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DramaShare Ministries

Plans Without Regrets

Plans Without Regrets

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Cast Number

God doesn’t want us to live a regret-filled life, he has a great plan for us! Living a life of regrets is not only painful, but it is against what God has planned for us! He wants us to live our life according to His plans and purpose.

Regret-filled life is not what God wants for us.
God has a great plan for us! Living a life of regrets is not only painful, but it is against what God has planned for us! He wants us to live our life according to His plans and purpose.

Cast: 1 f mid age (monolog)

Bible Reference: Jeremiah 29:11

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 5

Actor come on stage, pauses, speaks to herself.

Actor: I can’t believe it – my birthday already! Again! These kinds of things shouldn’t happen so often! I think we should only have birthdays once every 3 or 4 years. That way we may actually look forward to them a little more.

(Smiles to herself.)

I know everyone ages at the same rate, but why does it seem that everyone else seems to be getting older except me? How come I feel the same as I did 20 years ago? I know now from my little incident
last Thursday that I can’t take the stairs two at a time anymore,
(rubbing her leg), but inside I feel like I’m still that awkward 12 year old girl!

I can’t stop thinking about my life and what I’ve done. Not just the big things like graduating college, marrying Tim, and having the kids. I think about the little things - things that I regret I didn’t do differently.

Like the time I told my best friend Sarah that I did not want to be
friends with her anymore because she wasn’t cool enough. Boy, that’s
teenage mentality! I was afraid of what would happen to my image if I was seen hanging around with someone who wasn’t with the in crowd!
I probably hurt Sarah deeply. We never really spoke again after that.

I regret that – a lot.

Then there’s the time in college when the pressure of exams got too
much and I took in a cheat-sheet to my history final. No one ever
found out, but I’ll never forget that selfish act. I regret that – a lot.

And then there’s one of the biggest regrets that I hold. What was it – four years ago already? I couldn’t imagine again feeling so insecure that I would actually accuse Tim of being unfaithful. How could I have been so convinced that he could not possibly love me anymore and was therefore cheating on me. I regret that – a lot.

In my mind, all my actions made sense at the time. I guess at the time, I felt no one else knew or understood my heart. I thought that no one else would understand what I was going through. Even though these could easily be chalked up to immaturity or insecurity, it was a lot more. These are things that I truly regret and wish that I could somehow reverse. I wish that I was allowed some grace in these areas.

God’s grace really is amazing. His grace has truly brought me to
where I am today.

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