DramaShare Ministries

Pastor Carpenter

Pastor Carpenter

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pastor appreciation sketch.
This is an example of scripts we have written for churches to honor their pastors on special, (or any), occassions. Rather than a generic, “to the householder” kind of message, we believe that the message should be customed to the individual and the church.

Sample of script:

1 comes on stage

1: Hello! Hello! Anyone around?

2 comes on stage

2: Yes, welcome to Bethel Presbyterian, my name is 2, may I help you?

1: Pleased to make your acquaintance, 2, I am 1, and I am here about the carpenter.

2: The carpenter?

1: Yes, I am looking for the carpenter, and I am in a bit of a rush, if you don’t mind.

2: Well, I really don’t mind at all that you are in a rush but the only carpenter we have around here is Cathy, and she’s . . .well, actually, she is actually the Pastor.

1: Look, I’m prepared to hire a lady who’s got religion, so long as she has qualifications, can do the job. I assume she has her papers, been properly trained?

2: Sir, I shall have you know that Cathy is a Harvard graduate!

1: Harvard, huh? That’d be the trade school in Oklahoma; Harvard School of Carpentry Using Scientific Simulations. Yep, Good ol’ C-U-S-S! Went to school there myself, took the advanced course, two weeks it was. Why I remember the pep rally theme as though it was yesterday. (breaks into song, way off key) Let’s give a cheer for saws and hammers, We won’t make a fuss As we lift our voices now We will all remember CUSS. CUSS, CUSS, CUSS, CUSS, CUSS! Oh, yes, indeed! I’m sure that many’s the time you have heard CUSS ring out from her office, off-key and loud, haven’t you?

2: Sir, I beg your pardon! Pastor Carpenter would never, I repeat never, be heard cussing! And furthermore, she has a gorgeous singing voice, why, she would simply not know how to sing off-key.

1: Much the same as myself, but we just have to work at it to perfect the song. Now then, I do enjoy chitchatting with you but I really must get back to the job site. Can you tell me where I find the carpenter, what did you say her name was again? Annabelle was it?

2: Annabelle is a cat, same as Mink.

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

A pastor appreciation sketch DramaShare wrote for a client church.
This is an example of scripts we write for churches to honor their pastors, (or other key people), on special, (or any), occasions, or for the church or people anniversaries. Rather than a generic, "to the householder" kind of message, we believe that the message should be custom written to the occasion,  individual and the church.
We consult with leaders in the church to find details on the church, the area, and some of the key people in the church. We weave this information into the overall theme and Bible passage. The result is a customized performance with meaning.

Cast: 3

Bible Reference: Ephesians 4:11

Set: blank

Sound: wireless mics if available


  • tuneless song sung badly

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

  • In this case the pastor's last name is Carpenter, thus a theme about looking for a carpenter.
  • Annabelle and Mink were the pastor's cats
  • When we wrote this sketch the actors were unknown so we used numbers for the actors.

Time: 9

Sample of script:

1 comes on stage

1: Hello! Hello! Anyone around?

2 comes on stage

2: Yes, welcome to Bethel Presbyterian, my name is 2, may I help you?

1: Pleased to make your acquaintance, 2, I am 1, and I am here about the carpenter.

2: The carpenter?

1: Yes, I am looking for the carpenter, and I am in a bit of a rush, if you don’t mind.

2: Well, I really don’t mind at all that you are in a rush but the only carpenter we have around here is Cathy, and she’s . . .well, actually, she is actually the Pastor.

1: Look, I’m prepared to hire a lady who’s got religion, so long as she has qualifications, can do the job. I assume she has her papers, been properly trained?

2: Sir, I shall have you know that Cathy is a Harvard graduate!

1: Harvard, huh? That’d be the trade school in Oklahoma; Harvard School of Carpentry Using Scientific Simulations. Yep, Good ol’ C-U-S-S! Went to school there myself, took the advanced course, two weeks it was. Why I remember the pep rally theme as though it was yesterday. (breaks into song, way off key)
Let’s give a cheer for saws and hammers,
We won’t make a fuss
As we lift our voices now
We will all remember CUSS.

Oh, yes, indeed! I’m sure that many’s the time you have heard CUSS ring out from her office, off-key and loud, haven’t you?

2: Sir, I beg your pardon! Pastor Carpenter would never, I repeat never, be heard cussing! And furthermore, she has a gorgeous singing voice, why, she would simply not know how to sing off-key.

1: Much the same as myself, but we just have to work at it to perfect the song. Now then, I do enjoy chitchatting with you but I really must get back to the job site. Can you tell me where I find the carpenter, what did you say her name was again? Annabelle was it?

2: Annabelle is a cat, same as Mink.

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