DramaShare Ministries

Perfect Perfection

Perfect Perfection

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A company meeting gives opportunity for the boss, “Mr. Good” and his manager “Gabriel Angelus” to talk about perfection in all that is done.
God is holy and perfect and has provided a way for us to be in friendship with Him forever.

Sample of script:

Scene opens as group of people are in a meeting.

Gabriel: First I want to thank all of you for coming out to our meeting today. For any of you who are new here, my name is Gabriel, Gabriel Angelus. Our boss, Mr. Good, wants to talk to all of us about a problem with the services we provide. So, I’m just going to turn it over to Mr. Good who will give us a complete rundown on the problems, and what he expects from us. Mr. Good, if you will.

Good: Like Gabriel said, thanks for coming out today. I’ve talked to you before about the problems and what is expected from each one of you who work here at Good’s Personal Services. As all of you know, Good’s Personal Services provides personal support and guidance to our clients all over the world. Now, over the years we have provided support to millions of our clients, but in spite of all this guidance and support, the fact is that some of the clients still lack perfection. Some suffer from various sicknesses, this caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, others have chosen to support other personal services organizations which offer totally unacceptable products and services. I have watched in sorrow as my clients have made choices which have left them weak and unhealthy.
Therefore I have made the decision that from now on this just isn’t acceptable. We will only accept perfection in our clients, in fact perfectly perfect clients. The problem is that since there is a lack of perfection, and lack of perfection brings conflict; there is conflict among all clients at Goods Personal Services, as well as conflict with those with whom our clients work and play around the world. And this results in loss of friendship everywhere.

Gloria: But be realistic, Mr. Good, perfection just isn’t possible. I mean, we are good clients, we care about the services you provide, but after all, we are only human!

Doris: I agree with Gloria. How can we get everything exactly perfect? We have some of the very clients in the whole world, but, like Gloria said, perfection simply isn’t possible.

Gabriel: I hear what you are saying Doris, but I think we should listen closely to what the boss is saying here. You will have to admit that he never gives us an impossible challenge.

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

"Mr. Good" and his manager "Gabriel Angelus" with their employees talk about perfection.
A company meeting gives opportunity for the boss and management to tell their side of the story.
God is holy and perfect and has provided a way, through Jesus, for us to be in friendship with Him forever.

Cast: 3

  • Mr Good
  • Gabriel
  • Doris
  • Gloria
  • Thomas

Bible Reference: Romans 6:23

Set: blank

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 7

Sample of script:

Scene opens as group of people are in a meeting.

Gabriel: First I want to thank all of you for coming out to our meeting today. For any of you who are new here, my name is Gabriel, Gabriel Angelus. Our boss, Mr. Good, wants to talk to all of us about a problem with the services we provide. So, I’m just going to turn it over to Mr. Good who will give us a complete rundown on the problems, and what he expects from us. Mr. Good, if you will.

Good: Like Gabriel said, thanks for coming out today. I’ve talked to you before about the problems and what is expected from each one of you who work here at Good’s Personal Services. As all of you know, Good’s Personal Services provides personal support and guidance to our clients all over the world. Now, over the years we have provided support to millions of our clients, but in spite of all this guidance and support, the fact is that some of the clients still lack perfection. Some suffer from various sicknesses, this caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, others have chosen to support other personal services organizations which offer totally unacceptable products and services. I have watched in sorrow as my clients have made choices which have left them weak and unhealthy.
Therefore I have made the decision that from now on this just isn’t acceptable. We will only accept perfection in our clients, in fact perfectly perfect clients. The problem is that since there is a lack of perfection, and lack of perfection brings conflict; there is conflict among all clients at Goods Personal Services, as well as conflict with those with whom our clients work and play around the world. And this results in loss of friendship everywhere.

Gloria: But be realistic, Mr. Good, perfection just isn’t possible. I mean, we are good clients, we care about the services you provide, but after all, we are only human!

Doris: I agree with Gloria. How can we get everything exactly perfect? We have some of the very finest clients in the whole world, but, like Gloria said, perfection simply isn’t possible.

Gabriel: I hear what you are saying Doris, but I think we should listen closely to what the boss is saying here. You will have to admit that he never gives us an impossible challenge.

Thomas: Plans are all well and good, but you will have to show me how this can happen. Perfection doesn’t just happen!

Gabriel: No, it doesn’t, Thomas, but ours isn’t any ordinary boss. Tell, us, Mr. Good, what is the plan?

Good: I agree that working on your own, perfection isn’t possible. I have noticed that even though you are trying very hard, it’s just not happening. So I have arranged that someone who is perfect will come here and do the final part of the job.

Thomas: No one is perfect, no one!

Good: Actually you are wrong. My own son is perfect.

Gabriel: But, sir, you can’t mean that you would allow your son to leave your side at home office and that you would send him down here! That would be unthinkable! Just think of all the privileges your son has at home office, how could you ask him to leave all that for this?

Gloria: I have to say I think Gabriel is right on this one, sir. This job would take all your son has to give, it could kill him! How could you do that to your own son?

Good: What choice do I have? I will not put up with anything less than perfection, to do otherwise is a sin, and you all know how I feel about that.

Doris: There has to be another way. Maybe if we all just try a lot harder.

Thomas: It’s been tried, it’s not working. No, I would say there is no chance; we might just as well forget it!

Good: But to forget it means that all is lost. I can’t do that. No, my son is the logical, the only choice.

Thomas: Some father you are, sending your son here to a place where he can’t win, and what for?

Good: For you Thomas. Just for you.

Doris: This doesn’t make any sense! Why not just accept the fact that there are going to be clients not quite perfect? Really, it’s no big deal!

Gloria: I agree, good enough is good enough, I always say.

Good: Perhaps for some, never for me. I can not stand to look at a client that is not perfect.

Gloria: Perhaps if we were to offer extra wages to everyone, maybe then they would do a better job.

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