should be logical to just bring the dirt inside and have your garden on the living room carpet . . .?
Now then, what about planting a ministry?
Excellent for women's retreat or program.

Cast: 2 females

  • Tina
  • Melissa - not a happy gardener

Bible Reference: Romans 12:6

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 35

Sample of Script:

Tina: Hey, Melissa, how are you? What’s up?

Melissa: Nothin yet.

Tina: What do you mean, “nothin’ yet”?

Melissa: Like I said, nothin’s up yet. Soon will be though.

Tina: What are you saying? Getting me all confused!

Melissa: Sorry, Tina, don’t mean to confuse you, fact is I am planting my garden and I expect soon, with some water and warm sunshine, soon its gonna be up.

Tina: Oh, I get you, up as in (holds fingers upward and wiggles them), the plants are gonna like come up through the ground.

Melissa: You planning a garden this year, Tina?

Tina: Not too likely, last I heard to plant a garden you need dirt and my hands don’t do dirt.

Melissa: Don’t do dirt, you mean you don’t like the feel of cool, moist dirt on your hands, sliding through your fingers, getting up close and personal with Mother Earth, maybe walking barefoot in the . . . .

Tina: . . . . puhleeaasssseeeee! Like I just told you, I don’t do dirt! If I want to get close to Mother Earth I turn on National Geographic on Public Television, get all the dirt I’m ever gonna need!

Melissa: Oh, Tina, but it’s not the same! You mean to tell me that you have never planted a garden, not even a flower bed?

Tina: Yeh, once and only once.

Melissa: Sounds like it wasn’t a real positive experience.

Tina: D’ya think?

Melissa: Mind sharing what happened?

Tina: Nothing, that’s the point.

Melissa: Nothing?

Tina: Zeeeero.

Melissa: Nothing grew?

Tina: Just a few sickly little green thingies came through the dirt, they soon turned obnoxious yellow and shrivelled up.

Melissa: Maybe you didn’t fertilize enough, how much fertilizer did you use?

Tina: Fertilizer?

Melissa: Yeh, like 34-0-0.

Tina: Is that like the time they get outta bed in the military?

Melissa: My guess is you didn’t use any fertilizer did you?

Tina: You found me out.

Melissa: OK, what about water, how often did you water the soil?

Tina: Water?

Melissa: Let me break it down for you. H2O.

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