DramaShare Ministries

Pastors Birthday

Pastors Birthday

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A humorous birthday and / or anniversary message for the pastor.
We recommend that scripts be custom written for these purposes in order to properly honor that specific pastor. See “Scripts” link on the DramaShare website, click on “Custom Script Writing”Props: step ladder birthday and anniversary decorations

Sample of script:

actors are decorating room, all decorations are up very high.

1 and 3 come on stage

1: Hey all, what’s happenin’?

2: Well, duhhhhhhh! It is October!

1, confused: Uhh, yehhhhh, OK. I am guessing this is a traditional October ritual where folks hang decorations so high that only those standing on a chair could possibly see them? Is this a local October ritual in Muskogee or is this imported from the cultural capital of the known world, Oktaha, Oklahoma?

3: Who’s birthday is it?

4: Pastor Dilbert. He is turning like . . (pause, thinks), way old! No one rightly knows for sure just how old actually.

1: Do old people like Pastor Dilbert still get a birthday every year?

2: What you talkin’ about? All folks get a birthday every year, no matter even if they are old like Pastor Dilbert.

1: Unfortunate is what.

2: Unfortunate? What’s unfortunate?

1: Seems like if a person has been around as long as Pastor Dilbert the only fair thing would be to let them skip a year every once in a while.

3: Now that there would be a sight to see!

1: What where would be a sight to see?

3: Pastor Dilbert skipping. Him as tall as he is, would for sure be bouncing off the ceiling!

2: My guess is that 1 meant skipping as going from one hundred and six to one hundred and nine, that kinda skipping.

3: D’ya think?

2: It’s a take it to the bank kinda thingie.

1: Still never told me why the decorations are so high up.

4: Well, it is for Pastor Dilbert cause when he walks around he is way tall.

3: Upwardly mobile you might say.

1: OK, so that explains the decorations up high, but why are they showing so much wear at the top?

4: The party is for Pastor Dilbert and he is showing . . ..

1: . . . . some wear at the top, I get what you are driving at.

2: Follically challenged you might say.

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Birthday and / or anniversary message for the pastor.
We recommend that scripts be custom written for these purposes in order to properly honor that specific pastor.
Contact DramaShare for details on "Custom Script Writing"

Cast: 4 m or f

Bible Reference: Matthew 5:14


  • birthday and/or anniversary decorations

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none


  • ladder
  • Decorations for the occasion

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 15

Sample of script:

actors are decorating room, all decorations are up very high.

1 and 3 come on stage

1: Hey all, what's happenin’?

2: Well, duhhhhhhh! It is October!

1, confused: Uhh, yehhhhh, OK. I am guessing this is a traditional October ritual where folks hang decorations so high that only those standing on a chair could possibly see them? Is this a local October ritual in Muskogee or is this imported from the cultural capital of the known world, Oktaha, Oklahoma?

3: Who’s birthday is it?

4: Pastor Dilbert. He is turning like . . (pause, thinks), way old! No one rightly knows for sure just how old actually.

1: Do old people like Pastor Dilbert still get a birthday every year?

2: What you talkin’ about? All folks get a birthday every year, no matter even if they are old like Pastor Dilbert.

1: Unfortunate is what.

2: Unfortunate? What's unfortunate?

1: Seems like if a person has been around as long as Pastor Dilbert the only fair thing would be to let them skip a year every once in a while.

3: Now that there would be a sight to see!

1: What where would be a sight to see?

3: Pastor Dilbert skipping. Him as tall as he is, would for sure be bouncing off the ceiling!

2: My guess is that 1 meant skipping as going from one hundred and six to one hundred and nine, that kinda skipping.

3: D’ya think?

2: It’s a take it to the bank kinda thingie.

1: Still never told me why the decorations are so high up.

4: Well, it is for Pastor Dilbert cause when he walks around he is way tall.

3: Upwardly mobile you might say.

1: OK, so that explains the decorations up high, but why are they showing so much wear at the top?

4: The party is for Pastor Dilbert and he is showing . . ..

1: . . . . some wear at the top, I get what you are driving at.

2: Follically challenged you might say.

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