DramaShare Ministries

Patience of Hannah

Patience of Hannah

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Hannah, an example of patience.
A teenager and her mom have some hassle over waiting for a phone call about a crucial upcoming musical extravaganza . . . . OK, so it’s only about tickets for seeing the not-yet quite famous rock group, “The Green Monkeys” but still . . . .


This drama involves two women.

Stacey is a teenager
Beth is her mother.

Props/Set Two living room chairs should be facing each other, and Beth should be holding a magazine or book at the opening.

Sample of script:

Scene opens as Beth is sitting in a chair reading a book.

Stacey, bursting in the room: Everyone, away from the phone! I am expecting a very important call, and I do not want to miss it!

Beth: Don’t worry, dear – it’s only me here. Your Dad went to get his magazine at the store and Jeffrey is at a friend’s house.

Stacey: Well good! I cannot miss this call! I have been waiting forever for it!

Beth: Who is going to be calling that you can’t wait another minute for?

Stacey: Mom! Really! I told you this morning that they are giving away two tickets to the Green Monkeys concert and I simply have to get them! I waited in line for 2 hours before I found out they were sold out. So this radio station is having a contest for 2 tickets and I put my name in the draw after school today. I know they are going to call!

Beth: Wow! You’ve been waiting for this call since after school! (Sarcastically.) That’s what now, (looks at her watch), a whole 45 minutes?

Stacey: Mom! Be serious! This is very important to me!

Beth: I know dear, but I just think that you are getting yourself all worked up for no reason!

Stacey: No reason! Mom, do you realize how long I have been waiting to see the Green Monkeys in concert? Like about, 2 months!! That’s almost a lifetime!

Beth, laughing: My Stacey. You really have no idea what waiting and having patience is all about. You should learn how some others have dealt with having to wait for things a really long time.

Stacey: Someone had to wait longer than 2 months for Green Monkeys tickets?

Beth: Well, not exactly. But there are others who have had to wait years and years before they got what they had wanted.

Stacey: Years? Wouldn’t you just give up on getting it after that long?

Beth: You would think so, but I know one person in particular that didn’t give up.

Stacey, sitting in a chair beside Beth: Who?

Beth: Have you ever heard of Hannah?

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Hannah, an example of patience.
A teenager and her mom have some disagreement over waiting for a phone call about a crucial upcoming musical extravaganza . . . . OK, so it's only about tickets for seeing the not-yet quite famous rock group, "The Green Monkeys" but still . . . .

Cast: 2 f

  • Stacey is a teenager
  • Beth is her mother.

Bible Reference: 1Samuel


  • livingroom with 2 chairs

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none


  • magazine or book

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 10

Sample of script:

Scene opens Beth is sitting in chair reading a book.

Stacey, bursting in the room: Everyone, away from the phone! I am expecting a very important call, and I do not want to miss it!

Beth: Don't worry, dear - it's only me here. Your Dad went to get his magazine at the store and Jeffrey is at a friend's house.

Stacey: Well good! I cannot miss this call! I have been waiting forever for it!

Beth: Who is going to be calling that you can't wait another minute for?

Stacey: Mom! Really! I told you this morning that they are giving away two tickets to the Green Monkeys concert and I simply have to get them! I waited in line for 2 hours before I found out they were sold out. So this radio station is having a contest for 2 tickets and I put my name in the draw after school today. I know they are going to call!

Beth: Wow! You've been waiting for this call since after school! (Sarcastically.) That's what now, (looks at her watch), a whole 45 minutes?

Stacey: Mom! Be serious! This is very important to me!

Beth: I know dear, but I just think that you are getting yourself all worked up for no reason!

Stacey: No reason! Mom, do you realize how long I have been waiting to see the Green Monkeys in concert? Like about, 2 months!! That's almost a lifetime!

Beth, laughing: My, Stacey, you really have no idea what waiting and having patience is all about. You should learn how some others have dealt with having to wait for things a really long time.

Stacey: Someone had to wait longer than 2 months for Green Monkeys tickets?

Beth: Well, not exactly. But there are others who have had to wait years and years before they got what they had wanted.

Stacey: Years? Wouldn't you just give up on getting it after that long?

Beth: You would think so, but I know one person in particular that didn't give up.

Stacey, sits in chair beside Beth: Who?

Beth: Have you ever heard of Hannah?

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